Vol 40, No 2 (2023)

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Original studies

Correlation between type 2 diabetes mellitus and pancreatic steatosis

Tanaeva T.A., Ivanov L.A.


Objective. To study the features of endocrine function in non-alcoholic fatty disease of the pancreas in patients with chronic pancreatitis in remission.

Materials and methods. There were examined 62 patients with chronic pancreatitis without exacerbation, who were admitted to the day hospital department of the City Clinical Hospital № 9 (Izhevsk). The data of laboratory and instrumental research methods, the features of the pancreatic endocrine function in patients with chronic pancreatitis, accompanied by fatty degeneration of the organ were analyzed.

Results. Pancreatic steatosis was detected in 80.8 % of cases in patients with chronic pancreatitis in remission with metabolically complicated obesity. Violation of endocrine function was diagnosed in 19.3 % of cases. In the presence of insulin resistance, 6 (16.7 %) of the examined patients were diagnosed type 2 diabetes for the first time. At high insulin levels, 4 (6.5 %) patients had no changes in the indicators of fasting sugar.

Conclusions. All patients with increased insulin resistance and metabolically complicated obesity require a comprehensive clinical and laboratory-instrumental study for the early detection of non-alcoholic fatty pancreatic disease. When establishing the signs of fatty degeneration of the pancreas, dispensary observation as well as prophylactic and therapeutic measures are necessary to prevent the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):5-10
pages 5-10 views

Analysis of association between vitamin D metabolite concentration in blood plasma and pancreatic cancer. Experience of one center

Moiseenko V.E., Popov S.A., Pavlovsky A.V., Udovichenko E.S., Granov D.A.


Introduction. An early detection of malignant neoplasms is of great practical importance for improvement of treatment results.

Objective. To analyze the levels of dehydrocholecalciferol in patients with different forms of malignant neoplasms of the pancreas and chronic pancrestitis.

Materials and methods. The cohort study enclosed the data from 160 patients, who were examined and treated in the Academician A.M. Granov Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies for the period from 2018 to 2022. The main group included 89 patients with morphologically confirmed diagnosis of the pancreatic cancer without metastases. The control group included 71 patient with the confirmed diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis. Vitamin D concentration was controlled prior to treatment.

Results. The size of the tumor node with the location of pathological process in the head of the pancreas varied from 2.1 to 6.3 cm. In the subgroup of patients with tumor lesion of the head of the pancreas, decompression of biliary ducts due to mechanical jaundice was implemented in 43 (82.6 %) persons. When comparing the indicators of 25(ОН)D concentration, in 36 (69.2 %) patients of the main group, different degrees of fall of vitamin D concentration in blood plasma were found. Most often a pronounced deficit of vitamin D was diagnosed in patients with the tumor localized in the head of the pancreas (8 (15.9 % patients). Out of 37 patients with localization of the tumor node in the body/tail, 25 (67.5 %) persons demonstrated normal values of blood plasma vitamin D and 12 (13.4 %) – different degrees of decrease in vitamin D concentration. A marked deficit of vitamin D was diagnosed in 2 (16.6 %) patients, deficit of vitamin D – in 7 (58.3 %), insufficiency – in 3 (25 %). In the control group, decrease in vitamin D level was determine in 12 (16.9 %) patients. An apparent deficit of vitamin D was diagnosed in 3 (4.2 %) patients, deficit of vitamin D– in 4 (5.6 %), and insufficiency of vitamin D – in 7 (9.8 %); normal values were registered in 57 (80.2 %) persons.

Conclusions. Taking into account the obtained data regarding a reliable association between the deficit and insufficiency of vitamin D and the cancer of the head of the pancreas as well as literature data, it is worthwhile to use this indicator as a marker of early detection of pancreatic cancer in risk group patients.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):11-21
pages 11-21 views

Experience of following up couples affected by hiv and planning pregnancy with use of assisted reproductive technologies in sverdlovsk region

Posokhova L.A., Rosyuk E.A., Shtanova A.A.


