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卷 93, 编号 2 (2024)



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Planktonic Microbial Communities of Thermokarst Lakes of Central Yakutia Demonstrate a High Diversity of Uncultivated Prokaryotes with Uncharacterized Functions

Samylina O., Gabysheva O., Gabyshev V., Kadnikov V., Beletsky A., Kosyakova A., Kallistova A., Pimenov N.


Although thermokarst alas lakes of Central Yakutia are of great climatic and economic importance, there is currently virtually no information on microbial communities and microbial processes in these lakes. This paper characterizes the hydrochemical features and presents a primary analysis of the diversity of planktonic microbial communities in three alas lakes of Central Yakutia — Tyungulyu, Taby, and Kharyyalakh. It was shown that in terms of the water physicochemical composition, the studied lakes were quite typical for this region; they had increased alkalinity and trophicity, but differed from each other in microbiological indicators. Chemoheterotrophic prokaryotes predominated in the studied planktonic communities, but a significant proportion of the 16S rRNA gene sequences were most similar to uncultured microorganisms whose functional potential is still unknown.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):101-108
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Metagenomic Analysis of Bottom Sediments of the Karst Meromictic Lake Black Kichier Revealed Abundant Unculturable Thermoplasmatota

Kadnikov V., Savvichev A., Rusanov I., Beletskii A., Pimenov N.


Investigations into the microbial community of bottom sediments in the karst lake Black Kichier were conducted. These sediments exhibited elevated levels of sulfide, dissolved methane, and organic matter. Direct radiotracer experiments revealed substantial rates of microbial processes involved in the decomposition of organic matter. Uncultivated archaea belonging to the phylum Thermoplasmatota were identified within the microbial community. Metagenomic analysis unveiled representatives from five orders: Methanomassiliicoccales, Thermoprofundales (formerly known as Marine Benthic Group D and DHVEG-1), DTX01, SG8-5, and Candidatus Gimiplasmatales (formerly UBA10834). These archaea were previously believed to occur exclusively in deep marine sediments characterized by extreme organic matter scarcity. This discovery reshapes our understanding of the role played by Thermoplasmatota archaea, spanning five orders, in the degradation segment of the carbon cycle.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):109-114
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Single-Stage Bioconversion of Phytosterol into Testosterone by Recombinant Strains of Mycolicibacterium neoaurum

Tekucheva D., Karpov M., Fokina V., Timakova T., Shutov A., Donova M.


A plasmid containing the genes of a fungal 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, which catalyzes the reduction of the steroid core at the C17 position, and mycobacterial glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, which promotes the recycling of the essential coenzyme NAD(P)H, was constructed. Its constitutive expression in well-studied Mycolicibacterium neoaurum strains made it possible to increase significantly the yield of C-17 hydroxysteroids. In particular, recombinant strains created on the basis of M. neoaurum VKM Ac-1815D and M. neoaurum NRRL B-3805 ΔkstD exhibited predominant accumulation of testosterone, while the strain based on M. neoaurum VKM Ac-1816D accumulated dehydrotestosterone and testosterone simultaneously.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):115-121
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Production Potential of the Chernavka Salt River (Elton Region)

Kanapatskiy T., Samylina O., Golovatyuk L., Rusanov I., Zakharova E., Kevbrin V., Zinchenko T., Pimenov N.


Depending on the season, the primary production of planktonic communities determined by radiotracer analysis varied within a broad range, from 6 to 314 µg C/(L h). Primary production in cyanobacterial mats was 4.2‒10.9 × 103 µg C/(dm3 h), and Chl a content varied from 6‒13 to 132‒140 mg Chl a/m2. For the plankton, the highest values were revealed in summer (25‒46 mg Chl a/m3), with the maximum in August (223 mg Chl a/m3. High abundance of bacterioplankton (0.3‒7.4 × 106 cells/mL) and massive growth of diatoms (0.15 × 106 cells/mL) with predominance of the genus Chaetoceros were found. Sulfate reduction rates varied from 0.037 µmol S/(dm3 h) in the upper reach to 61.87 µmol S/(dm3 h) in the river mouth.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):122-127
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Biotechnological Potential of the Soil Microbiome

Manucharova N., Vlasova A., Kovalenko M., Ovchinnikova E., Babenko A., Teregulova G., Uvarov G., Stepanov A.


