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№ 2 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

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Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Crop Production and Selection

Comparative characteristics of the durum wheat newest samples based on a complex of agrobiological characteristics

Shikhmuradov A., Magomedov M.


In 2020–2022 at the Dagestan experimental station of the VIR branch 30 samples of durum wheat of different ecological and geographical origins (Russia, Austria, Mexico, Syria, Egypt) were studied under irrigation conditions under winter sowing. The k-66674 Odari, k-67482 Yarina (Krasnodar Territory) and k-32453 Derbentskaya Chernokolosaya (Republic of Dagestan) varieties were sown as standard samples. Over three years of study, a field and laboratory assessment were given for the following characteristics: length of the growing season, resistance to fungal diseases (powdery mildew, brown and yellow rust) and lodging, grain weight per unit area (1 m2), weight of 1000 grains, number of grains in one ear and the mass of grain from one ear. The varieties are recommended as sources of breeding valuable traits (earliness, productivity, large grain size) for further use in breeding and genetic programs for the creation of new adaptive varieties.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Molecular marking in a white cabbage selection for resistance to Alternaria Blight

Dubina E., Makukha Y., Garkusha S., Simonenko D., Gorun O., Lesnyak S.


In the presented study, the polymorphism of SSR loci was studied on the basis of the resistance of white cabbage to alternariosis. This work was carried out in order to identify effective and informative ISSR markers for the identification of donor alleles of resistance to alternariosis in the genotypes of hybrid plants of culture. Of the 20 tested markers, only 3 (PBCESSRJU13, PBCESSRJU6, NI-F02a) demonstrate an allelic difference between the isogenic lines of white cabbage contrasting in resistance to Alternaria Blight. They will become the basis for subsequent studies on the analysis of cleavage in segregating populations and the determination of informative DNA marker systems co-inherited with the sign of resistance of cabbage to alternariosis.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):8-10
pages 8-10 views

Scale and biometric basis of soil bioindication for apple seedlings

Zakharov V., Morgacheva N., Sotnikova E., Shchuchka R.


The studies were carried out in 2010–2022 in the Lipetsk and Tambov regions. Soil (humus horizon) was sampled from apple orchards of different ages, soil types and subtypes. For the growing season, apple seedlings of the Renet Kichunov variety from open pollination were used. With an increase in the content of physical clay in the soil from 10 to 45%, the length of seedling shoots increased from 3.5 to 15.5 cm, the total dry biomass – from 0.7 to 2.2, including leaves – from 0.3 to 1 ,0, shoots – from 0.2 to 0.6, roots – from 0.2 to 0.6 g/vessel. If the content of physical clay reaches 85%, this leads to a stop in shoot growth and a decrease in the total dry biomass. With an increase in the leached chernozem bonitet from 75 to 90 points, the height of seedlings increases from 4 to 15 cm, the total dry biomass – from 0.3 to 1.9, including leaves – from 0.1 to 0.5, shoots – from 0 .1 to 0.4, roots – from 0.1 to 1.0 g/vessel. When the age of an apple orchard changes from 1 year to 20 years, the height of apple seedlings planted on this soil decreases from 40 to 4 cm, the total dry biomass – from 6.2 to 0.6, including the mass of leaves – from 3 to 0, 3, shoots – from 1.8 to 0.2, roots – from 1.4 to 0.1 g/vessel. This allowed us to develop a biometric scale by which we can estimate the age of the soil (degree of soil fatigue) using seedlings. The obtained data make it possible to propose biometric scales for assessing changes in the granulometric composition, quality of the soil and the time it remains in the apple orchard based on the biomass of apple tree seedlings of the Renet Kichunov variety.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):11-14
pages 11-14 views

Interspecific crossing in gooseberry breeding as the basis for the industrial-type varieties creation

Kurashev О., Ozhereleva Z., Knyazev S.


For optimal cultivation of gooseberries, the presence of industrial-type cultivars plays an important role, therefore, the study of economically useful parameters, such as resistance to diseases and pests, productivity, high commercial qualities of berries, suitability for combine harvesting is relevant. Consequently, the goal of the present research was to study remote gooseberry hybrids obtained on the genetic basis of a mighty gooseberry species (Grossularia robusta) involved in hybridization according to the main economic and biological characteristics. Selected gooseberry forms obtained from the remote (interspecific) hybridization with Grossularia robusta species were the studied material. The degree of damage by the American powdery mildew, the quality of berries and suitability for machine harvesting were assessed. As a result of the long – term study of hybrid offspring obtained from interspecific crosses, promising selected forms F2 9-283-1(2) and F2 9-283-1(6) (seedlings from the open pollination from the family 142-x36-12 × Grossularia robusta) have been identified, which are of interest for further practical breeding of gooseberries when creating commercial cultivars of industrial type.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):20-25
pages 20-25 views

Improvement of millet cultivation technology in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Khanieva I., Khamokova I., Dzhurtubaev A., Kokov T.