Objective. To analyze the structure of discordant (DC) and concordant (CC) pairs and outcomes of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) without taking into account the correlation of antiretroviral therapy in the Regional Center for AIDS during 2021.

Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of medical records of 210 couples who were consulted at the State Healthcare Institution "RC AIDS" was conducted in order to obtain a conclusion from the medical commission on the possibility of carrying out the ART procedure. The following data were analyzed: channel of infection in men and women, age composition, stage of HIV infection, duration of ART use, ART outcomes.

Results. The procedures using ART are carried out in the same percentage as both DC and CC pairs. The outcomes of the ART procedure in PrEP: 2 women (6.9 %) had miscarriage,4 (13.8 %) – regression of pregnancy,23 (79.3 %) – childbirth; in CC – 1 woman (7.7 %) had miscarriage, in the remaining 12 (92.3 %) the procedure was completed with childbirth.

Conclusions. As a result of implementing the procedure with ART,35 children were born, not a single case of HIV infection in children was registered.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):22-28
pages 22-28 views

Clinical characteristics of intestinal mixed infections

Cherenova L.P., Zakayev K.Y., Matsui A.V., Cherenova V.K.


Objective. To study the features of the clinical picture of mixed intestinal infections in patients treated at the Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital named after A.M. Nichoga in the period from 2017 to 2021.

Materials and methods. The clinical picture was studied in 55 patients with mixed intestinal infection who were treated at the Regional Infectious Hospital named after A.M. Nichoga (Astrakhan).

Results. Mixed intestinal infections in most cases were registered in the summer-autumn period (51 % –92.7 %) in the form of sporadic morbidity. Epidemiological anamnesis data show that the majority of patients drank unboiled water, swam in the river, where they accidentally swallowed water, consumed food products of questionable quality, chicken meat, eggs insufficiently heat-treated, unwashed vegetables and fruit. Four patients arrived in Astrakhan from amoebiasis-endemic regions (Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Egypt); 51 patients (92.7 %) had a moderate form of the disease,4 patients (7.3 %) – a severe form. The clinical picture of mixed intestinal inflections was characterized by the symptoms of shigellosis and salmonellosis.

Two patients, diagnosed shigellosis + amoebiasis had manifestations of ulcerative colitis complicated by intestinal bleeding; 2 patients, diagnosed salmonellosis + amoebiasis, developed dehydration shock. The treatment of patients with a severe form was carried out in the Intensive Care Unit and Resuscitation Unit of the Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital.

Conclusions. The clinical picture of mixed bacterial intestinal infections and intestinal amoebiasis is mainly determined by the symptoms of shigellosis and salmonellosis and is manifested by the phenomena of intoxication, dehydration and the development of colitic and gastroenterocolitic syndromes.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):29-38
pages 29-38 views

Self-assessment of health status in patients with complicated type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of quality of life components

Demicheva T.P., Smirnova E.N.


Objective. To identify the characteristics of the subjective health status in patients with complicated type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) based on the survey data.

Materials and methods. 387 women with type 2 DM having microvascular complications were examined; the control group – patients without DM (118 persons).

Results. The study showed that for women with complicated type 2 diabetes, physical activity restrictions were more significant than mental ones. They were 18 times more likely (95 % CI [3.25; 99.65], p < 0.05) to have physical problems than mental health problems. Subjective assessment of deterioration in physical condition depended on the duration of the disease, and not on age. There was no relationship between the components of the quality of life and indicators of carbohydrate metabolism, body mass index, waist circumference. Patients with type 2 DM are worse adapted in the society, there is observed a reduced level of "social activity" (58.1±1.8 versus 63.2±2.3; p=0.05, respectively).

Conclusions. The low quality of life, from the point of view of patients with complicated type 2 diabetes, is associated with physical and mental components. Limited physical activity in comparison with mental is more significant for patients. The lack of relationship between the quality of life indicators and objective data makes it possible to assert that their improvement does not influence the subjective assessment of a patient that is important for physicians to consider.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Review of literature

Historical review of development of indirect methods of myocardial revascularization

Zaporozhan N.M., Sapegina F.Z., Karasov I.A.