Molecular biological techniques and bioinformatic analysis were used to investigate the phylogenetic and functional diversity of the prokaryotic complex of soil microcosms. The dominant organisms of the hydrolytic community were different in the samples from different climatic zones. In the soils subject to anthropogenic or abiogenic load, apart from decreased diversity and abundance of prokaryotes, the number of the genes marking the ability to degrade xenobiotics, as well as those encoding nitrogen conversion and metabolism of vitamins and cofactors, was found to increase. Under heavy oil contamination, the bacterial community was capable of nitrification; its role increased in the lower horizons of the soil profile. The patterns revealed in the work indicate high metabolic potential of the prokaryotic component of the studied soils.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):128-132
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Identification of Electron Transfer in the System of Ferredoxins and Ferredoxin Reductases from Mycolicibacterium smegmatis

Epiktetov D., Karpov M., Donova M.


Steroid-26-monooxygenases belong to the cytochrome P450 superfamily and function as part of three-component systems together with ferredoxins and ferredoxin reductases providing electron transport. The P450-dependent redox partners of the actinobacterial strain Mycolicibacterium smegmatis mc2155 were investigated. The genes encoding mycolibacterial ferredoxins (FdxD and FdxE) and ferredoxin reductases (FdrA and FprA) were overexpressed in E. coli cells. A scheme for isolation and purification of synthesized recombinant proteins using affinity chromatography was developed, resulting in electrophoretically homogeneous preparations. Spectral analysis of ferredoxin reductase showed absorption peaks characteristic of FAD-containing proteins. The reaction of cytochrome c reduction using recombinant proteins was carried out, demonstrating that FdxD, FdxE, FdrA, and FprA can act as components of electron transport from the reducing equivalents of NAD(P)H.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):133-138
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Construction of Vectors for the Genome Editing of Saccharomyces Yeast Using CRISPR-Cas9 System

Matveenko A., Mikhailichenko A., Zhouravleva G.


New vectors for the yeast genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 were constructed. A system for cloning of new targets using the standard methods (PCR‒restriction‒ligation) was developed and successfully applied. The constructed vectors allowed us to obtain the sup35-25 mutants, deletion of the PSH1 gene and disruption of the NAM7 (UPF1). A convenient method for identifying plasmids with a new target was tested. A detailed description of the cloning technique used and selection of plasmids with the new targets is provided.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):139-144
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Rhodococcus qingshengii GlMm1 as the Basis of a Biosensor for Determination of the Fungicide Carbendazim

Kuvichkina T., Kaparullina E., Doronina N., Reshetilov A.


The possible application of Rhоdococcus qingshengii strain GlMm1, isolated from a Dead Sea clay sample, as the basis of a biosensor for determining the benzimidazole fungicide carbendazim was investigated. High sensitivity of the biosensor under neutral pH and up to 500 mM NaCl at 2 to 160 μM carbendazim was maintained for up to 30 days.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):145-148
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A New Haloalkaliphilic Member of the Genus Salisediminibacterium Capable of Efficient Chromate Oxidation

Ignatenko A., Khijniak T.


A new haloalkaliphilic member of the genus Salisediminibacterium (family Bacillaceae) with high chromate-reducing activity in a broad range of conditions was isolated. Reduction efficiency after 3 days was up to 99% at initial Cr(VI) concentrations 15 and 100 mg/L for mineral and organic media, respectively. Effect of organic matter on the rate of chromate reduction was shown. The isolate MB1000 differed from the presently described members of the genus Salisediminibacterium in its physiological characteristics.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):149-153
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Biofilms from the Kapova Cave Walls as a Source of Hydrolase Producers

Kurdy W., Yakovleva G., Ilyinskaya O.


