卷 23, 编号 2 (2023)


The theory of economic development: Evolution of approaches and modern paradigm

Industriev М.


Introduction. The relevance of scholarly justifi cation of approaches to economic development is caused by the insuffi cient study of the economic development phenomenon, its nature and qualitative characteristics of the factors infl uencing the implementation of qualitative structural changes in the economy of the country. Theoretical analysis. The article summarizes the evolution of economic thought and historical transformation of attitudes concerning the study of economic development. Scientifi c approaches and studies of leading foreign and domestic scholars, which constituted the theoretical and methodological basis of the economic development theory, are consistently presented. The tendencies that served the modern theories of economic development formation are considered. Empirical analysis. Based on statistical data analysis the diff erence between the categories of «economic growth» and «economic development» is justifi ed. The concept of economic complexity as a phenomenon that contributes to the qualitative transformation of the economic development factors is considered. The dynamics of the economic complexity index in the Russian Federation is analyzed. Results. The analysis of qualitative changes in the economic development factors in the modern mixed economy is conducted. The relevance of sustainable development theory and the concept of economic complexity application in the study of the economic development of states are demonstrated. The criteria of economic development in modern socio-economic conditions are formulated.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):126-133
pages 126-133 views

The role and place of technological sovereignty in ensuring the Russian economy sustainability

Goryacheva Т., Myzrova O.


Introduction. The peculiarity of the current period development determined the need to change the vector, format and scale of the structural transformation of the Russian economy. This necessitated the need for domestic development only on the basis of achieving technological sovereignty as the main factor of economic growth and a condition of national security. It is revealed that one of the reasons for the low level of its achievement is the low innovative activity of organizations and a small proportion of organizations creating technological innovations and developments in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. The article examines the place and role of technological sovereignty in increasing national independence. Various approaches to understanding the essence of technological sovereignty are considered. A retrospective analysis of the “technological sovereignty” category formation is carried out, its priority over the policy of import substitution is proved. Empirical analysis. The analysis of the organizations’ innovative activity indicators dynamics by subjects of the Russian Federation and by types of economic activity, as well as the dynamics of the share of organizations in the total number of surveyed organizations of the Russian Federation engaged in technological innovations is carried out. The results allowed to make a conclusion about the negative trend of most of the indicators’ values. The obtained results confirmed the need to revise the vector of domestic economy development, the research activities activation as the main factor of ensuring technological sovereignty. Results. The result of the study is the identification and systematization of priority areas and measures to ensure technological sovereignty. The specific characteristics of the sovereignties influencing the achievement of universal sovereignty based on the construction of a sovereign economy model are shown. Based on theoretical and empirical analysis, assumptions are made about the different sovereignties level of development in the Russian Federation.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):134-145
pages 134-145 views

The role of artificial intelligence in the development of ecosystems in the Russian economy

Krasilnikov O.


Introduction. The article deals with the problems of ecosystems formation and development as new forms of organizational and economic relations in the Russian economy. Artificial intelligence and neural networks are studied as elements of the modern economic ecosystems construction. Theoretical analysis. The classification of ecosystem services and platforms is presented, the ways of their formation using artificial intelligence are investigated. Among the services provided by ecosystems, the following services grouped by fields of activity can be distinguished: in the field of information technology there are cloud technologies; in the field of life – social networks; in the field of finance – Internet banking. In the case of providing these services, artificial intelligence automatically saves almost all the information about the client using special filescookies. There are two ways of forming ecosystems with the participation of artificial intelligence: the creation of appropriate functionality based on a large financial institution and the formation of an intelligent platform based on a powerful Internet company or a mobile operator. From the point of view of the introduction of artificial intelligence elements and neural networks, the main ecosystems in the Russian economy are analyzed: Sber, VTB, Tinkoff, Yandex, Mail.ru Group and MTS. Results. Modern integration processes lead to the creation of metaverses based on ecosystems, in which neural networks and artificial intelligence play a crucial role. These trends require further study and scientific understanding, as well as the development of an appropriate state strategy for regulating ecosystems and programs for the introduction of artificial intelligence elements into economic development mechanisms.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):146-152
pages 146-152 views

Evolution and development trends of the world monetary and fi nancial system

Naidenova N.


