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Vol 125, No 2 (2024)

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Stress-dependent Magnetization Processes in Co based Amorphous Microwires

Evstigneeva S.A., Lutsenko O., Ganzhina T.Y., Miroshkina V.V., Yudanov N.A., Nemirovich M.A., Panina L.V.


Soft magnetic materials with high magnetic susceptibility are sensitive to changing magnetic fields and generate electrical voltage signals whose spectra contain higher harmonics. Magnetic susceptibility and saturation field are largely determined by magnetoelastic interactions in amorphous ferromagnets, respectively, the amplitudes of higher harmonics should depend on external mechanical stresses. In this work, we study the processes of magnetization reversal in amorphous microwires of two compositions: Co71Fe5B11Si10Cr3 and Co66.6Fe4.28B11.51Si14.48Ni1.44Mo1.69 under the action of external tensile stresses. For the first composition, mechanical stresses exceeding a certain limit (more than 350 MPa) lead to the transformation of the magnetic hysteresis from a bistable type to an inclined one. In this case, a sharp change of the harmonic spectrum is observed. In microwires of the second composition with an initially inclined loop, external stresses cause a monotonous increase in the slope of the hysteresis loop (a decrease in susceptibility). In this case, the amplitudes of higher harmonics change significantly at low stresses, less than 100 MPa. The results were obtained by remagnetization of microwire samples using a system of flat coils, which demonstrates the potential of using these materials as wireless sensors of mechanical stresses with remote reading.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):123-130
pages 123-130 views

Transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect enhancement in si–ni nanogratings by mie and surface lattice resonances

Mamian K.A., Frolov A.Y., Popov V.V., Fedyanin A.A.


We demonstrate experimentally that a one-dimensional array of silicon nanowires periodically placed on a nickel substrate enhances the transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (TMOKE) compared to a nickel film. The enhancement mechanism is associated with the excitation of two types of resonances: multipole Mie resonances in each nanowire and surface lattice resonances (SLRs) emerging from the periodic arrangement of the nanowires. The maximal TMOKE values reached up to 1.9 % and 2.6 % due to the excitation of SLR and a magnetic dipole resonance, respectively. When the SLR is excited, the spectral width of the TMOKE enhancement is narrower compared to the case of the magnetic dipole resonance.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):131-137
pages 131-137 views

Fabrication of submicron CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junction using a resistive mask HSQ/PMMA

Fedotov I.A., Pashen’kin I.Y., Skorokhodov E.V., Gusev N.S.


The technology of manufacturing magnetic tunnel junctions based on CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB layers with characteristic lateral dimensions from 200 to 700 nm using a combination of HSQ/PMMA electronic resistors has been developed. To study the processes of magnetization reversal in the obtained samples, measurements of magnetoresistance curves were carried out. It is shown that, depending on the structure of the magnetically sensitive layer and the geometric parameters of the TMR contacts, elements with both vortex and quasi-homogeneous distribution of the magnetization of the free layer are realized. At the same time, in the latter, the width of the magnetization reversal front is from 2 to 6 Oe.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):138-143
pages 138-143 views

Magnetization processes features in the tapes of cobalt-based amorphous alloy

Skulkina N.A., Nekrasov E.S., Eremin Y.D., Kuznetsov N.V.