The studies of bacterial communities from extreme econiches are presently aimed mainly at analyzing the biodiversity of microorganisms using molecular biology methods. Cultivated bacteria from karst caves represent a unique group of microorganisms, the biochemical potential of which has been poorly studied. In the present work, bacteria from biofilms on the walls of the Kapova Cave (Shulgan-Tash Nature Reserve, Bashkortostan) were isolated and characterized in order to assess the ability of identified isolates to produce extracellular hydrolytic enzymes. Most of the isolates (89%) were members of the phylum Proteobacteria, with the remaining ones belonging to the phyla Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes, which accounted for 5, 4, and 2% of the isolates, respectively. Strains with high levels of secreted protease, RNase, and amylase activity were identified as Stenotrophomonas rhizophila, Lysinibacillus fusiformis, and Pseudomonas stutzeri, respectively.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):154-158
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Biogeography of Planktonic and Benthic Bacterial Communities of Lake Khubsugul (Mongolia)

Belykh O., Krasnopeev A., Sorokovikova E., Potapov S., Jadambaa N., Belykh T., Tikhonova I.


The bacterioplankton of Lake Khubsugl (Hövsgöl) has significant differences from that of large ancient and oligotrophic water bodies. The greatest similarity was noted, however, between the microbiomes of Lake Khubsugul and Lake Baikal, the lakes located in the same rift zone and connected by the river system, which emphasizes the similarity of microbiomes at the regional level. In the global aspect, geographical zonation had the greatest reliable significance in the microbial community biogeography, while depth had the lowest. Trophic status of the lakes, as well as their ancient origin, did not affect the clustering of microbiomes, with the seasonal factor playing the major part at the local and regional levels.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):159-163
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Activity of East Siberian Trichoderma Isolates against Plant-pathogenic Microorganisms

Kuznetsova V., Matveeva E., Belovezhets L.


The genus Trichoderma comprised important antagonists of pathogenic fungi and can be used in agriculture to combat various plant diseases. In the course of the present work, two micromycete strains were isolated from wood cuts in Eastern Siberia, which were identified by morphological and molecular genetic characteristics as Trichoderma atroviride and Trichoderma harzianum. These Trichoderma strains efficiently inhibited the development of the pathogenic fungi studied (by up to 80%). The data presented in the paper indicate that Trichoderma atroviride and Trichoderma harzianum may be promising for further study of the means of biocontrol of plant diseases.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):164-167
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Bacterial Communities within the Freshwater Lymnaeid Snail Kamtschaticana kamtschatica (Middendorff, 1850) in Northeastern Siberia

Aksenov A., Kisil O., Chervochkina A., Khrebtova I., Mantsurova K., Bespalaya Y., Aksenova O.


This is the first report on microbial communities associated with the freshwater snail Kamtschaticana kamtschatica inhabiting diverse types of water basins in Eastern Siberia and the Russian Far East. Using metabarcoding data based on the 16S rRNA gene fragments, taxonomic profiling of bacterial communities associated with snails from three basins of the Magadan Oblast was carried out. Predominant phyla in the studied bacterial communities were Pseudomonadota, Bacillota, Cyanobacteriota, Actinomycetota, Verrucomicrobiota, Planctomycetota, and Bacteroidota. The highest alpha-diversity, according to the Chao1 index, was revealed in the mollusks from the Orotukan reservoir. The relative abundance of bacteria of the genera Snowella, Leptolyngbya, Nodosilinea, Arenimonas, and Polaromonas significantly distinguished the mollusks of this habitat from those of the other two. The greatest similarities in the composition of the microbiota in K. kamtschatica were found for the genus Pseudomonas, which was present in the majority of samples in the amount of more than 1% and was not found in the sediment samples. Obtained data on the diversity and composition of bacterial communities associated with lymnaeid snails are of fundamental importance for the ecology of freshwater mollusks.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):168-172
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Effect of O-Polysaccharide Modifications on Successful Plant Colonization by Bacteria

Burygin G., Khanina A., Filippova M.