Introduction. Structural changes in the world economy and trade and its financialization contributed to the growth of instability and necessitated the building a new structure for the world monetary and financial system. Theoretical analysis. The evolution of the global monetary and financial system, when the function of world money shifted from gold to fiduciaries and SDR, resulted in the formation of a two-level structure. The top level consists of countries with reserve currencies and, thanks to this, such countries have the privilege of forming long and cheap liabilities by creating public and corporate debt, financing the balance of payments deficit through monetary issuance. The rest of the countries that do not have significant sources of long-term investments belong to the lower level, since they are obliged to maintain the compliance of their national monetary base with the volume of international reserves. The development of the global monetary and financial system within the framework of such structure was supported by an increase in the volume of financial transactions and the appearance of derivatives, the purpose of which was not only hedging, but also speculation. Empirical analysis. It was found out that, while the chronic deficit of the trade and balance of payments and growing volume of public debt were not a problem for the United States for the last 20 years, a sharp increase of Federal Reserve System rates in 2022, that resulted in increased nominal yield of the treasuries, significantly increased the cost of debt servicing. The decrease in the degree of confidence in the dollar pushes central banks to diversify international reserves, as a result the share of gold in the structure of these reserves has begun to increase. Those countries that do not have reserve currencies are now more interested in CBDCs. Results. The increasing importance of tangible assets against the background of political and financial instability in the world, as well as the need to use modern digital forms of money, open up the possibility for the ruble to become one of the world’s reserve currencies in the new structure of the multipolar world monetary and financial system.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):153-162
pages 153-162 views

Digital technologies in the sphere of health care as a way to ensure the quality of human capital

Tkachenko I., Chesnyukova L.


Introduction. The article considers the relevance of the digital technologies introduction in healthcare organizations, accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of the publication is to clarify the role of digital technologies in the healthcare sector for solving applied problems and ensuring the quality of human capital as a factor of the sustainable development of the economy. Theoretical analysis. A review of Russian and foreign publications on the subject of digitalization in the field of healthcare is given. The problems of digital health are highlighted. The directions for the introduction of digital technologies in the domestic healthcare system based on the technologies of mobile healthcare, electronic medical records, medical analytics, telemedicine, and artificial intelligence systems are presented. The study is based on the analysis of statistical data on the federal districts of Russia. Results. The results of the study made it possible to identify the limiting factors for the introduction of digital technologies in healthcare organizations in Russia, to clarify the importance of digital technologies for ensuring the quality of human capital. Conclusions. The results and conclusions of the article can become a theoretical platform for further research to advance healthcare towards the implementation of the digital maturity model and the widespread use of digital technologies for the provision of medical care and services in the healthcare system.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):163-173
pages 163-173 views

Development of Russian precious metals sales planning under the conditions of macroeconomic and geopolitical instability

Stepanov I.


Introduction. Under the influence of external limitations, Russian precious metals market faced new threats and challenges. Metallurgical companies have been forced to re-engineer aff ected business processes. One of the main tasks is to reassess their approach to sales planning. Theoretical analysis. High market volatility triggered by increased macroeconomic and geopolitical risks causes price bubbles. Bubbles have a negative impact on the market because they produce serious deviations from fundamental levels. There is a defi nite connection between negative news and bubbles growth. Empirical analysis. Precious metal prices showed high volatility in 2022. The analysis revealed at least one palladium price bubble formed during March. In the face of increased uncertainty, the main sales objective was to sell as much of the production as possible, which most metallurgical companies have coped with. Results. In order to develop sales planning under constraints, a combined approach is proposed that gives minimal deviations from average prices and reduces bubble probability. It is worth using econometric models for the early identifi cation of price deviations from its fundamentals. It is necessary to encourage the regional trading hubs of precious metals.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):174-179
pages 174-179 views

Analysis of the markets for intellectual goods and services dynamics development in Russian regions

Tugusheva R., Ogurtsova E., Firsova A.