The article studies the effectiveness of using mineral fertilizers, growth stimulants and bacterial preparations in the cultivating millet technology. The research was carried out in 2021–2023 on the experimental field of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, which located in the steppe zone of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The object of study is the mid-late millet variety Kavkazskie Zori, bred by Kabardino-Balkarian Research Institute of Agriculture. Inoculation of seeds with Rizoagrin (Agrobacterium radiobacter) and Azophyte (Azotobacter vinelandii) was carried out on the day of sowing, exogenous spraying of plants with growth stimulants Mival Agro (10 g/ha), MS-extra (0.5 kg/ha) – in the three-leaf phase. Treatment of seeds with biological preparations Rizoagrin and Azofit increases field germination by 8.9 and 5.3%, respectively, relative to the control. They also have a positive effect on the preservation of plants for harvesting. The usage of biological products provides an increase in the yield of millet by 0.38–0.54 t/ha compared to the control, fertilizers – 0.64 t/ha, growth stimulants – 0.27–0.46 t/ha. Maximum productivity was achieved with the biological product Rizoagrin and the growth stimulator MS-extra against the background of N10P26K26 – 2.48 t/ha.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Characteristics of microsporogenesis in the triploid apple tree and it’s parental form in connection with usage in breeding at the polyploid level

Lavrusevich N., Borodkina А., Zubkova M.


An effective method of creating triploid apple cultivars, which are superior in their characteristics to diploid cultivars, is the crossing of heterochromosomal forms of the type: 2x × 4x, 4x × 2x. In order to provide a wide range of genetic diversity of riploid hybrids, it is necessary to have a large set of tetraploid donor forms of diploid gametes. A limited set of such forms is a limiting factor for this direction of breeding. And the effectiveness of work on obtaining new valuable apple varieties based on the use of the polyploidy method largely depends on their diversity Therefore, the identification of new apple tetraploids, as well as the study of cytoembryological features of their generative structures, the determination of the quality of the formed gametes necessary for successful breeding and for predicting the results of these works are relevant. Meiosis during microsporogenesis was studied in two tetraploid apple forms. To study meiosis during microsporogenesis, temporary pressed specimen were prepared by the acetohematoxylin method; the propionic-lacmoid method was used to determine the ploidy of hybrid offspring. Microscopic studies were carried out on a Nikon-50i microscope at a magnification of 10 x 105 x 40, 10 x 1.5 x 100. The analysis of the course of meiosis during microsporogenesis in apple tetraploid 34-21-39 [30-47-88(4x)×Krasa Sverdlovska(2x)] and its parent form 30-47-88 [Liberty×13-6-106 (Suvorovetz seedling)] showed that the hybrid 34-21-39 was characterized by the most correct course of meiosis. The largest percentage of deviations and the diversity of morphological types of disorders were detected in the form 30-47-88. Common types of violations were noted. Despite the presence of disorders during meiosis in tetraploid forms, microsporogenesis ended with the formation of visually normal one–dimensional pollen: 89% in the form 34-21-39 and 50% in the form 30-47-88. In combinations of crosses involving the studied forms, a high yield of triploid plants was noted. Consequently, the tetraploid apple forms 34-21-39 and 30-47-88 can be recommended for hybridization for the purpose of mass production of triploid seedlings. The results allow us to conclude that the tetraploid apple forms 34-21-39 and 30-47-88 can be used in breeding as pollinators in heteroploid crosses (2x × 4x) to obtain triploid genotypes.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):15-19
pages 15-19 views

The usage of physiological methods in the creation of soybean varieties

Sinegovskaya V., Fokina E., Dushko O.