O-polysaccharides of gram-negative bacteria are a highly variable component of the lipopolysaccharide molecules located at the cell wall surface and involved in microbial interaction with plant and animal cells. Activity of prophage genes often results in various non-stoichiometric modifications (methylation, acetylation, etc.) of glycans at bacterial cell surface. The share of modified O-polysaccharides increases during the stationary growth phase and results in increased hydrophobicity of microbial surface. Bacterial cells with different hydrophobicity showed difference in attachment to plant roots. Increased cell hydrophobicity index was found to result in a significant increase in the number of adsorbed microorganisms per unit root length. Thus, acetyl transferase and methyl transferase genes of viral origin may be indirectly involved in successful colonization of plant roots by rhizosphere bacteria.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):173-178
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The MAMP Peptide Patterns of Bacterial Flagellins and Their Interaction with Plant Receptors: Bioinformatic and Coevolutionary Aspects

Shchyogolev S., Burygin G., Krasova Y., Matora L.


Conservative motifs (peptide patterns) determining the elicitor properties of plant-pathogenic bacteria were revealed in amino acid sequences of the flagellins of phytopathogenic, associated, and root nodule microflora. In plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), analogs of one (flg22) out of two (flg22 and flgII-28) specific peptides, characterizing pathogens were revealed. Instead of glycine G18, characteristic of an elicitor, tyrosine Y18 was identified in flg22 analogs of most PGPR, which prevents actuation of the phytoimmunity mechanism against PGPR. Molecular docking with the AlphaFold software complex demonstrated reliability of the interaction between the plant receptor FLS2 and the canonical peptide flg22 and its analogs from a plant pathogen and an Azospirillum. However, in the case of the FLS3 plant receptor only its interactions with the canonical peptide flgII-28 and its analog from the plant pathogen were reliable.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):179-188
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Expression of the Curvularia sp. P450 Monooxygenase Gene in Escherichia coli and Confirmation of Its 7-Hydroxylation Function

Kollerov V., Tarlachkov S., Shutov A., Donova M.


The diversity and uniqueness of fungal cytochromes P450 (CYP), capable of catalyzing the regio- and stereospecific hydroxylation of steroids, makes them important for microbiological synthesis of valuable hydroxysteroids. In the present work, the function of recombinant fungal P450 monooxygenase (CYPI) of Curvularia sp. strain VKM F-3040, a promising biocatalyst of 7-hydroxylation of androstane steroids, was studied. RT-PCR amplification of cDNA of the candidate CYPI gene and of the gene of its natural redox partner (POR), their cloning and heterologous expression in the cells of E. coli BL 21 DE(3) was carried out. In vitro experiments showed the ability of the obtained recombinant monooxygenase to catalyze hydroxylation of dehydroepiandrosterone at positions 7α and 7β. Our results expand the knowledge about fungal steroid hydroxylases and open up the prospects for the synthesis of valuable 7-hydroxysteroids by using recombinant producers.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):189-192
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Effect of the PotN Protein on Activities of the GlnR and PotA Proteins in the Cells of Lentilactobacillus hilgardii

Iskhakova Z., Zhuravleva D., Kayumov A.


Bacterial PII-like proteins are global regulators of nitrogen and energy metabolism, which respond to nutrient availability by binding their partner proteins, thus modulating their activity. The PotN protein from Lentilactobacillus hilgardii, a member of the new family of PII-like proteins, is capable of competitive binding of ATP and ADP, thus regulating metabolism in response to the cell energy status. Thus, under ADP excess, PotN binds this nucleotide and interacts mostly with the PotA subunit of the polyamine АВС transporter, suppressing its ATPase activity. PotN also dissociates from the transcription factor GlnR, restoring its ability to bind DNA and modulate expression of the genes of the GlnR regulon. On the contrary, in the ATP state PotN dissociates from PotA and binds to the GlnR factor.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):193-197
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Specific Response of Bacterial Cells to β-Ionone

Sidorova D., Melkina O., Koksharova O., Vagner E., Khmel I., Plyuta V.


The biological activity and mechanisms of action of the unsaturated ketone β-ionone, a volatile compound of significantinterest for biotechnology, medicine, and agriculture, were studied. Using specific lux biosensors basedon Escherichia coli MG1655, we found that β-ionone causes oxidative stress in E. coli cells by inducing expression from the PkatG and Pdps promoters, but not from the PsoxS promoter. The effects of β-ionone on the heat shock induction (expression from the PibpA and PgrpE promoters) and on DNA damage (expression from the PcolD and PdinI promoters, SOS response) in E. coli cells were significantly weaker. β-Ionone did not cause oxidative stress in the cells of the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):198-202
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Effect of Treated Wastewater on the Distribution of Antyibiotic-Resistant Microorganisms in the Aquatic Environment

Izmalkova T., Sazonova O., Kosheleva I.