Introduction. The development of science and technology in recent decades, the active introduction of innovations and ongoing technological changes have significantly influenced economic processes and led to the emergence of a post-industrial economic system with a predominance of the Quaternary knowledge-intensive sector of the economy. Theoretical analysis. The development of intellectual activity and the expansion of the intellectual production sphere change the quality of the economic system itself. In modern economy, the development of markets for intellectual goods and services leads to qualitative changes in traditional sectors of the economy, which makes it important to study their development dynamics. Еmpirical analysis. Based on empirical data from 85 Russian regions for 2014–2021, an integral indicator of the development level of regional markets for intellectual goods and services was calculated using nine indicators that characterize the most large-scale knowledge-intensive sectors of knowledge generation in regional economies: educational services, innovations and information technologies. Results. The dynamics of the development of regional markets for intellectual goods and services as a whole is determined, and the unevenness of their development and a high degree of differentiation are revealed. The “disconnection” of regions with a high level of development of knowledge-intensive sectors from each other hinders the formation of an even innovation space and the spread of a high-tech way of life, the effective transfer of knowledge, technology, information and economic growth in general. Conclusion. The results of the study can be used to analyze changes in the educational services market, when conducting research on the innovative and informational development of regions, predicting qualitative and quantitative trends in the development of markets for intellectual goods and services.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):180-185
pages 180-185 views

Strategic national priorities of Russia in the 2020 amendments to the Russian Constitution

Komkova G.


Introduction. Strategic national priorities in Russia are enshrined in the National Security Strategy, which was approved in 2021. In this regard, the question arises: how do these priorities correlate with the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation that were introduced in 2020. Theoretical analysis. It was revealed that, depending on the stages of development of the state, the system of priorities may change, which is due to both domestic and international factors. Fixing the system of priorities in a special document sets the vectors for the development of the state for a certain period. The fixation of these strategic priorities of the state in the Basic Law of the country gives them a special meaning, significance and special increased protection. Empirical analysis. The author carried out a comparative analysis of strategic national priorities with the text of the constitutional amendments adopted in 2020. The analysis revealed their compliance and the possibility of implementation by the public authorities of modern Russia. Results. The system of strategic national priorities of modern Russia is built in such a way as to achieve the national goals of the development of the Russian state, prevent the onset of internal and external threats to the country, and their implementation is possible only through the coordinated functioning and interaction of all public authorities and civil society institutions, citizens of the Russian Federation.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):186-192
pages 186-192 views

The child and the Constitution of Russia: Conversations about important issues

Galkin N., Pryakhina T.