The results of a study of the operation of photosystem II in the leaves of nine soybean varieties bred by the All-Russian Research Institute of Soybean are presented in order to identify genotypes with increased photosynthetic activity for inclusion in the breeding process when creating highly productive varieties of a new generation. A comparative assessment of varieties is given in terms of effective quantum yield of photosynthesis (Y) and chlorophyll fluorescence (F0), relative electron transport rate (ETR) and photochemical energy conversion depending on light saturation. The soybean varieties Gracia, Sonata and Kitrossa had the highest indicators for the studied parameters, significantly exceeding the standard variety Lydia. The effective quantum yield of photosynthesis, which shows the degree of absorption of solar energy, in the Gracia and Sonata varieties during the entire growing season was at the level of 0.80–0.83 rel. units, with this indicator exceeding for the Lydia variety by 0.09–0.13 rel. units depending on the phase of plant growth and development. The quantum yield of fluorescence (F0) in the leaves of the Lydia variety during the flowering phase exceeded the Gracia, Sonata and Kitrossa varieties by 60, 56 and 63%, respectively, which indicates a reduced activity of photosystem II in this variety. The efficiency of photochemical conversion of photosynthetic energy during the flowering phase was most stable in the leaves of the Sonata variety at light levels from 600 to 1500 µmol quanta/(m2∙s). Using the soybean variety Gratsia as the maternal form (♀) when crossed with the hybrid Am.2146, which was obtained with the inclusion of the Sonata variety in the hybridization, which also has a high degree of absorption of light quanta, the Radiant variety was create. Variety passed testing in 2021–2022, and in 2023 included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements for cultivation in the Far Eastern (12) region.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Changes in the corn yield structure depending on genetic characteristics, background mineral nutrition and sowing time in the Khabarovsk Krai

Lukashina A.


This study presents the results of a three-factor experiment on corn yield structure depending on the genetic characteristics and hybrids, mineral nutrition background and sowing dates. The experiment was carried out in Khabarovsk Krai in fourfold repetition on corn crops of local selection varieties Birsu, ALitet 2 and Guran 2 and hybrids of foreign selection Moldavsky 215 SV, P 7515, P 8521, P 7460; on three mineral nutrition backgrounds: № 1 (control) – N90P90K90, № 2 – N110P110K90, № 3 – N130P130K90; in 2 sowing dates with 5 days apart. The studies were carried out in 2021–2022 on the experimental field of the Far Eastern Agricultural Research Institute, the soil of the experimental section was meadow-brown, heavy loamy. The highest grain yield up to 125.3 c/ha was noted on the mineral nutrition background № 2 (N110P110K90) and № 3 (N130P130K90). Yield structure indicators depended more on varietal features of plants (46.0–73.4%) rather than on mineral nutrition background (6.2–17.8%) and sowing dates had sufficient influence (0.18–2.59%). However, the weight of 1000 grains was more influenced by additional application of nitrogen and phosphorus (40.67%) rather than varietal features (32.71%). In this study varieties of local breeding Alitet 2 and Guran 2 are recommended for cultivation in Khabarovsk Krai as they give a good grain yield, responsive to the additional application of nitrogen and phosphorus, correspond to the region conditions in terms of precocity, suitable both for harvesting silage and green fodder and for harvesting grain forage.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):36-41
pages 36-41 views

Water consumption of corn under different methods of primary tillage after row-crop predecessors on an energy-storage soil maintenance system

Abdulnatipov M., Gasanov G., Usmanov R., Musaev M.


The object of research was the light chestnut soil of the Chokh Agrofirm of the Gunibsky district in the Kizilyurt transhumance zone of the Republic of Dagestan. The humus content in the arable layer is 2.77%, P2O 2.21, K2O – 32.8 mg/100 g, the density of the arable soil layer is 1.24 g/cm3, the lowest moisture capacity (MC) is 29.2% (layer 0–0.6 m). The effectiveness of two row-crop predecessors was studied: sunflower for seeds and corn for grain, and the use of skimmers in the main tillage for corn. Soil moisture, watering and irrigation standards, incoming and outgoing items of the water balance and the coefficient of water consumption for corn were determined. In the second ten days of May, the plant remains of predecessors were crushed using double disking with heavy disc harrows BDT-3, plowing was carried out to a depth of 0.28–0.30 m with a PLN-4-35 plow with and without skimmers, the field was leveled with a small leveler MV – 6 and watered at the rate of moistening the soil layer of 0–0.6 m in strips with lateral release of water manually, vegetation irrigation was carried out in furrows. Sunflower sowing was carried out with seeds of the VNIIMK-8883 variety, corn – hybrid ROSS-299, the seeding rate for both crops was 72 thousand seeds/ha. Fertilizers for sunflower were applied at the rate of N90Р40К90, including N40Р24К74 for plowing, N16Р16К16 – when sowing with seeds, N34 for fertilizing in the phase of 5–6 leaves when cutting furrows, for corn – N90Р40, of which N40Р24 for plowing, N16Р16К16 when sowing with seeds, N30 in fertilizing in the phase of 3–5 leaves. It has been established that in the areas of irrigated agriculture of the Western Caspian region, when selecting row-crop predecessors for corn for grain, preference should be given to early-ripening varieties of sunflower for seeds, which are harvested in the third decade of July, and after harvesting it remains in the soil more than 15 t/ha of plant mass. At the same time, the maximum corn yield is achieved – 9.16 t/ha of grain, exceeding the control by 33.1%, due to which, with the same total water consumption as the control option, the water consumption coefficient is reduced by 23.7%.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):42-47
pages 42-47 views

