
Revision of the Genus Pluristratoentactinia Nazarov in Nazarov et al., 1981 (Paleozoic Radiolarians)
Afanasieva M.
Revision of Cretaceous Radiolarians of the Family Hagiastridae from Lipman’s Collection
Vishnevskaya V.
Apophyses, verticiles, and denticles in skeletons of Late Paleozoic radiolarians of the subfamily Entactiniinae
Afanasieva M., Amon E.
Regularities in the Migration of Famennian Radiolarians in the Marine Basins of the Russian Platform
Afanasieva M.
Trend of changes in species diversity of Permian radiolarians of the genus Entactinia Foreman
Amon E., Afanasieva M.
Worldwide Distribution Patterns of the Planktonic Shelled Protists Radiolaria (Polycystina) and Foraminifera: Similarities and Contrasts
Demetrio Boltovskoy , Nancy Correa
Deviations in skeletons of radiolarians
Afanasieva M., Amon E.
New Taxa and New Middle Famennian Natgorella hirsuta–Spinoalius melekessensis Radiolarian Ecozone of the Volga–Ural Basin
Afanasieva M.
New radiolarian genera and species from the Lower Permian of the Southern Urals and Northern Mugodzhary
Afanasieva M., Amon E.
New Radiolaria Species from the Cenozoic Deposits on the Island Slope of the Kuril–Kamchatka Trench
Vasilenko L.
Milax vitukhini, a new radiolarian species from the Upper Jurassic of the Ust’-Belaya Mountains of the Koryak Upland
Palechek T., Moiseev A.
Biotic Crises and Giantism of Radiolarian Skeletons in the Late Paleozoic
Afanasieva M.
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