Vol 17, No 3 (2023)

Heat engines

Numerical simulation of the diesel engine starting considering air pre-heating in the intake system

Elagin M.Y., Khmelev R.N.


BACKGROUND: Low temperature of the intake air is one of the reasons of difficult starting of a cold diesel engine in conditions of negative outside temperatures. For a reliable staring of a cold diesel engine, it is necessary to have the temperature at the end of the compression stroke higher than the fuel self-ignition temperature. As the temperature at the end of the compression stroke is defined, first, by the temperature at the end of the intake stroke, the mentioned condition can be satisfied with preliminary warming of the air entering in a cylinder.

AIMS: The article is devoted to solving the task related to development of a mathematical model of a diesel engine taking into account air pre-heating in the intake system and ensuring simulation of the pre-starting mode, starting and operation of a diesel engine in conditions of low negative outside temperature.

METHODS: The enhanced mathematical model of a diesel engine basing on heat mechanics (thermodynamics of opened systems) which reflects main features of an internal combustion engine (ICE) as the system transforming energy in time domain is proposed in the article. The mathematical model’s equation system is based on laws of conservation of energy and mass, solid bodies’ motion equation and includes differential equations of changing of temperature and density of the working body in a cylinder, in the intake system and in the ICE’s crankcase, the ideal gas state equation as well as differential equations of changing of rotation velocity and rotation angle of an engine’s crankshaft.

RESULTS: The mathematical model was tried out on the example of the 1Ch9.5/8.0 multi-purposed air-cooled diesel engine. The results of simulation of the pre-starting mode, starting and operation of the diesel engine taking into account air pre-heating in the intake system are presented in the article.

CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of air pre-heating at the intake in the design of diesel engines is the most effective way of ensure starting of the engines at low negative outside temperature. The obtained results help to develop recommendations of choosing power and operation modes of pre-heating devices for ensuring starting and operation of diesel engines in conditions of low negative outside temperatures.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):209-216
pages 209-216 views

Increasing the wear resistance of the ICE’s valves with the laser cladding method

Zavitkov A.V., Loktev A.S., Lyukhter A.B.


BACKGROUND: There is plenty of factors leading to failure and expensive repair of piston engines at their operation. One of the widespread factors capable of affecting the engine operation is combustion chamber sealing failure. During the engine operation, gases combusting in a chamber bring pressure on working surfaces of a valve and a valve seat. If these surfaces do not ensure sealing, exhaust gases begin to leak in the exhaust manifold untimely, in some cases in the intake manifold as well. In addition, filling of cylinders with inlet charge worsens. In majority of cases, combustion chamber sealing failure caused by defect formation at working surfaces of the valve — valve seat coupling. In order to avoid combustion chamber sealing failures and other issues of operation of piston engines, it is necessary to minimize working surfaces wearing by means of wear-resistant coating.

AIMS: Wear- and corrosion-resistant coating of valve’s working surface to increase service life.

METHODS: The factors affecting the reliability of the valve — valve seat coupling were defined by means of literary sources analysis. Laser cladding at the valve’s chamfer was conducted with the laser robotized facility based on ytterbium fiber laser. Quality of the coated surface at the valve’s working chamfer was defined by means of metallographic study and liquid penetrant test.

RESULTS: After laser cladding of the PR-08Kh17N8S6G powder material at the valve’s working chamfer, the uniform coated surface with microhardness of 435–485 HV (44–48 HRC) was obtained.

CONCLUSIONS: The study results may be used for development and implementation of new kinds of wear-resistant surfaces that make it possible to increase the service life and to repair worn-down surfaces of components.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):217-224
pages 217-224 views

Combined power plants

The method of considering the efficiency of flow compartments of multi-stage turbines when calculating energy characteristics

Gubarev A.Y.


BACKGROUND: Modern methods of calculating energy characteristics of steam turbine units (STU) are based on development of digital models. Considering this, the main components of the STU’s model is a model of a multistage turbine.