Effectiveness of PhosAgro NPK and Gumiton under cultivating potatoes in radioactive soil contamination conditions

Sviridenko D., Arysheva S., Suslov A., Ivankin N., Petrov K.


Based on the results of three-year production tests, the effectiveness of the use of PhosAgro NPK complex fertilizer and a new organ-mineral complex based on Gumiton peat in potato cultivation technologies on radioactively contaminated sod-podzolic soils in the Novozybkovsky district of the Bryansk region was assessed. Soils differed in the level of fertility and in the density of 137Cs pollution. It was shown that leaf treatment of 1 l/ha Gumiton plantings in the potato budding phase without fertilizer contributed to a 19 – 58% increase in tuber yield relative to control, depending on the year. The introduction of PhosAgro NPK fertilizer at a dose of 0.5 t/ha ensured an increase in potato yield by 22 – 42% relative to the control. The joint use of fertilizer and the drug increased the tuber harvest by 12 – 19%, compared to the PhosAgro NPK variant and by 37 – 68% relative to control. The multiplicity of the decrease in 137Cs intake into tubers during the treatment of potato plantings with Gumiton was up to 6.4 times in relation to the control, with the combined use of the drug and fertilizer – up to 3.4 times in comparison with the PhosAgro NPK variant. The use of Gumiton and PhosAgro NPK guaranteed the production of potato tubers with 137Cs content in accordance with SanPiN 2.3.2 standards. 2650-10. The use of the Gumiton organic-mineral complex and PhosAgro NPK complex fertilizer for production of regulatory clean potato products should be recommended on radioactively contaminated sod-podzolic soils of the Bryansk region.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):48-52
pages 48-52 views


Experience in implementation of the No-till farming system in the Belgorod region

Savchenko E., Lukin S., Sergeev M.


The research was conducted in a forest-steppe zone of the municipality of “Korochan district” (Belgorod region). Typical and leached chernozem constituted the two types of soils, that were studied. The goal was to evaluate the main results of introduction of the No-till farming system, following the example of LLC “Meat Farms – Iskra”. It was found out that on average, throughout the years of 2018-2022, winter wheat was the most regular (24.5%), alongside sunflower (23.2%). Legumes prevalence was at 32.5% with soy (20.0%). Organic fertilizer wasn’t used in the process; however, the average dose of mineral fertilizers was 66 kg of the substance/ha, which is 42.4% lower than the average for Belgorod region. The usage of the system No-till yield the sunflower, soy and corn-beans, as well as winter wheat plantings corresponded to 2.21, 1.65, 6.35 and 4.43 t/ha, which is lower by 23.5, 20.7, 11.2, 10.9% when compared with the average throughout Belgorod region. The quantity of organic substances in the arable layer of the soil underwent an increase of 0, 14%, the quantity of mobile forms of phosphorus and potassium went down by 12 and 28 mg/kg accordingly, the dose of acidic soils decreased by 8,7%. The amount of mobile forms of sulfur and microelements didn’t particularly change. The profitability of crop production using the No-till system was 82.3%, which is 1.29 times higher than the average of the Belgorod region.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):53-58
pages 53-58 views

Phytotesting as a method for soil quality assessing

Soloviev D., Fomicheva N.