Studies of the amorphous cobalt-based soft magnetic alloy AMAG-172 (Co–Ni–Fe–Cr–Mn–Si–B) from different manufacturers have shown that in the as-quenched state there is nonuniformity of the magnetic characteristics, and therefore the level of internal stresses across the width of the tape produced by MSTATOR (Borovichi) significantly lower. However, similar to the tape produced by NIIMET (Kaluga), there is nonuniformity of the tape in thickness, which contributes to the formation of a bimodal field dependence of magnetic permeability.This may be a consequence of the non-uniform concentration along the width of the tape of hydrogen and oxygen atoms embedded in its surface during interaction with atmospheric vapor and the presence of temperature gradients during the manufacturing process. A stepwise shape of the initial sections of the magnetization curves in the region of the first maximum of magnetic permeability was discovered. The abrupt nature of the magnetization processes in the region of weak fields allows us to conclude that in the samples of tape produced by MSTATOR, the formation of the first maximum of the field dependence is associated with an independent magnetization reversal of the surface layer, while the main layer of the tape participates in the formation of the second maximum. The smoothed shape of the stepped initial section of the magnetization curve of samples produced by NIIMET corresponds to the gradual involvement of the main layer of the tape in the processes of magnetization and remagnetization. A comparison of the hysteresis loops of both parts of the tape, measured in the same magnetic field region, shows that the field shift of the hysteresis loops is associated with the interlayer interaction of the surface and volume of the tape, and the formation of asymmetric hysteresis loops occurs with the participation of the second layer with its gradual involvement in the processes of magnetization and magnetization reversal.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):144-152
pages 144-152 views

Contact potential difference in the absence of current through the sample in the quantum hall effect regime in InGaAs/InAlAs heterostructure

Gudina S.V., Neverov V.N., Turutkin K.V., Vasil’evskii I.S., Vinichenko A.N.


The paper presents experimental results of the appearance of voltage at potential contacts in the absence of an external current through the sample in the plateau region of the quantum Hall effect in a heterostructure with an InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well. The occurrence of voltage is associated with the non-equivalence of edge current in potential contact areas in a magnetic field in a system with a two-dimensional electron gas.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):153-157
pages 153-157 views


Study of minor Sc and Zr additions effect on silicon rich Al–Mg–Si aluminum alloy microstructure during Sc multistage thermal treatment

Aryshenskii E.V., Lapshov М.А., Rasposienko D.Y., Konovalov S.V., Drits A.M., Makarov V.V.


The study addresses the effect of multistage thermal treatment on microstructure formation of Al–Mg–Si series alloy with scandium and zirconium additions in Mg/Si = 0.3 proportion. Basic alloy AlM–Si without Sc and Zr and them modification AlMg1SiZrSc were cast. AlMgSiScZr alloy multi-stage thermal treatment included the following 4 annealing stages –550 °C 8 h + 440 °C 8 h + 500 °C 0.5 h + 180 °C 5 h. For AlMg1Si alloy it was performed following 550 °C 8 h + 180 °C 5 h practice. AlMgSiScZr microstructure was examined using scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) microscopy both in as-cast state and after each stage of thermal treatment, for AlMg1Si – both in as-cast state and after final thermal treatment. Coarse intermetallic particles were examined using SEM, while fine particles were examined using TEM. Besides, microhardness values were measured after various thermal treatment stages. It was found out, that coarse intermetallic compounds of Fe2Mg7Si10Al18 type are formed in both alloys during as-cast structure cooling down with such compounds partial dissolution during further thermal treatment. At the same time particles, that can be attributed either to (AlSi)3ScZr or to AlSc2Si2τ-phase, occur in inter-grain boundary of alloys with scandium-zirconium additions. No traces of scandium solid solution discontinuous decomposition have been identified during ingot cooling down. Thermal treatment during 8 h at 550 °C 8 and 8 h at 440 °C results in formation of the phase, which can represent both AlSc2Si2 and Al5SiZr2. At the same time nanoparticles (AlSi)3ScZr do not form during this thermal treatment stage. Heating to 500 °C during 30 min interval allows complete dissolution of magnesium in supersaturated aluminum solid solution. During the final stage β’’ particles (Mg5Si6), representing the major type, form in both alloys; in these conditions scandium does not produce significant effect on their formation.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):158-171
pages 158-171 views

Capillary interaction of copper melt with dense and porous MAX phase (Cr, Mn)2AlC

Zhevnenko S.N., Gorshenkov M.V.