AIMS: Improvement of existing methods of calculating energy characteristics taking into account influence of efficiency of flow compartments.

METHODS: Results of the studies dealing with new methods of development of energy characteristics of multi-stage turbines are presented in the article. In particular, the new method of considering the influence of changing the efficiency of flow compartments of multi-stage turbines depending on working body flow rate is proposed. The method of calculation of turbine energy characteristics is given. The proposed method is based on development of the model of a turbine unit taking into account changing of technical and economic performance of its specific elements depending on the load.

RESULTS: Results of theoretical justification of a non-linear dependency of turbine flow compartments’ power on working body flow rate based on changing internal efficiency of stages at variable modes described with the Stodola-Fluegel equation are given in the article.

Based on the solution of the Stodola-Fluegel equation, the equation for vane efficiency and the equation of isentropic heat drop, the dependence of flow compartment’s operation efficiency on relative working body flow rate is obtained. The advice for using it when modelling turbines is given.

The analysis of the experimental data obtained at the testing of the PT-60-130/13 steam turbine was carried out. Experimental dependency of the stages’ efficiency on steam flow rate are presented. It is established that the proposed dependency of internal efficiency of turbines’ flow compartments complies with the theoretical and experimental data in a good quality and can be used in calculation of energy characteristics and modelling.

As a practical value of the study, the model of the PT-60-130/13 turbine unit was developed. The mode diagram built with the use of the model and complying with the heat testing results is given.

CONCLUSIONS: The developed model of the turbine unit helps to simulate any operation mode depending on electric and heat loads. In addition, with the use of the model, it is possible to take into account the influence of deviation of external factors from nominal values at development of the system of correction or estimation of fuel consumption increase related to these deviations.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):225-232
pages 225-232 views

Hydraulic and pneumatic systems

Analysis of collisions of precipitating solid particles with a wall in a viscous liquid

Kondratiev A.S., Shvydko P.P.


BACKGROUND: When calculating velocities of free precipitation of solid particle in a viscous Newtonian liquid, it is assumed that influence of incoming vessel head can be neglected. Necessity of considering this factor grows with a vessel head getting closer and with decrease of particles’ geometrical size.

AIMS: Development of the method of calculating solid particles’ precipitation rate in a Newtonian fluid considering the incoming vessel head and definition the limits of its application.

METHODS: The known analytical model of motion of precipitating disperses solid particles when approaching a vessel head is analyzed. It is shown that the known model of calculation of solid particles’ precipitation rate near the vessel head needs to be refined.

RESULTS: The proposed modification of the analytical model of definition the solid particles’ precipitation rate considering the existence of a vessel head helps to ensure more credible results from physical standpoint. Recommendations regarding the influence of the Brownian motion of fluid’s molecules on motion of precipitating solid particles are given.

CONCLUSION: Practical value of the study lies in ability to calculate solid particles’ precipitation rate near to a vessel head.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):233-239
pages 233-239 views

Transport and transport-technological complexes

Definition of parameters of loading modes of the test bench for tractor cabin’s vibration isolators

Gozhaev Z.A., Shekhovtsov V.V., Potapov P.V., Iskaliev A.I., Yarkina M.S., Evseeva A.V.


BACKGROUND: During the operation, tractor cabin’s vibration isolators are under the simultaneous load vertical, longitudinal- and lateral-angular vibrations of the cabin. These vibrations have different amplitudes, frequencies and time-domain behavior. It is possible to simulate comprehensive operational loads on vibration isolators only with bench testing.

AIMS: Within this study, the trial to define parameters of loading modes for bench testing of tractor cabin’s vibrational isolators and to define corresponding parameters of drives of the bench loading devices was made.