The article presents a historical review. For several decades, the diseases of the circulatory system have remained one of the most pressing problems of mankind. However, in the recent years there has been a tendency to decrease in mortality from cardiovascular pathologies including coronary heart disease. At the dawn of the study of coronary artery disease, the problem of surgical treatment of coronary artery pathology looked practically unsolvable: there was no knowledge of pathophysiology, no microsurgical instruments, and artificial circulation apparatus. Among other things, the stereotype of the "inviolability" of the heart muscle firmly entrenched in the minds of operating surgeons. A safe operation on a human heart was only a dream and the object of ridicule among most surgeons of the XIX – early XX centuries. The article describes the history of the study of angina pectoris and indirect methods of myocardial revascularization. The first operations were aimed at eliminating pain syndrome and inducing angiogenesis, creating neocollaterals from blood vessel-rich organs and tissues to improve regional myocardial perfusion. Exactly these surgical techniques have become a "bridge" from the tactics of exclusively conservative management of heart pathologies to modern cardiac surgery.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):46-55
pages 46-55 views

The complement system and endometriosis: what's new?

Chizhova A.V., Mangileva Y.A., Kudryavtseva E.V.


The objective of this literature review was to reveal new noninvasive markers of the complement system for improvement of endometriosis (EM) diagnostics. To analyze scientific literature, the international database was used.

Among women with EM, a significant increase in the blood serum С1, С1-INH, C3c and С4 levels and elevated concentrations in the peritoneal fluid was observed. However, iC3b level in EM women was significantly lower in the peritoneal fluid and blood serum compared with healthy women. The levels of C4A/B gene expression were higher in the ectopic tissues than in the eutopic endometrium. The membrane attack complex (MAC) concentration was higher in the peritoneal fluid and blood serum among women with disseminated stage of EM compared to the control group. In women with EM, an increased level of mannose-binding lectin (MBL) in the peritoneal fluid was noted; a higher concentration was observed at the early stage of EM (stages I and II AFS) in comparison with the disseminated one (stages III and IV AFS). The development of new and improvement of the existing noninvasive markers of the complement system can be perspective for noninvasive diagnostics of EM and determination of the degree of its severity.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):56-64
pages 56-64 views

Methods of diagnosis and technologies

Associations between indicators of new semi-quantitative express-test for procalcitonin and indicators of saturation in patients with community-acquired pneumonia

Tsygankova O.V., Bairamova S.S., Nikolaev K.Y.


Objective. To evaluate the associations between the indicators of a new semi-quantitative express-test for procalcitonin and saturation levels in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia.

Due to a high rate of growth of the incidence of severe community-acquired pneumonia, which leads to disability of the working population and claims thousands of lives, there is a need for early verification of the severity degree and a timely initiation of treatment. Traditional clinical, radiologic, laboratory and bacteriological criteria for inflammatory reactions (fever, increased pulmonary infiltration and leukocytosis, detection of potential pathogens in sputum or hemocultures) are not specific for pneumonia. Similar clinical and radiologic manifestations can also be noted in other pathological conditions, for example, in atelectasis of the lung, lung infarction, congestive heart failure, as well as acute respiratory distress syndrome. In this regard, the study of new diagnostic markers of community-acquired pneumonia is an actual direction in modern therapeutic diagnostics. Being a fast and highly sensitive method, the express test for procalcitonin can be a valuable predictive marker for the severe course of community-acquired pneumonia. Of interest is the relationship of procalcitonin with an indicator reflecting the presence of respiratory failure – the level of saturation.

