
Conformational aspects in the formation of structures of the backbone of polypeptide chains in proteins. Relationship between conformational stability/lability and β-turns
Torshin Y., Filatov I., Batyanovskii A., Smirnov K., Anashkina A., Esipova N., Tumanyan V.
Structure of an ice-binding protein from myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus determined by molecular dynamics and based on circular dichroism spectra
Oleinik G., Zhdanova P., Koval V., Chernonosov A., Baranova S.
Influence of the microenvironment dynamics of tryptophan on its fluorescence parameters at different temperatures
Gorokhov V., Knox P., Korvatovsky B., Goryachev S., Paschenko V., Rubin A.
Relationship between Temperature in the Deep Layers of the Somatosensory Cortex and Blood Flow Velocity in the Brain of Anesthetized Mice
Romshin A., Osypov A., Krohaleva V., Zhuravlev S., Egorova O., Vlasov I., Popova I.
Supercomputer Simulation of Intramolecular Vibrations of Glycine, Diphenylalanine, and Tryptophan in Terahertz and Infrared Electric Fields
Baranov M., Karseeva E., Tsybin O.
Astaxanthin Prevents Dysregulation of Mitochondrial Dynamics in Rat Brain Mitochondria Induced under Isoproterenol-Induced Injury
Krestinin R., Baburina Y., Odinokova I., Sotnikova L., Krestinina О.
Conformational particularities of beta-amyloid peptide 25-35
Agaeva G., Najafova G.
Alanine: from the usual to the unexpected
Tumanyan V., Anashkina A., Filatov I., Smirnov K., Torshin I., Esipova N.
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