Numerical simulation of the diesel engine starting considering air pre-heating in the intake system

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BACKGROUND: Low temperature of the intake air is one of the reasons of difficult starting of a cold diesel engine in conditions of negative outside temperatures. For a reliable staring of a cold diesel engine, it is necessary to have the temperature at the end of the compression stroke higher than the fuel self-ignition temperature. As the temperature at the end of the compression stroke is defined, first, by the temperature at the end of the intake stroke, the mentioned condition can be satisfied with preliminary warming of the air entering in a cylinder.

AIMS: The article is devoted to solving the task related to development of a mathematical model of a diesel engine taking into account air pre-heating in the intake system and ensuring simulation of the pre-starting mode, starting and operation of a diesel engine in conditions of low negative outside temperature.

METHODS: The enhanced mathematical model of a diesel engine basing on heat mechanics (thermodynamics of opened systems) which reflects main features of an internal combustion engine (ICE) as the system transforming energy in time domain is proposed in the article. The mathematical model’s equation system is based on laws of conservation of energy and mass, solid bodies’ motion equation and includes differential equations of changing of temperature and density of the working body in a cylinder, in the intake system and in the ICE’s crankcase, the ideal gas state equation as well as differential equations of changing of rotation velocity and rotation angle of an engine’s crankshaft.

RESULTS: The mathematical model was tried out on the example of the 1Ch9.5/8.0 multi-purposed air-cooled diesel engine. The results of simulation of the pre-starting mode, starting and operation of the diesel engine taking into account air pre-heating in the intake system are presented in the article.

CONCLUSIONS: Implementation of air pre-heating at the intake in the design of diesel engines is the most effective way of ensure starting of the engines at low negative outside temperature. The obtained results help to develop recommendations of choosing power and operation modes of pre-heating devices for ensuring starting and operation of diesel engines in conditions of low negative outside temperatures.

About the authors

Mikhail Y. Elagin

Tula State University

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-3865-1326
SPIN-code: 6970-8013
Scopus Author ID: 57193742538

Professor, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor of the Transport and Technological Machines and Processes Department

Russian Federation, Tula

Roman N. Khmelev

Tula State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0000-2156-1075
SPIN-code: 9759-6413
Scopus Author ID: 57193747213
ResearcherId: AAA-8065-2021

Associate Professor, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor of the Transport and Technological Machines and Processes Department, Leading Researcher

Russian Federation, Tula


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The analytical model of an ICE.

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3. Fig. 2. Changing the instant and average rotation frequencies at the mode of engine rotating with a starter and consequent starting.

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4. Fig. 3. Changing the temperature in a cylinder and in the intake system at the mode of engine rotating with a starter and consequent starting.

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