Materials and methods. A single-stage comparative study involved 123 patients admitted to the hospital with a confirmed diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia. On the first day after admission to the hospital, all patients underwent a general clinical examination, an overview X-ray of the chest organs, and determination of the plasma procalcitonin level using a semi-quantitative express-test as well as the saturation level. According to the results of the examination, the patients were divided into two groups: patients with saturation < 94 % (n=43), and patients with saturation ≥ 94 % (n=80). The group of patients with saturation values < 94 % consisted of 23 (53.5 %) women and 20 (46.5 %) men. The group of patients with saturation values ≥ 94 % consisted of 42 (52.5 %) women and 38 (47.5 %) men. The mean age of the patients was 56.7±19.1 and 45.6±20.7 (M±SD) years, respectively, p=0.005. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using the SPSS 13.0 software package.

Results. Patients with low saturation values (< 94 %) had higher heart rate (p=0.001) and respiratory rate (p=0.001), and the levels of erythrocytes (p=0.001), hemoglobin (p=0.003) and albumin (p=0.001) were significantly lower than in patients with higher saturation levels ≥ 94 %. For patients with signs of respiratory failure and saturation indices < 94 %, a more pronounced increase in the level of express-test for procalcitonin was characteristic (p=0.001). According to regression analysis, the express-test for procalcitonin ≥ 2 ng/ml by 13.8 % (CI 1.5–131.3), age by 3 %, and heart rate by 11 % increase the risk of low saturation in patients with community-acquired pneumonia.

Conclusion. Low values of blood oxygen saturation < 94 % in hospitalized patients with community-acquired pneumonia are directly associated with high values of the new semi-quantitative express-test for procalcitonin (more than 2 ng/ml), that can be used for individual risk stratification.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):65-77
pages 65-77 views

On applying “economical technologies” in children’s polyclinic

Kochergina E.A., Trefilov R.N., Shinkarik I.G., Minaeva N.V.


Objective. To analyze the work of children’s polyclinic within the framework of the projects “Economical Production”. An active prevalence and introduction of “economical production” concerns different spheres of human productive activities including office processes, service, management, social sphere and healthcare service.

Materials and methods. The project “Organization of entering stream of patients, visiting a district pediatrician at reception days for conditionally ill children” was realized as the first one aimed at improvement of work of children’s polyclinic.

Results. In April 2017, “economical technologies” in the sphere of community health protection were introduced in Perm Krai to improve the most problematic processes in the activity of polyclinics. “Economic technologies” help to raise the availability, quality and safety of medical care at the expense of creating optimal logistics of patients’ streams, organization of ergonomics of working space, effective use of medical technique and equipment. An important element of success regarding the “economical production” is involvement of workers in improvement of processes as well as devotion of the head of organization to design work. It was shown at the example of children’s polyclinic how the improvement projects were realized; the standards of the improved processes of other medical institutions were introduced.

Conclusions. One of improvement projects, its stages and the list of countermeasures for elimination of the causes of the revealed problems is described in details; the results of the other realized projects are presented. The major part of solutions regarding the improvement within the framework of “economical production” in the sphere of public healthcare are organizational and do not require additional material costs.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Preventive and social medicine

The importance of the regularity of preventive examinations in the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer

Statnykh N.V., Padrul M.M., Kobaidze E.G., Galanova V.Y.


Objective. To show the importance of regularity of preventive examinations in early diagnostics of ovarian cancer. Malignant ovarian tumors occupy the third place in the frequency of occurrence among the gynecological tumors after cancer of the uterine body and cervix but they leave them behind with regard to the mortality rate. Detection of the disease at late stages leads to only 17 % five-year survival rate in Europe and Russia.

Materials and methods. A prospective study was conducted on the basis of the Gynecological Unit of Perm Regional Oncological Dispensary. It enclosed 50 patients aged 45 to 77 years, operated for ovarian cancer with various stages of the disease. The following methods were used: collection of complaints and anamnesis, study of outpatient cards and medical histories, assessment of morphological conclusions.

Results. According to the anamnesis, all patients represented a risk group for ovarian cancer. The annual gynecological preventive examination was carried out in 40 % of patients, ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs was performed in 28 % of cases. The smallest group,10 % of patients, was a group of patients with stage I of the disease and asymptomatic course of pathology, who underwent preventive examinations and ultrasound in 100 % of cases. The largest number of patients had stage III – 40 %, annual preventive examinations were carried out in 20 % of women of this group without ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. In 64 % of cases, a late examination by a doctor was detected – a year or more after the symptoms of the disease occurred. Patients with stages III and IV of the disease were postmenopausal, were unemployed and lived in rural areas.

