Influence of deformation and annealing on the structure, electrical resistance and hardness of the Al–4 %Cu–3 %Mn alloy casted in an electromagnetic crystallizer

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Using computational and experimental methods, the influence of deformation-heat treatment on the structure, electrical resistance and hardness of the Al–4 %Cu–3 %Mn alloy produced by casting in an electromagnetic crystallizer was studied. It has been shown that at a cooling rate of more than 1000 K/s, the entire amount of manganese and half of the total copper content are dissolved in the aluminum solid solution, which allows, with subsequent deformation-thermal treatment, to form a structure with the maximum possible number of Al20Cu2Mn3 dispersoids, which allows achieving significant increasing heat resistance compared to known alloys of the Al–Cu–Mn system.

About the authors

N. A. Belov

National Research Technological University MISiS


кафедра обработки металлов давлением

Russian Federation, Moscow, 119047

S. O. Cherkasov

National Research Technological University MISiS

Author for correspondence.

кафедра обработки металлов давлением

Russian Federation, Moscow, 119047

N. O. Korotkova

National Research Technological University MISiS


кафедра обработки металлов давлением

Russian Federation, Moscow, 119047

M. M. Motkov

Siberian Federal University


кафедра электротехники

Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk, 660041


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