The effect of waste treatment plants in Pushchino, Russia on abundance of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms and determinants of multiple drug resistance in the Oka River water and sediments was investigated. Treated wastewater was found to contribute to contamination of the Oka surface water layer with aminoglycoside-resistant strains. The role of Pushchino waste treatment plants in the dissemination of multidrug-resistant strains and plasmids of the А/С incompatibility groups (IncA/C) was demonstrated. Waste treatment plants were shown to affect both the total abundance of eubacteria in sediments and to assect their composition, increasing the relative abundance of pseudomonads.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):203-207
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Influence of Bioaugmentation of Bacillus subtilis, B. amyloliquefaciens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the Efficiency of Food Waste Composting

Mironov V., Shchelushkina A., Ostrikova V., Klyukina A., Vanteeva A., Moldon I., Zhukov V., Kotova I., Nikolaev Y.


The use of inoculum containing autochthonous compost microorganisms Bacillus subtilis, B. amyloliquefaciens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa allowed to enhance biodegradation of food waste during composting. The survival of the introduced microorganisms was verified by classical microbiological and molecular biological methods. The introduction extended the high-temperature stage by 4 days, prevented acidification of the medium, increased organic matter degradation and moisture evaporation, resulting in a 51% reduction in waste weight in two weeks. Introduced P. aeruginosa appeared to play a key role in the initial stage and was not detected after increasing the temperature to 60C.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):208-212
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T4-Like Cyanophages of Lake Baikal: Genetic Diversity and Biogeography

Potapov S., Tikhonova I., Krechetova E., Belykh O.


The work deals with investigation of genetic diversity and biogeography of T4-like cyanophages from the shallow bay of the Posolsk Sor (Lake Baikal), based on analysis of the g20 marker gene. High diversity of g20 gene fragments and their uniqueness were revealed. The greatest similarity was noted with the previously obtained sequences from Lake Baikal and with those from freshwater ecosystems: oligotrophic Lake Green, Lake Round, oligomesotrophic Lake Ancy, and mesotrophic Lake Bourget. From the point of view of biogeography, it was determined that the phage sequences were similar to the previously obtained ones from different Lake Baikal ecotopes than to those from other ecosystems.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):213-216
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Fecal Microbiota of Transbaikal Camels (Camelus bactrianus) under Different Systems of Grazing Management

Lavrentyeva E., Banzaraktsaeva T., Tsyrenova D., Dambaev V., Begmatov S., Mardanov A., Barkhutova D.


Microbial diversity in the fecal samples of Bactrian camels in Transbaikalia under various grazing management (free grazing (group I), mixed (group II) and stall housing (group III)) was revealed using high-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene variable regions. The microbial community of the fecal microbiota was found to be diverse and to depend on the camel grazing management. The most common phyla of the camel fecal microbiota were Bacillota and Bacteroidota. The phylum Verrucomicrobiota was a codominant in the fecal microbiota of groups I and II of animals, and Actinomycetota, in the feces of camels of group III. Changes in the fecal microbiota structure and taxonomic diversity occurred as camel grazing management and feeding conditions changed. Free grazing resulted in high diversity of the prokaryotic community in the fecal microbiota. In addition, differences in taxonomic composition depending on sex were found, which were in the abundance of taxa rather than in their presence or absence. The results contribute to the current understanding of the fecal microbiota of camels under different management conditions and provide evidence of the influence of nutrition on the fecal microbiota under different management conditions. Our results may be useful for addressing the issues of reproduction and conservation of the Transbaikal camel (Camelus bactrianus).

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):217-222
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Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and Phosphatase-Active Bacteria in Lake Baikal Water Column and Major Tributaries

Suslova M., Podlesnaya G., Tomberg I., Sakirko M., Belykh O.