Conclusions. The absence of symptoms at an early stage of ovarian cancer and late onset of treatment with the complaints available actualizes the need for annual preventive gynecological examinations with mandatory ultrasound verification of the diagnosis to identify the disease in time.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):83-91
pages 83-91 views

Assessment of risk factors for COVID-19 spread by staff in intensive care units of a multidisciplinary hospital

Russkih A.A., Luk'janenko N.V., Luk'janenko N.J., Petrova A.A.


Objective. To evaluate the risk factors for COVID-19 spreading by personnel of resuscitation units of a multifield hospital.

Materials and Methods. The study included epidemiological, statistical, and mathematical research methods with retrospective analysis of COVID-19 morbidity and COVID-19 preventive measures in resuscitation units of a multifield hospital.

Results. The results of the study indicated the highest incidence of COVID-19 among medical personnel in the cardiac surgery and neuroresuscitation units with the highest rates among physicians (66.6 and 45.5 %). The determining risk factors for infection with COVID-19 and other pathogens of acute respiratory diseases among medical personnel were the following: admission of patients in urgent condition to the department without examination results; high load for doctors working with patients, determining the excessive use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by two, four times; violation of rules for PPE removal and utilization conditions, improper storage and contamination of clean PPE, low proportion of PPE use in the interepidemic period; procedures associated with formation of aerosol, airtightness failure during mask ventilation in 24 % of patients that led to leakage of aerosol into the environment, insufficient coverage of medical personnel with preventive vaccination against COVID-19 in some units.

Conclusions. The high incidence of COVID-19 among medical personnel and workload, violations of PPE usage, and procedures with aerosol formation specific for resuscitation units – all these things determine the increased risk of COVID-19 spread by medical staff in resuscitation units.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):92-99
pages 92-99 views

On applying “economical technologies” in children’s polyclinic

Kochergina E.A., Trefilov R.N., Shinkarik I.G., Minaeva N.V.


Objective. To analyze the work of children’s polyclinic within the framework of the projects “Economical Production”. An active prevalence and introduction of “economical production” concerns different spheres of human productive activities including office processes, service, management, social sphere and healthcare service.

Materials and methods. The project “Organization of entering stream of patients, visiting a district pediatrician at reception days for conditionally ill children” was realized as the first one aimed at improvement of work of children’s polyclinic.

Results. In April 2017, “economical technologies” in the sphere of community health protection were introduced in Perm Krai to improve the most problematic processes in the activity of polyclinics. “Economic technologies” help to raise the availability, quality and safety of medical care at the expense of creating optimal logistics of patients’ streams, organization of ergonomics of working space, effective use of medical technique and equipment. An important element of success regarding the “economical production” is involvement of workers in improvement of processes as well as devotion of the head of organization to design work. It was shown at the example of children’s polyclinic how the improvement projects were realized; the standards of the improved processes of other medical institutions were introduced.

Conclusions. One of improvement projects, its stages and the list of countermeasures for elimination of the causes of the revealed problems is described in details; the results of the other realized projects are presented. The major part of solutions regarding the improvement within the framework of “economical production” in the sphere of public healthcare are organizational and do not require additional material costs.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):100-107
pages 100-107 views

Clinical case

A clinical case of familial cutaneous amyloidosis

Kobernik M.Y., Elkin V.D., Denisova D.M.


Amyloidosis is a rare metabolic disease associated with the formation of an abnormal amyloid protein and has a complex mechanism of development in which hereditary, endocrine, enzyme and immune factors are involved. There are several types of amyloid, the main of which are AL – a derivative of the light chains of immunoglobulins, AA – a derivative of the acute phase of protein α-globulin and amyloid associated with keratin – AK. Amyloidosis can be systemic, with damage to various organs and tissues and localized (local). With localized amyloidosis of the skin, amyloid AK is mainly determined, with a nodular plaque variant – amyloid AK and AL. Amyloidosis of the skin mainly has a benign course, however, in 5–10 % of patients with a nodular–plaque variant of cutaneous amyloidosis, in the future amyloid changes in internal organs are formed, therefore this variant is potentially systemic.