METHODS: This paper presents explanation and the results of calculation of loading modes parameters for testing of tractor cabin’s vibration isolator at the bench capable of producing loads from vertical, longitudinal- and lateral-angular vibrations of a tractor cabin simultaneously, as well as the results of calculation of corresponding parameters of drives of this bench. The procedure of preparation for testing was developed. This procedure includes estimation of values of operational loads amplitudes and frequencies, the range of change of necessary velocities and torques of electric drives of the bench loading devices and identification of adequate drives with required properties, determination of behavior of force and kinematic excitation reproduced by the test bench. Exemplary calculation of parameters of vertical loading at the considered bench was performed for the AKSS-400M rubber-metal vibration isolator used in cabin suspension of the K-708.4 wheeled tractor. A number of assumptions were made in the calculation. Nominal values of velocity and torque of the electric motor drive of the vertical loading device of the bench were obtained as the results. Thus, the electric motor with the reduction gear made by TRANSTECNO was selected. Characteristics of force and kinematic excitations reproduced by the bench using electric motor frequency control were built.

RESULTS: Analysis of graphs helped to define acceptable range of frequencies reproduced by the bench for operational loads in vertical direction limited by abilities of the selected electric drive.

CONCLUSIONS: The results of calculation of electric drive parameters can be used in design of the considered bench for testing of tractor cabin’s vibration isolators, particularly in the development of loading devices (cam eccentrics, pushers, return springs).

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):241-249
pages 241-249 views

Evaluation of the technical and economic efficiency of controlled power distribution in transmissions of all-wheel drive trucks

Keller A.V., Popov A.V., Okolnishnikova I.Y.


BACKGROUD: Operating conditions of all-wheel drive trucks determine the probability of motion in conditions of uneven distribution of grip and rolling resistance for driven wheels of various axles and sides, which actualizes torque redistribution from an engine to the driven wheels. Reasonable power distribution between driven axles and wheels is important in order to improve the efficiency of all-wheel drive vehicles.

AIMS: Evaluation of technical and economic efficiency of controlled power distribution in transmissions of all-wheel drive trucks with hydraulically controlled friction clutches.

METHODS: A series of experiments was carried out on the basis of the KAMAZ-65222 with a differential lock control system with hydraulically driven friction clutches and a measuring and recording facility. The technical efficiency of control on differentials when driving in various road conditions was evaluated by the acceleration duration of the vehicle, the average speed of straight-line movement and when performing a maneuver, the parameters of the ground clearance, fuel efficiency and comparative loading of the wheels drive.

RESULTS: The experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the algorithm for automatic control of the differential lock in the vehicle transmission in terms of cross-country abilities, workload and fuel efficiency. An increase up to 16.7% of the average speed in difficult road conditions, a decrease of the specific work of rolling resistance overcoming and a decrease in fuel consumption by 7–8% were recorded.

CONCLUSION: Evaluation of efficiency of solutions for control on differentials in transmission of an all-wheel drive truck showed a significant increase in dynamic properties, cross-country abilities and fuel efficiency. Automatic change of the lock degree of differentials in the transmission when driving on a curved path and on uneven surface has a positive effect on transmission reliability and fuel efficiency, ensuring stability and maneuverability to remain stable. The expected economic effect is more than 206.3 thousand rubles. per year for one vehicle.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):251-260
pages 251-260 views

Algorithm for forming traction and braking torque settings at the shaft of a traction motor by means of a single pedal

Klimov A.V.


BACKGROUND: Transport service providers and consumers specify requirements to vehicles for increasing energy efficiency, cost reduction, as well as improving ergonomics and comfort. Fuel costs are among the significant costs, so it is very promising to use vehicles with electric drives, such as battery-powered electric vehicles. It is very important for them to have energy-efficient control of traction drives that are the main sources of energy loss, characterized by high efficiency that helps to increase single-charge mileage. To achieve this, it is necessary to form the settings of the requested engine torque using the accelerator pedal only, taking into account traffic conditions, vehicle characteristics over the entire velocity range.

