Author Details

Voronin, K. V.

Issue Section Title File
Vol 45, No 5 (1964) Articles About artificial induction of labor by the methods of M. Sharafutdinov and M. E. Barats PDF
Vol 45, No 6 (1964) Articles The value of cytological examination vaginal smears in obstetric practice PDF
Vol 47, No 1 (1966) Articles Induction of labor by intravenous oxytocin PDF
Vol 47, No 3 (1966) Articles Childbirth in a woman with a single kidney affected by hydronephrosis PDF
Vol 47, No 4 (1966) Articles Compression syndrome of the inferior vena cava in pregnant women PDF
Vol 47, No 4 (1966) Articles Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of prof. V. S. Gruzdeva PDF
Vol 45, No 3 (1964) Articles Clinical application of the uterine oxytocin sensitivity test PDF
Vol 48, No 1 (1967) Articles 1st congress of obstetricians-gynecologists of azerbaijan ssr PDF
Vol 48, No 2 (1967) Articles Postterm pregnancy PDF
Vol 48, No 3 (1967) Articles Delivery of Rh-isoimmunized women PDF
Vol 63, No 1 (1982) Articles Features of hemodynamics in various forms of late toxicosis of pregnant women PDF
Vol 60, No 6 (1979) Theoretical and clinical medicine Respiratory rehabilitation of newborns with continuous positive airway pressure PDF
Vol 49, No 1 (1968) Articles Malignant tumors of the ovaries PDF
Vol 53, No 2 (1972) Articles On determining the weight of the fetus in women in labor with a relative narrowing of the pelvis PDF
Vol 59, No 4 (1978) Articles Radioisotope renography in the obstetric and gynecological clinic PDF
Vol 55, No 1 (1974) Articles Kazan Medical Institute named after S. V. Kurashova - to the Kama auto giant PDF
Vol 46, No 4 (1965) Articles Management of pregnancy and childbirth in isoimmunized women PDF
Vol 55, No 5 (1974) Articles The use of viadril-G in women in labor with severe forms of late toxicosis of pregnant women PDF
Vol 55, No 6 (1974) Articles Peridural analgesia during labor PDF
Vol 46, No 5 (1965) Articles The use of pituitary drugs to induce labor PDF
Vol 46, No 6 (1965) Articles Changes in the placenta during post-term pregnancy PDF
Vol 50, No 1 (1969) Articles Modern methods of diagnosing ovarian cancer PDF
Vol 50, No 2 (1969) Short articles About the treatment of cervical dystocia PDF
Vol 64, No 3 (1983) Theoretical and clinical medicine Diagnosis of subclinical vascular disorders and prevention of late toxicosis of pregnant women PDF
Vol 68, No 5 (1987) Articles Psychophysiological Characteristics of Pregnant Women at Risk of Gestosis PDF
Vol 70, No 4 (1989) Articles Pathogenetic prerequisites for prescribing antioxidants to pregnant women with diabetes mellitus PDF
Vol 50, No 5 (1969) Innovation proposals External hysterography with a Lorand tokograph PDF
Vol 50, No 6 (1969) Innovation proposals On the use of restorative indicators for the detection of cancer of the female genital organs PDF

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