Introduction. The presumption of knowledge of the law and laws of the state assumes that every citizen knows the necessary amount of legal information sufficient to fulfill the basic obligation to comply with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, the study of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and basic laws is mandatory and should be integrated into educational programs at all levels. Special attention should be paid to the constitutional and legal education of children, because at this age the model of behavior, which a person will follow in the future, is laid. Theoretical analysis. The study of the Constitution of Russia in childhood and adolescence is based on the concept of meta-law, which asserts the unity of law, religion, philosophy, science, and art. In the educational paradigm of meta-law, the Constitution is perceived through spiritual and moral values, ethical, moral attitudes, confirming by legal authority the correctness of the ideas about what is due that the child has learned. The initial stage of studying the Basic Law of the country may coincide with the child’s study of the alphabet, when individual letters of the alphabet will be fixed in the child’s memory by the example of categories of constitutional law that are accessible to understanding. It is fruitful to address the content of the Constitution of Russia through the prism of elementary plots of folk tales reflecting the archetypes of popular consciousness. Through the fairy tale, the child is introduced to the national worldview, learns to recognize himself or herself as part of the multinational people of the Russian Federation, who embodied their political will in the Basic Law of the country. Folk art expresses an ideal presented in an artistic form. The Constitution legally formalizes the people’s idea. That is why legal folklore studies should be integrated into educational programs in literature, social studies, and jurisprudence. Works of children’s fiction devoted to the Basic Law of the country are the most correct form for the perception of the text of the Constitution by children aged six to eight. Serious discussions about the Constitution of Russia, the history of the constitutional idea in our country, political power and constitutional practice of the state should take place at high school age. The choice of a form of submission of constitutional and legal information is determined by mental generational characteristics of children in accordance with the information environment in which their formation and development took place. Results. The authors conclude that the theory of the Constitution should be integrated into the program of basic general education and offer the fundamentals of a specialized pedagogical strategy for studying the Constitution by children. The methodology of studying the Constitution by children determines the identity of the legal system of Russia, where moral norms, ethics, morality, culture are the co-regulators of law. The format of educational practices depends on the stages of growing up, socialization and individualization of the child.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):193-199
pages 193-199 views

The legal regime of the Caspian Sea and directions for improving Russian environmental legislation

Ryzhenkov A.


Introduction. The article discusses the measures taken in Russia and other Caspian littoral states to protect the environment of the Caspian Sea. Theoretical analysis. The author explores measures to develop an eco-network approach to the protection of water and biological resources of the Caspian Sea, problems of biodiversity conservation, the importance of protecting the Caspian ecosystems in the strategy of transition to sustainable development, as well as environmental threats due to sea level changes. Results. The conducted research proves that environmental protection of the Caspian Sea can only be of a complex nature, which requires further development of the doctrinal and normative eco-network approach, which is now at the beginning of its formation and implementation. This approach involves taking comprehensive measures to protect the aquatic ecosystems of the Caspian Sea together with the protection of other natural resources (mainly aquatic bioresources), as well as measures to improve the ecological condition of the land (coastal) territories and water bodies adjacent to the Caspian Sea, including improving the ecological condition of the Volga. The development and implementation of such measures will make it possible to take another step towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Russia, which presuppose the balance of economic, environmental and social interests, including in local territories.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):200-207
pages 200-207 views

State support for agriculture in the era of P. A. Stolypin and modern reality

Averianova N.


Introduction. The study of historical and legal development of agrarian relations in Russia is of great importance for the theory and practice of the development of modern social relations in the field of agriculture. The agrarian reforms implemented by the prominent political figure, Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin, generalized into a single historical experience, can be the basis for determining the potential and directions for the development of modern agrarian relations, the degree of their liberalism and understanding the role of the state in this process. The identified shortcomings and advantages of such reforms will make it possible to determine the historical role of the reformer P. A. Stolypin in these transformations and trace the evolution of the Russian state in the socio-economic sphere. Theoretical analysis. The article examines the main ideas, directions and results of the agrarian reform of P. A. Stolypin and analyzes its origins and causes. The provisions of the agrarian reform are considered in the context of state support for agriculture and those measures in this direction that were conceived and implemented on Stolypin's initiative. Empirical analysis. The study demonstrated that at the end of the 19th century in Russia a whole complex of political, legal, social and economic problems was formed, the solution of which depended not only on the development of the Russian state, but also on its legal personality. Most of these problems were related to the agricultural sector of the economy and the legal status of the peasantry, the largest social group of Russian citizens at that time. The main directions of Stolypin’s agrarian reform were: endowing peasants with the right to own land in order to form a large class of new effective land owners, as well as introducing market mechanisms into this process, including lending with state support to potential land buyers. Results. It was revealed that certain areas of Stolypin’s reforms, their course and results did not have unconditional recognition among his contemporaries. Their harsh criticism sounded in modern times. The author identifies the reasons for the failures of Stolypin agrarian reforms and concludes that they were more objective in nature, were due to historical and organizational reasons and did not always depend on the will of the reformer. The author highlights that Stolypin's progressive and innovative approach to the development of social relations in Russia provided him with a long historical memory as a great reformer who was not indifferent to the future of Russia and its people. The conceptual ideas of the reformer are still relevant, and his ideas are promising for the modern transformation of agrarian relations.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):208-213
pages 208-213 views