AIMS: Development of the fundamentals and the law of determining the settings of the traction and regenerative torque of a traction electric drive, the run-out mode depending on motion velocity and the accelerator pedal position, taking into account the required level of comfort and ergonomics of control.

METHODS: The law of determining the setting of the traction and regenerative torque of the traction electric drive, the run-out mode were modeled in the MATLAB/Simulink software package.

RESULTS: The fundamentals of building the law of determining of the setting of the traction and regenerative torque of the traction electric drive, the run-out mode for effective control, increasing ergonomics and comfort of a vehicle, as well as the results of virtual simulation of the formation of settings in the MATLAB/Simulink in conditions close to the operational are given in the paper.

CONCLUSIONS: The practical value of the study lies in the possibility of using the proposed law for determining the setting of the traction and regenerative torque of the traction electric drive, the run-out mode for the development of a traction drive control system for transport vehicles.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):261-271
pages 261-271 views

Analysis of prospects for improvement and development of vehicle suspension structures

Martynov E.N., Potashov I.S., Bokarev A.I.


BACKGROUND: The growth of consumer expectations from an automaker encourages engineers to develop and implement new design, technical and electronic solutions in various vehicle systems to ensure the stability of the vehicle’s consumer attributes at low and high speeds in a variety of road conditions. In the direction of achieving the required consumer attributes of a vehicle, the design of the suspension links plays a decisive role. There is a wide variety of design and technical solutions, so the task of conducting a review study to reflect the trend in suspension architecture development becomes relevant.

AIMS: Determination of the trend in the development of design and technical solutions used in the vehicle chassis, aimed to improve the operational attributes of a vehicle such as stability, handling, ride smoothness and reliability.

METHODS: Methods of statistical analysis.

RESULTS: The results are presented in the form of a systematic statistical study of design and technical solutions used in the vehicle chassis, aimed to improve the operational attributes of a vehicle.

CONCLUSIONS: The result obtained can be applied for the correct goal setting in the development of passenger cars.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):273-286
pages 273-286 views

Electrotechnical complexes and systems

Development of the simulation model for testing the axial torque distribution in an electric vehicle with the dual-motor layout

Mizin M.D., Malyshev A.N., Zavatsky A.M., Debelov V.V.


BACKGROUND: The market of vehicles using electricity as an energy source demonstrates significant growth. Currently, there are more than twenty million electric vehicles worldwide. Leading manufacturers give the high priority to development of electric transport due to lower vehicle service costs, ease of driving as well as zero emissions in environment and almost complete noiselessness at motion. In addition, using the full-wheel drive in an electric vehicle makes it possible to improve off-road capability, ensures more balanced chassis control, precise following the path and constant accuracy of steering.

AIMS: Ensuring increase in vehicle course stability, delivering the maximal torque regarding vehicle motion conditions and slip control in dual-motor layouts of electric vehicles.

METHODS: In order to solve the given task, implementation of the special-purpose algorithm of torque distribution between driving axles of an electric vehicle is assumed. The paper presents the development of the simulation model of a vehicle, built in the Simcenter Amesim software and considering dynamic properties and features of the vehicle. This model was implemented into the Labcar hardware-in-the-loop facility.

RESULTS: The simulation result is comparison with the data obtained during ground testing of the prototype and confirming the aim of simulation model development, in particular the capability of revision and preliminary setting up the algorithm of torque distribution between driving axles of a vehicle.

CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results of the testing of the developed facility, it can be concluded that the developed simulation facility is suitable for solving the simulation tasks including research, debugging and primary calibrations of the algorithm of torque distribution between driving axles of a full-wheel driven electric vehicle. The errors at simulation of operation modes relevant to longitudinal and lateral dynamics of the prototype is no more than 7.5% that complies with the simulation aims.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):295-304
pages 295-304 views

Switch inductor generators for special vehicles

Ryabykh E.A., Maleev R.A., Akimov A.V.


