Interspecific crossing in gooseberry breeding as the basis for the industrial-type varieties creation

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For optimal cultivation of gooseberries, the presence of industrial-type cultivars plays an important role, therefore, the study of economically useful parameters, such as resistance to diseases and pests, productivity, high commercial qualities of berries, suitability for combine harvesting is relevant. Consequently, the goal of the present research was to study remote gooseberry hybrids obtained on the genetic basis of a mighty gooseberry species (Grossularia robusta) involved in hybridization according to the main economic and biological characteristics. Selected gooseberry forms obtained from the remote (interspecific) hybridization with Grossularia robusta species were the studied material. The degree of damage by the American powdery mildew, the quality of berries and suitability for machine harvesting were assessed. As a result of the long – term study of hybrid offspring obtained from interspecific crosses, promising selected forms F2 9-283-1(2) and F2 9-283-1(6) (seedlings from the open pollination from the family 142-x36-12 × Grossularia robusta) have been identified, which are of interest for further practical breeding of gooseberries when creating commercial cultivars of industrial type.

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About the authors

О. V. Kurashev

Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Agricultural Sciences

Russian Federation, Zhilina, Oryol region

Z. Е. Ozhereleva

Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding


PhD in Agricultural Sciences

Russian Federation, Zhilina, Oryol region

S. D. Knyazev

Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding


Grand PhD in Agricultural Sciences

Russian Federation, Zhilina, Oryol region


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Leaf condition of Grossularia robusta (a) and interspecific hybrids F1, F2 (b) obtained with Grossularia robusta (no signs of leaf spot lesions)

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3. Fig. 2. Percentage of seedlings from hybrid families affected by leaf spots in 2019-2021: a - 258 (13-15-1 x Grossularia robusta), b - 288 (151-NS-7 x Grossularia robusta), c - 250 (23-17-10 x Grossularia robusta), d - 283 (142-x36-12 x Grossularia robusta)

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4. Fig. 3. Percentage of AMR-affected seedlings from hybrid families in 2021: a - 263 (24-14-23 x Grossularia robusta), b - 288 (151-NS-7 x Grossularia robusta), c - 289 (152-x32-23 x Grossularia robusta), d - 282 (152-x32-24 x Grossularia robusta)

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5. Fig. 4. Average berry weight in selected forms of gooseberry F2, 2019-2021

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6. Fig. 5. Maximum berry weight in selected forms of gooseberry F2, 2019-2021

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7. Fig. 6. Fruit of selected F2 seedling 9-283(2)-1(6) (142-x36-12 x Grossularia robusta)

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8. Fig. 7. Relative berry strength coefficient in selected forms of gooseberry obtained from distant crosses with Grossularia robusta

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