In the present work, we experimentally studied the interaction of a pure copper melt with a dense MAX-phase (Cr, Mn)2AlC after sintering by the electric pulse plasma method and a porous phase obtained by pressing at room temperature. The porous phase (20 % porosity) absorbs molten copper at temperatures above 1200 °C; the kinetics of absorption was directly measured using high-speed thermal and video cameras. The experiments were carried out in a vacuum of 10–3 Pa. Studies using scanning electron microscopy, EDX spectral analysis and X-ray diffraction have shown that a chemical interaction of the MAX-phase with a copper melt occurs with the formation of a solution of aluminum and chromium in copper and the decomposition of the MAX-phase to chromium carbides (stable or metastable). The dense, sintered sample also actively interacts with the melt, although the contact angles exceed 100°. The difference between porous and dense samples lies in the kinetics of interaction. The results were compared with experiments on wetting the Cr2AlC MAX-phase with a Cu (0.8 at.% Cr) melt conducted earlier. The described experimental conditions and the results of determining chemical and phase changes in the process of capillary interaction indicate the possibility of creating a composite material with a submicron structure of chromium carbide impregnated with aluminum bronze.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):172-182
pages 172-182 views

Decomposition features and mechanical properties of aging Ti49Ni51 alloy with shape memory effects subjected to heat treatment

Kuranova N.N., Makarov V.V., Pushin V.G.


The features of the microstructure of the Ti–51 at.%Ni shape memory alloy have been studied after aging at various temperatures. In combination with studies using optical and electron microscopy and X-ray analysis, mechanical properties were tested for tensile strength at room temperature. It has been established that the aged alloy is distinguished by a high level of mechanical properties (tensile strength up to 1200 MPa with a relative elongation of up to 35 %) due to highly dispersed homogeneous decomposition and the effect of simultaneous hardening and increased plasticity as a result of deformation-induced martensitic transformation.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):183-190
pages 183-190 views

Relaxation of the Excess Free Volume of the Phase Transformation at the Interphase Boundary between the Crystal and the Melt

Esin V.O.


The mechanism of relaxation of the excess free volume of phase transformation released in the region of local dilation at the interphase boundary (MFG) of a crystal with a melt is considered. The analysis of the structural state of the MFG and its effect on the mobility of the boundary under the conditions of pressure application during the growth of the crystal from the melt is carried out. An explanation is given of the extreme influence of pressure on the mobility of the MFG and the possibility of the state of abnormally high mobility of the boundary under conditions of the application of “optimal” pressure in magnitude (“super-mobility” of the MFG). Within the framework of the mechanism of viscous melt flow into the region of local dilation at the MFG, which occurs during crystallization, a quantitative agreement was obtained with the experimental value of the “optimal” pressure in terms of magnitude, which determines the extreme nature of the mobility of the crystal boundary with the melt.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):191-194
pages 191-194 views

Morphology of dissipative structures formed during the high-temperature synthesis of the MgB2 compound

Esin V.O.


The interaction of components during high-temperature annealing of compressed magnesium and boron powders in the technologies for obtaining the superconducting compound MgB2 in works using standard synthesis technology and hot gas-static pressing technology is considered. The effect of the kinetics of crystal growth and diffusion of components released at the interface on the morphology of dissipative structures formed during phase transformation is studied in a computer model of crystallization of a binary alloy. The conditions and mechanism of formation of “dendrite-like” and “layered” structures arising during crystallization of MgB2 from magnesium melt (Mg –%B) are analyzed. It is shown that the application of pressure during the synthesis of the compound makes it possible to control the morphology of the resulting dissipative structures that determine the degree of development of porosity and liquation heterogeneity of the composition in a massive superconductor.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):195-201
pages 195-201 views

Order-disorder phase transitions in Fe81Ga19-RE ALLOYS (RE = Dy, Er, Tb, Yb) according to neutron diffraction data

Balagurov A.M., Yerzhanov B., Мухаметулы Б., Samoylova N.Y., Palacheva V.V., Sumnikov S.V., Golovin I.S.


