
A New Genus and Species of Scolytinae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the Rovno Amber
Petrov A., Perkovsky E.
On the taxonomic state of a digger wasp of the tribe Crabronini (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae, Crabroninae) from the Dominican amber
Antropov A.
A New Genus and Species of the Damselfly Family Hemiphlebiidae from the Lower Cretaceous Chernovskie Kopi Locality (Eastern Transbaikalia)
Felker A., Vasilenko D.
A new Paratethyan genus of the ostracod subfamily Loxoconchinae (Podocopida, Cytheroidea)
Schornikov E.
A New Genus and Species of Stromateoid Fishes (Perciformes, Stromateoidei) from the Lower Oligocene of the Northern Caucasus
Bannikov A.
Argutostrea gen. nov.: Questions of taxonomy and ethology of Middle–Late Jurassic epibiont oysters (Bivalvia, Ostreoidea)
Kosenko I., Seltser V.
Caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Upper Mesozoic Chernovskie Kopi Locality (Transbaikalia): Part 1. Imago
Sukacheva I., Vasilenko D.
The family Phryganeidae (Insecta, Trichoptera) from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic of Asia (with a brief worldwide overview of the fossil caddisfly fauna)
Sukatsheva I.
New Caddisflies of the Family Dysoneuridae (Insecta: Trichoptera) and Larval Cases (Incertae Familiae) from the Lower Cretaceous of Transbaikalia
Sukatsheva I., Vasilenko D.
New tribe, genus, and species of paedogenetic gall midges (Diptera, Lestremiidae: Krassiloviolini trib. nov.) from the Late Cretaceous Taimyr amber
Fedotova Z., Perkovsky E.
A new genus of seed beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) in Baltic amber
Legalov A.
A New Genus of Soldier Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cantharidae: Cantharinae) from Sakhalinian Amber
Kazantsev S., Perkovsky E.
New genus Ennoticus from the Upper Cretaceous of Taimyr (Coleoptera: Cryptophagidae)
Lyubarsky G., Perkovsky E.
A New Tribe, Genus and Four Species of Lace Bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Tingidae) from the Upper Cretaceous of Southwestern Kazakhstan
Popov Y., Golub V.
The first record of dicosmoecinae from the Cenozoic of the Russian Far East with a brief global overview of fossil Limnephilidae (Insecta: Trichoptera)
Sukatcheva I.
Orientosirenites, a New Ammonoid Genus (Sirenitidae; Ammonoidea) from the Upper Carnian of the Boreal Realm
Konstantinov A.
The first record of the subfamily Xenoscelinae (Coleoptera, Erotylidae) from the Baltic amber
Lyubarsky G., Perkovsky E., Alekseev V.
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