A clinical case of familial cutaneous amyloidosis in a mother and a daughter is described. The disease began in the mother at the age of 58, in the daughter at 37 years old without any obvious reasons. In the mother, the cutaneous pathological process had a more pronounced character with the formation of multiple dense brownish-brown nodes in the hips and shins,1,5–2,0 cm in diameter, merging into large bumpy plaques with excoriations, serous-hemorrhagic crusts and small-plate peeling on the surface. In the daughter, single nodes with a diameter of 1,0–1,5 cm, with clear boundaries, without a tendency to merge, were observed on the back surface of the shins.

Histological and ultrasonic examination was used to confirm the diagnosis. Despite the fact that amyloidosis is difficult to treat, a positive dynamics resulting from the therapy was noted quite quickly in both women. Given the fact that nodular plaque amyloidosis of the skin may precede the systemic amyloidosis, both women need to undergo a follow-up observation from a therapist to monitor the general condition and a timely detection and correction of internal organ damage.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):108-117
pages 108-117 views

A Complex clinical case of severe traumatic limb injury in a young patient with positive dynamics

Emelyanova A.M.


A retrospective analysis of a clinical case of the patient receiving treatment at the First Republican Clinical Hospital (Izhevsk) was carried out. In Udmurt Republic, there is an acute problem of traumatization of the population caused by road accidents. In the article, there is presented the case of treatment of the concomitant automobile injury. As a result of complex therapy (disintoxication, antibacterial, symptomatic, cytokine therapy) of this traumatic disease, a local preparation of wounds and autodermoplasty, we managed to reach a positive outcome of hospitalization – discharge from the hospital with the preserved low extremity.

The analyzed clinical case showed that a timely applied complex therapy had a favourable effect on the patient’s health status and treatment. Already on the day 23 from the moment of being injured, the patient was prepared to plastic closing of skin defects, and epithelization of wounds occurred on the day 7 after the autodermoplasty made. The period of wound healing was reduced when including cytokine in the systemic therapy.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):118-122
pages 118-122 views

Experience of personalized management of patients with breast cancer associated with pregnancy

Oboskalova T.A., Koval M.V., Sevostyanova O.Y., Magdalynova M.I., Fazylova A.V.


The clinical case of a patient with pregnancy-associated breast cancer observed in Sverdlovsk Regional Oncological Dispensary was analyzed. The information obtained from the electronic map of obstetric database and the medical history of oncological dispensary regarding the results of clinical examination as well as the data of instrumental and laboratory research were used. The tactics of managing this patient was discussed at the Regional Obstetric and Interdisciplinary Consultation with the participation of oncologists; a compromise concept was chosen, which implies surgical treatment of malignant neoplasms followed by chemotherapy during pregnancy and early delivery at the term when a child is viable– 34 weeks of pregnancy. At present, preference is given to personalized tactics of pregnancy management and treatment of pregnancy-associated breast cancer using an interdisciplinary approach with the participation of medical specialists: obstetrician-gynecologist, oncologist-surgeon, oncologist-chemotherapist, radiotherapist, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, neonatologist, pathologist. The described clinical case demonstrates successful implementation of this approach, as evidenced by the favourable outcome of childbirth as well as the absence of recurrence and progression of the tumor process in dynamics.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):123-130
pages 123-130 views

Surgical treatment of gastric antral vascular ectasia. Clinical case

Repin M.V., Trushnikov D.V., Lobanov D.A., Davydova E.V.