Phytotesting is used for environmental monitoring of soil objects. The purpose of the work is to evaluate phytotesting to determine the quality of artificially created soils. Two samples were examined: Soil 1 with sewage sludge and Soil 2 with pit soil, a small amount of peat and sapropel. Control is soil that ensures free growth of test crops in the natural conditions of a certain soil-climatic zone where it is planned to supply the finished soil. Tests were carried out with seeds of three types of test plants: a monocot – oats (Avena sativa) and two dicotyledons – white mustard (Sinapis alba), creeping white clover (Trifolium repens). They were sown in containers with soil/ground and placed in a climate control system for 14 days (daytime – 20°C, night – 15°C). It was found that in Soil 1 all the studied biometric indicators of oats and white mustard are statistically significantly higher than in the control soil, and the development of creeping white clover is suppressed (wet weight is 8.9 and 2.1 times less compared to the control soil, respectively for seeding rates 10 and 30 g/m2). At the same time, in Soil 1, an excess of the content of gross forms of zinc by 2.5 and copper by 1.4 times was revealed. When testing Soil 2, the biometric indicators of oats and white mustard were at the control level, the wet and dry weight of clover sprouts was 2.9 and 1.7 times higher, respectively. Phytotesting can be considered as a qualitative reaction of the studied soil to plants and an integral indicator of its fertility. A prerequisite is the use of test plants with small seeds. This will allow us to evaluate their response to stimulating and toxic soil components.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):59-63
pages 59-63 views


Correction of metabolic and structural disorders in bull spermatozoids during cryopreservation using molecular hydrogen

Ivashchenko M., Deryuginа A., Belov A., Latushko М., Ignatiev P., Erzutov A., Lodyanоy M.


The influence of molecular hydrogen on the fertility parameters and energy metabolism of spermatozoids of black-and-white Holstein bulls was studied. Sperm was diluted with sterile BioXcell medium (France), diluted in hydrogen water. We studied native sperm diluted with BioXcell and BioXcell with molecular hydrogen, as well as after deep freezing with and without pre-treatment with molecular hydrogen. The addition of molecular hydrogen to the medium for diluting sperm and subsequent freezing changed the functional status of cells after thawing, leading to an increase in their motility, an increase in the number of motile and fast sperm, and a decrease in the number of slow cells relative to the analyzed indicators of regenerative cells after cryopreservation that were not exposed to molecular hydrogen. Sperm motility after thawing was 12% higher (p ≤ 0.05), the average movement speed was 9% (p≤0.05), and the ATP content was two times higher than in sperm samples not treated with molecular hydrogen. The results of the experiment showed that the addition of molecular hydrogen to the semen extender improves the biological indicators of the quality of bull sperm, its fertility, and increases the energy metabolism of spermatozoids.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):64-67
pages 64-67 views

Study of the Quercus cortex extract combined effect with an enzyme supplement on hematological blood parameters and broilers chicken growth

Polyakova V., Nechitailo K., Sizova E.


The use of phytobiotics with other feed additives in agriculture may be useful for improving animal health and productivity, but further research is needed, to consider other combinations of feed additive sharing and to determine the recommended dose to increase the productivity of laying hens and broilers. In this regard, the work considers the combined effect of oak (Quercus cortex) bark extract and enzyme additive on hematological blood parameters and growth of broiler chickens. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the absolute increase in chickens of experimental group compared to the control was 10.94%. The level of total protein on day 21 in the BD+E+QC group was increased by 19.16% (p ≤ 0.05), albumin by 18.87% (p≤0.05), urea by 21.05% (p ≤ 0.05), glucose by 25.25% (p ≤ 0.05). On day 42, there was an increase in total protein by 4.01% (p ≤ 0.05), albumin by 8.31% (p≤0.05) and urea by 9.37% (p≤0.05) in the group BD+E+QC compared to BD. Analysis of mineral metabolism showed an increase in magnesium content in the BD+E+QC group by 24.5%, in calcium – 18.6%, and in phosphorus – 22.0%. The use of this diet didn’t have a negative effect on growth, morphological and biochemical blood parameters and contributed to the improvement of many indicators. From the above, it follows that the use of phytobiotics and enzyme additive can lead to a synergistic effect and a beneficial effect on farm animals.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):68-73
pages 68-73 views

Functional role of genes in ROH sites in Czech Golden chickens

Smaragdov M.


