Evaluation of the technical and economic efficiency of controlled power distribution in transmissions of all-wheel drive trucks

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BACKGROUD: Operating conditions of all-wheel drive trucks determine the probability of motion in conditions of uneven distribution of grip and rolling resistance for driven wheels of various axles and sides, which actualizes torque redistribution from an engine to the driven wheels. Reasonable power distribution between driven axles and wheels is important in order to improve the efficiency of all-wheel drive vehicles.

AIMS: Evaluation of technical and economic efficiency of controlled power distribution in transmissions of all-wheel drive trucks with hydraulically controlled friction clutches.

METHODS: A series of experiments was carried out on the basis of the KAMAZ-65222 with a differential lock control system with hydraulically driven friction clutches and a measuring and recording facility. The technical efficiency of control on differentials when driving in various road conditions was evaluated by the acceleration duration of the vehicle, the average speed of straight-line movement and when performing a maneuver, the parameters of the ground clearance, fuel efficiency and comparative loading of the wheels drive.

RESULTS: The experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the algorithm for automatic control of the differential lock in the vehicle transmission in terms of cross-country abilities, workload and fuel efficiency. An increase up to 16.7% of the average speed in difficult road conditions, a decrease of the specific work of rolling resistance overcoming and a decrease in fuel consumption by 7–8% were recorded.

CONCLUSION: Evaluation of efficiency of solutions for control on differentials in transmission of an all-wheel drive truck showed a significant increase in dynamic properties, cross-country abilities and fuel efficiency. Automatic change of the lock degree of differentials in the transmission when driving on a curved path and on uneven surface has a positive effect on transmission reliability and fuel efficiency, ensuring stability and maneuverability to remain stable. The expected economic effect is more than 206.3 thousand rubles. per year for one vehicle.

About the authors

Andrey V. Keller

Sociological Research Center; Moscow Polytechnic University

Author for correspondence.
Email: andreikeller@rambler.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4183-9489
SPIN-code: 4622-5727

Professor, Dr. Sci. (Tech), Head of the Land Vehicles Department, Acting Director

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow

Andrey V. Popov

Central Scientific and Research Institute of Automobiles and Automotive Engines “NAMI”

Email: popov.andrey@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0009-0006-3266-9464

Postgraduate of the Scientific and Educational Center

Russian Federation, Moscow

Irina Y. Okolnishnikova

State University of Management

Email: okolnishnikova.i@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4958-8189
SPIN-code: 6286-0401

Professor, Dr. Sci. (Economics), Head of the Service Marketing and Brand Management Department

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental power distribution control system: 1 — friction clutches for blocking interwheel differentials with a hydraulic drive; 2 — a friction clutch blocking the interaxial differential with a hydraulic drive; 3 — a friction clutch for blocking the intercarrier differential with a hydraulic drive; 4 — a control system with measuring and recording facility.

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3. Fig. 2. The hydromechanical part of the power distribution control system.

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