A clinical case of a 67-year-old patient suffering from severe iron deficiency anemia, caused by gastric antral vascular ectasia (GAVE), is described. This type of gastric angiodysplasia is characterized by a distinct endoscopic picture and is a rare cause of gastric bleeding. Endoscopic hemostasis is considered the main method of treatment, however, after argon plasma coagulation (APC), in our case, anemia recurred, and required repeated hospitalization and blood transfusion. Indications for surgical treatment were established, and Billroth I antrumectomy proved to be effective in refractory GAVE.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):131-137
pages 131-137 views

Biology and experimental medicine

Antitumor activity of solution of natural substance G-01 at the example of sarcoma M-1 without adjuvant available.

Mirsaeva F.Z., Garaishin R.M., Kzyrgalin S.R., Kitapova R.R., Kostromina D.A., Garaishina D.R., Zaleev T.R.


Objective. To study the properties of the solution G-01 in a single injection while changing the concentration of the solution.

Materials and methods. The monosaccharide hexose was used as a means of exposing animals. Working code: G-01. The animals were divided into 5 groups: group 1– 10 rats (who received a 10 % solution of G-01 sc, once), group 2 – 10 rats (who received a 15 % solution of G-01 sc, once), group 3 – 10 rats (who received a 20 % solution of G-01 sc, once), group 4 – 10 rats (who received a 25 % solution of G-01 sc, once), group 5 – 10 rats (control group – did not receive G-01 solutions in various concentrations).

Results. During the observation of animals, after transplanting a suspension of tumor cells, the growth of a solid tumor was detected in 100 % of cases in rats of the control group. In the experimental groups, in which 10 % and 25 % G-01 solution was used, the growth of solid tumors was also detected. Moreover, the growth rate and volume of tumors, visually, did not differ in the groups. In rats, who received a 15 % solution of G-01, a tumor developed in 3 out of 10 rats. In rats, who received a 20 % solution of G-01 – in 2 out of 10 rats.

Conclusions. The results of the work carried out prove that the substance of natural origin G-01 is a generator of adaptive immunity for the prevention of the development of the tumor process. In case of the development of the disease, it allows to achieve a tumor regression without the development of serious adverse events affecting the quality of life of animals, that is the main goal of antitumor treatment or prevention of any oncological disease.

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):138-143
pages 138-143 views


Irina Petrovna Koryukina – a physician, teacher, scientist, talented organizer: to the 70-th anniversary of her birth (1953–2020)

Telegina K.I., Utochkin Y.A., Milutina T.Y., Chukhlantseva K.A.


Koryukina Irina Petrovna was a doctor, teacher, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation and a talented leader. She was born in the family of a doctor. Her childhood, youth and professional activity are connected with our city – Perm. Having graduated from the Medical Faculty of Perm State Medical Institute (now Perm State Medical University) with honors degree in 1976, she continued her training in the residency (1976–1978), and then in the postgraduate courses (1978–1981) at the Department of the Faculty of Pediatrics. Afterwards, she became the assistant of the department (1981), defended her Candidate's thesis (1982). During the period of 1985-1992, she was an Associate Professor, and since 1992 – the Head of the Department of Pediatrics of the Physicians’ Advanced Training Faculty. In 1993, Irina Petrovna received the title of professor. From 2002 to 2005, she was Deputy Rector for Academic Activity. From 2005 to 2020, she was the Rector of Perm State Medical University. Irina Petrovna started her scientific work studying the problem of treatment and prevention of acute stenotic laryngotracheites in children, then she was engaged in the problem of diagnostics and prevention of iodine deficiency in Perm Region. Later, she conducted research on the prevention of allergic diseases, minimally invasive methods of bronchial asthma diagnostics, and improvement of regional outpatient care. Irina Petrovna loved her work and was ready to devote all her free time to it. Her professional activity resulted in more than 900 scientific papers published; she prepared 59 Candidates of Medical Sciences and 19 Doctors of Medical Sciences. Under a wise leadership of Irina Petrovna, the collective of Perm State Medical University was twice acknowledged by the President of the Russian Federation (2007, 2017).

Perm Medical Journal. 2023;40(2):144-148
pages 144-148 views

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