BACKGROUND: This paper discusses switch inductor generators for special vehicles. A generator is the main source of current that provides consumers with power in all operating modes of the engine, as well as charges an electrical battery. The main requirements that are imposed on generators are defined, such as high reliability and durability, corresponding to the service life of an internal combustion engine, as well as manufacturability, low cost and simple maintenance. It is shown that these requirements are most satisfied by switch inductor generators.

AIMS: Study of switch inductor generators in order to determine their main characteristics and parameters.

METHODS: The calculation of the idling characteristic is based on the circuit equivalent to the magnetic circuit of the inductor machine. The Blondel diagram is used to calculate the current-velocity characteristic.

RESULTS: A review and analysis of switch inductor generators of various design has been carried out. In recent years, anisotropic magnets have been used to increase the power of the generator and reduce its dimensions and weight, which, basically, are mortised to a rotor. The main characteristics and parameters of inductor generators are considered. A characteristic feature of an inductor machine, in comparison with conventional synchronous alternating current machines, is that there is a decrease in the electromotive force generated by the generator at high degrees of saturation, therefore, in inductor machines, the saturation level should be lower than in conventional synchronous ones.

CONCLUSIONS: In this paper, a switch inductor generator with a nominal voltage of 14 V and a maximal recoil current of 72 A was calculated according to a well-known method. As a result of the calculation, the main design parameters of the machine were determined, the calculation of the magnetic circuit of the electric machine was carried out and on the basis of which the idling characteristic was constructed. The calculation of the current-velocity characteristic was carried out using the Blondel diagram.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):287-294
pages 287-294 views

On the improvement efficiency and safety of operation of underground tunnel escalators. Adaptation of processes of planning and control

Popov V.A., Elantsev V.V.


BACKGROUND: The pace of transport system development not corresponding to current demands of a town is a significant obstacle on the way of achieving target values of business activity and quality of life. One of the main indicators of quality of life in a modern large city is satisfaction with city public transport. The backbone mean of public transport in Saint Petersburg is underground which efficiency indicators are share of accomplishment of train schedule and accomplishment of stations’ operation schedule. However, funding based on subsidies and requirement of proper fulfillment of given efficiency indicators make the Petersburg Underground SUE look for new ways of adaptation of planning and control processes for managing available resources ensuring keeping outdating infrastructure operable and cost reduction based on state-of-the-art informational technologies.

AIMS: Establishment of enlarged hardware facility and basic structural solution necessary for unrolling software for planning and control of maintenance of the underground’s escalator park. The study object is the underground’s escalator park; the study subject is automation of maintenance system.

METHODS: In the first part of the paper, as a result of statistical compilation and comparison of homogeneous data from annual reports of the Petersburg Underground SUE in the tabular form as well as analysis of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the escalator park considering the information on the history of maintenance system formation, the statement was made about existence of interaction between the changes taking place in the city transport system and demands of adaptation of processes of planning and control of operations in the escalator park maintenance system. In the second part of the paper, on the basis of analysis of regulatory framework and requirements to development of data processing centers, the main structural element for implementation of facility of planning and control of performing the underground’s escalator park maintenance was established.

RESULTS: The theoretically valuable result of the study is the found interaction between changes taking place at the level of the city transport system and demands in changing the underground’s escalator park maintenance system for achieving the comprehensive evolution of the transport system. Meanwhile, the basic structure of the hardware-software facility, main structural element of which is the corridor isolation system implementing the tool of adaptation of processes of planning and control the operation, is significantly valuable for practical use.

CONCLUSIONS: Structure and equipment of the hardware-software facility as well as the installed software for monitoring, planning and control of the operations ensuring/not ensuring fulfillment the efficiency indicators give the opportunity to transfer the infrastructure parts from the running hours-based maintenance system to the state-based maintenance system.

Izvestiya MGTU MAMI. 2023;17(3):305-319
pages 305-319 views

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