Modern technologies make it possible to identify homozygous chromosome regions that have arisen as a result of animal selection. The article presents the results obtained in the genotyping of chickens using the Illumina Chicken 60KSNP iSelect Bead Chip. For the first time, a genome-wide analysis of the extended homozygous SNP sequences (ROH) was performed in the genome of Czech Golden hens. The average number of ROH segments in the chicken genome was 143 ± 8. ROH segments are usually randomly distributed in chicken chromosomes. It has been proposed to prohibit the use of heterozygous SNPs in ROH segments to prevent overestimation of ROH data. The average inbreeding coefficient in chickens calculated from ROH data was 0.34 ± 0.03. ROH islands were found on chromosomes 2, 3, 9 and 22. They contain genes associated with immunity, degradation of neurons, Fabricius bursa weight, obesity, feather pigmentation, and regulation of hit-shock genes. In the Czech Golden chicken breed, selection and the associated inbreeding have therefore influenced the genes involved in several biological processes.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):74-78
pages 74-78 views

Modern problems of preclinical studying feed additives for animals and ways to solve them

Rakhmatullin E., Kadikov I., Kurshakova E., Sagdeev D., Korchemkin A., Vafin I., Galyautdinova G., Malanev A., Yamalova G., Khalikova K.


Resource-saving technology in agriculture is the use of stimulating additives in animal feeding rations that promote better absorption of feed. One of the measures to prevent toxicosis in industrial livestock and poultry farming is to determine the toxicity of feed. The variety of existing methods makes it possible to determine the level and class of drug toxicity at the initial stage. In the developed classification for veterinary drugs, the cumulation coefficient, therapeutic breadth index and dose level of toxic effect are used, which makes it possible to predict the nature and degree of their danger at the stage of preclinical study of feed additives. To determine the listed indicators, it is necessary to establish LD50 and the cumulation coefficient. Since feed additives are introduced into the body through the digestive tract, during preclinical studies they are studied and classified according to their hepatotoxic effect. Bilirubin, albumin, and enzyme activity contained in the blood (glutamate dehydrogenase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and the ratio of alanine aminotransferase to alkaline phosphatase) are used as markers. It is necessary to determine the de Ritis, Schmidt coefficient and the R index. This will minimize the intake of toxic feed additives into the animals’ bodies and will contribute to an increase in their productivity.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):79-83
pages 79-83 views

Analysis of the parasitological situation regarding eimeriosis in cattle in the Russian Federation

Domatskiy V., Sivkova E.


The purpose of the study is to review the spread of bovine eimeriosis in the territory of the Russian Federation. Objectives of the study: to analyze the epizootic situation of bovine eimeriosis in the territory of the Russian Federation. Bovine coccidiosis is widespread in many regions of Russia and in other countries of the world. The pathogens are more than 10 species of eimeria, which have a specific localization in the body of animals, as well as morphological differences from each other. Three species (E. zuernii, E. bovis and E. alabamensis) are characterized by the highest pathogenicity and are most often associated with the clinical manifestation of the disease. Mostly young animals aged from 2 weeks to 1 year are ill, and adult animals have an asymptomatic form of invasion. In many animals, eimeria causes dangerous diseases, accompanied by a decrease in productivity, the birth of weak offspring, often the death of young animals, and additional feed costs per unit of production. In livestock complexes, the incidence of calves with eimeriosis is 10–100%, and mortality is 25–60%. The maximum infection of calves and adult animals is observed in the spring and autumn periods, and in some regions in the autumn-winter period. It was found that with an increase in the density of calves in the machine, their infection with eimeria increases significantly. The invasion of calves was minimal when kept in individual machines. Given that parasites have a complex developmental biology, one of the most important measures in the complex of measures ensuring the prevention and elimination of animal diseases with coccidiosis is currently still pharmacotherapy and prevention, contributing not only to the liberation of animals from parasites, but also to prevent the dispersion of the invasive origin in the environment and to prevent the threat of new infection.

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):84-88
pages 84-88 views

Processes & Machines of Agroengineer Systems

Forecasting the level of biological risks of the emergence and spread of infectious and parasitic potato diseases

Sibirev A., Aksenov A., Teterin V., Sazonov N., Mosyakov M., Trunov M., Godyaeva M.


The article discusses the issues of determining the level of occurrence biological risks, as well as the spread of infectious and parasitic diseases of potato according to the parameters of the transmission mechanisms and routes. Most pathogens are characterized by a high (26.1%) and very high (43.5%) level of risk. It has been established that in the latter group, 75% of infectious and parasitic diseases of potato have a mycotic etiology, 15 – helminthic, 10% – bacterial. There are no pathogens of infectious and parasitic potato diseases of viral etiology in this group. The average score for the very high-risk group is 10.8. In the low-risk group the most of potato diseases pathogens have a bacterial etiology (80%), medium – bacterial (44.5%) and mycotic (33.3%), high – viral (66.6%).

Vestnik of the Russian agricultural science. 2024;(2):89-95
pages 89-95 views

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