Phosphorus is one of the major biogenic elements. Its inflow facilitates eutrophication of lake water. In aquatic ecosystems, phosphorus is present mostly in organic compounds. Ability of aquatic microorganisms to assimilate phosphorus from organophosphorous compounds results from activity of alkaline phosphatases; activity of these enzymes may be an indicator of the state of the ecosystem, phosphate load, and water quality. In the present work, alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and abundance of phosphatase-active bacteria (PAB) in Lake Baikal pelagic zone and in the mouths of its major tributaries was studied. In the pelagic zone, APA and PAB abundance decreased with depth, indicating that the main processes of phosphate generation occurred in the trophic layer of the lake. In the main tributaries, both APA and PAB abundance were considerably higher than in the pelagic zone. These results indicate active biochemical processes of transformation of organophosphorous compounds occur in the estuarine zones of the rivers. The degradation processes result in regeneration of phosphates, which are completely incorporated in the biological turnover, providing for phytoplankton development.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):223-227
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Degradation of the Biofilms of Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria by the PAPC Serine protease from Aspergillus ochraceus

Baidamshina D., Rafia Nasr A., Komarevtsev S., Osmolovskii A., Miroshnikov K., Kayumov A., Trizna E.


Infections associated with biofilm formation by gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms cause difficulty in therapy and are prone to transition into chronic forms. Approaches to degradation of the biofilm matrix are therefore in demand. In the present work, recombinant recombinant PAPC serine protease from Aspergillus ochraceus caused the degradation of mature biofilms formed by a number of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria by 15‒20% at 50 µg/mL. At 100 µg/mL, the biomass of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa biofilms decreased by 50%. Thus, the PAPC may be a promising agent for biofilm removal and enhance the efficiency of antimicrobial therapy.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):228-233
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Role of Copper Ions in Resistance of Modern Polymer Composite Materials to Fungal Damage

Yakovleva G., Katsyuruba E., Fufygina E., Danilaev M., Ilyinskaya O.


Resistance of polymer composite materials to biodamage is one of the pressing problems of our time. Incorporation of Cu2O (I) in the composition of a polymer composite based on the ED-20 epoxy resin increases its biocidal properties. Under conditions of mineral and organic contamination, the area of the samples affected by micromycetes was found to decrease with increasing concentration of dispersed particles in the composite. The affected area of the samples filled with the particles encapsulated in polylactide was 1.5 times smaller than that of the composites filled with non-encapsulated particles. Сopper oxide had a toxic effect on the Aspergillus niger strain dominant on the surface of the samples, causing a decrease in the average radial growth rate on the Czapek-Dox agar medium and in the biomass weight concentration during the growth of micromycetes in a liquid medium compared to the variant without Cu2O.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):234-238
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Application of Flow Cytometry for Viability Assessment of Mutants for Translation Termination Factors in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Efremova E., Zemlyanko O., Zhouravleva G.


Nonsense mutations in the essential SUP45 and SUP35 genes, encoding translation termination factors, affect the viability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Flow cytometry revealed that the viability of mutants was 3.5‒4 times lower compared to the wild-type. Moreover, the mutants were found to have higher sensitivity to ultrasonic treatment.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):239-243
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Drug Resistance of Different Mycobacterium tuberculosis Genotypes in the Omsk Oblast, Russia

Vyazovaya A., Kostyukova I., Gerasimova A., Terentieva D., Pasechnik O., Mokrousov I.


A total of 397 Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated from newly diagnosed patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the Omsk region in 2019‒2020 were genotyped. The prevalence of strains of the Beijing genotype (70.8%) was established, in particular of two clusters of the modern sublineage — Central Asian/Russian (46.1%) and B0/W148 (19.1%). Strains of the ancient sublineage of the Beijing genotype were represented by clusters 1071-32 and 14717-15, totaling 4.8%. Compared with other genotypes, B0/W148 cluster and the ancient Beijing sublineage were associated with multidrug resistance (MDR): 93.4% and 94.7%, respectively (P < 0.0001). Among representatives of other genetic families (LAM, Ural, T, Haarlem), drug-sensitive strains predominated (75.0%). The circulation of MDR Beijing strains requires molecular epidemiological surveillance in view of their possible wider spread.

Microbiology. 2024;93(2):244-246
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