New data on the phase compositions and structural transformations in a number of Fe81Ga19 alloys doped with trace amount (≤ 0.2 at.%) of rare earth elements are presented. The data are obtained in neutron diffraction experiments performed with high resolution and in continuous temperature scanning mode when heated to 900 °C and subsequent cooling. It has been established that structural rearrangements proceed in a generally identical manner both in the original Fe81Ga19 alloy and in its doped analogues. Slow heating and subsequent cooling of the alloys (rate ±2 °C/min) leads to the formation of clusters of the D03 phase with sizes in the range (200–300) Å in the matrix of the disordered A2 phase. The sizes and volume fraction of clusters (~0.3 of the sample volume) weakly depend on the specific composition. The degree of ordering of the clusters atomic structure changes with temperature according to a second-order phase transition and is close to unity at room temperature. The search for structural ordering corresponding to the modified D03 phase, discovered in a number of electron diffraction studies, did not lead to a positive result.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):202-213
pages 202-213 views

Features of Phase Composition and Structure of Rapidly Quenched Ferromagnetic Mn–Al–Ga Alloy

Fortuna A.S., Morozova T.A., Karpenkov D.Y., Gorshenkov M.V.


Rapidly quenched Mn55Al36Ga9 ribbons were obtained by the spinning method. In the initial quenched state, the ribbons had a two-phase structure of the ε and γ2-phases. It has been established that, upon heating, the alloy undergoes a series of phase transformations, including the precipitation of the equilibrium β-Mn phase and its subsequent dissolution, the formation of the ferromagnetic τ-phase from both the ε and γ2-phases. The largest amount of the τ-phase was obtained by annealing at a temperature of 700 °C for 20 minutes. The work describes both the phase composition obtained as a result of annealing at different temperatures and the features of the microstructure studied by electron microscopy.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):214-220
pages 214-220 views

Influence of deformation and annealing on the structure, electrical resistance and hardness of the Al–4 %Cu–3 %Mn alloy casted in an electromagnetic crystallizer

Belov N.A., Cherkasov S.O., Korotkova N.O., Motkov M.M.


Using computational and experimental methods, the influence of deformation-heat treatment on the structure, electrical resistance and hardness of the Al–4 %Cu–3 %Mn alloy produced by casting in an electromagnetic crystallizer was studied. It has been shown that at a cooling rate of more than 1000 K/s, the entire amount of manganese and half of the total copper content are dissolved in the aluminum solid solution, which allows, with subsequent deformation-thermal treatment, to form a structure with the maximum possible number of Al20Cu2Mn3 dispersoids, which allows achieving significant increasing heat resistance compared to known alloys of the Al–Cu–Mn system.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):221-228
pages 221-228 views


Initiation of the Shape Memory Effect by Fast Neutron Irradiation

Bobrovskii V.I., Afanasyev S.V., Voronin V.I., Kazantsev V.A., Kataeva N.V., Parkhomenko V.D., Proskurnina N.V., Sagaradze V.V.


The band sample of austenitic steel 0.3C–13Cr–10Mn–3Si–1V was cold deformed to a shape of circular arc with a deflection of 3 mm and then irradiated by fast neutrons with a fluence of 6×1019 cm–2 in the vertical wet channel of the IVV-2M reactor at a temperature of 80 °C. This material belongs to the class of the stainless manganese austenitic steels with the shape memory effect (SME). The neutron irradiation was initially supposed to lower the SME upon the further heating in comparison with the reference sample. But instead, the SME appeared immediately under irradiation showing a decrease in the deflection of about 21 %. Check experiments confirmed that the lower limit of the SME in this material is 120 °C with its absence at 80 °C. This allows us to assert that the observed effect is the result of the neutron irradiation.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):229-235
pages 229-235 views

Investigation of the absorption properties of multilayer composites based on ABS-plastic with boron nitride

Kovalenko N.A., Tarnavich V.V., Chetverikov Y.O.


Modeling of absorption capabilities of different plastics, including those with different content of boron nitride for ABS-plastic was performed. Modeling was carried out using the PHITS software package. The paper compares the results of modeling the absorption capacity of plastic with experimental data. The case of practical application of ABS-plastic as neutron-absorbing shutters of a diaphragm is considered.

Fizika metallov i metallovedenie. 2024;125(2):236-242
pages 236-242 views

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