
Caddisflies from Cenozoic resins of Europe
Ivanov V., Melnitsky S., Perkovsky E.
First Findings of Gall Midges (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea, Cecidomyiidae) of the Tribes Karshomyiini (Mexican Amber) and Bremiini (Dominican Amber)
Fedotova Z., Perkovsky E.
A New Species of the Genus Eldermyrmex Shattuck, 2011 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from Bitterfeld Amber (Late Eocene) with Species Key of the Genus
Dubovikoff D., Dlussky G., Perkovsky E., Abakumov E.
Mosses from Rovno Amber (Ukraine). 5. New Findings and Comparison of Mosses from Rovno and Baltic Amber
Ignatov M., Lamkowski P., Ignatova E., Kulikovskiy M., Mamontov Y., Vasilenko D.
First Record of the Late Eocene Ichneumon Fly Rasnitsynites tarsalis Kasparyan (Ichneumonidae, Townesitinae) in Ukraine Confirms Correlation of the Upper Eocene Lagerstätten
Tolkanitz V., Perkovsky E.
Two new genera of cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae: Amiseginae) from Rovno and Baltic ambers
Martynova K., Perkovsky E.
New taxa of soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) in Baltic and Rovno amber
Tshernyshev S.
A New Genus and Species of Lymexylidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) from Mid-Cretaceous Amber of Northern Myanmar
Xinyu Chen
New Records of Upper Eocene Chrysidoid Wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea) from Basins of Styr and Stokhod Rivers (Rovno Amber)
Martynova K., Perkovsky E., Olmi M., Vasilenko D.
A New Genus and Species of Scolytinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the Rovno Amber
Petrov A., Perkovsky E.
A new genus and species of gall midges of the supertribe Heteropezidi (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) found in Eocene amber from Sakhalin
Fedotova Z., Perkovsky E.
A new species of the genus Nalassus Mulsant (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Helopini) from the Baltic amber
Nabozhenko M., Perkovsky E., Chernei L.
First Record of Fungal Fruit Bodies on a Leaf from Late Eocene Rovno Amber (Ukraine)
Hayova V., Tykhonenko Y., Sukhomlyn M., Martynova K., Vasilenko D.
Ants of the Genus Fallomyrma Dlussky et Radchenko (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) from Late Eocene European Ambers
Radchenko A., Dlussky G.
Rovnodiplosis eduardi gen. et sp. nov., the first record of a fossil gall midge of the supertribe Mycodiplosidi (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea, Cecidomyiidae) in the Late Eocene of the Rovno amber
Perkovsky E., Fedotova Z.
The ant Aphaenogaster dlusskyana sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the Sakhalin amber—the earliest described species of an extant genus of Myrmicinae
Radchenko A., Perkovsky E.
A Summary of Recent Results in the Study of Taimyr Amber
Perkovsky E., Vasilenko D.
First gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyioidea) from Late Cretaceous amber of the Taimyr Peninsula
Fedotova Z., Perkovsky E.
On the taxonomic state of a digger wasp of the tribe Crabronini (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Crabroninae) from the Dominican amber
Antropov A.
New Species of Weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Dominican Amber
Legalov A.
On the Fauna of Bristletails (Zygentoma, Microcoryphia) of the Rovno Amber
Kaplin V., Perkovsky E.
The first record of Late Cretaceous blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Asia (Yantardakh, Taimyr)
Perkovsky E., Sukhomlin E.
New Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Rovno Amber
Legalov A., Nazarenko V., Perkovsky E.
New Species of Caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from V.A. Gusakov Collection
Melnitsky S., Ivanov V.
New tribe, genus, and species of paedogenetic gall midges (Diptera, Lestremiidae: Krassiloviolini trib. nov.) from the Late Cretaceous Taimyr amber
Fedotova Z., Perkovsky E.
1 - 25 的 39 信息 1 2 > >> 


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