Some aspects of improving the effectiveness of public administration in contingencies

Vasilevich S.


Introduction. The nature of problems and challenges that arise in the modern state involves rethinking its functions, tasks and approaches to their solution in order to respond in a timely manner and take effective action. The most important tool for this is the law – the main regulator of socio-economic relations. Theoretical analysis. The balance of interests of the individual person and society as a whole is constantly under the influence of objective and subjective factors. The state is forced to adapt to the changing situation, including due to the accumulation of unforeseen phenomena in the economy, social and spiritual spheres. The article focuses on some aspects of increasing the effectiveness of public administration in modern conditions, as well as unforeseen phenomena of multidirectional nature (the pandemic COVID-19, environmental and man-made disasters, sanctions effects, escalated political confrontation between Russia and Western countries). Results. Taken together, all aspects to which attention is drawn require the adoption of non-standard and prompt (quick) solutions, the consequence of which will be to counter emerging threats, ensuring security and balancing the interests of the individual, society and the state.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):214-218
pages 214-218 views

Law and socioecosystem of small-numbered peoples of the North of the Russian Federation: Theoretical and legal analysis of the correlation of social phenomena

Strygina S.


Introduction. Achievements of scientific and technological progress oblige humanity to carefully introduce them into existing socioecosystems, which is especially important in relation to socially vulnerable communities of indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North of Russia. The possibility of their survival is currently an important theoretical problem. Theoretical analysis. The interrelation of social and natural foundations is investigated, the importance of legal anthropology in the preservation of the ecological and social system of the peoples of the North is substantiated. Traditional nature management is considered as a special type of relationship between people and nature, which poses the task of improving regulatory regulation in order to maintain socio-natural unity. Empirical analysis. The author analyzes the gaps and conflicts of legal regulation in the field of preserving the traditional foundations of life, which can lead to the disappearance of the identity of small-numbered peoples and the leveling of their cultures. Results. The introduction of new technologies into the life of the social ecosystems of small nations inevitably leads to a change in life activity, which leads to the transformation of moral values and the emergence of new ideas. In order for the identity of the peoples of the North not to perish, the role of law as an effective protective mechanism must manifest itself. It is noted that it is necessary to conduct a cultural and anthropological examination of normative acts affecting the traditional spheres of relations at both federal and regional levels for their compliance with the spiritual and moral values of the peoples.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):219-226
pages 219-226 views

Vectors of development of constitutional protection of human rights in connection with the progress of genomics

Basova A.


Introduction. In modern conditions of rapid development of genomics, the formation of a database of genetic testing of the Russian population, the legislative framework that effectively protects human rights and legitimate interests is only being formed in Russia. Theoretical analysis. Genetic information is of interest not only for a person who has undergone genetic testing, but also for his / her family members, the state in the organization of personalized medicine, employers, insurers, bankers. This situation is associated with violations of the constitutional rights of citizens to personal dignity, privacy, personal and family secrets, and non-discrimination. Empirical analysis. The problems of legal support of the constitutional rights of citizens in connection with the progress of genomics in various fields are revealed: in healthcare, marital, labor, insurance, banking relations, which requires prompt legislative regulation. Results. The vectors of the development of human rights protection in connection with the development of genomics are substantiated, taking into account the discussion of the most appropriate solutions in the legislation of foreign countries, allowing for a fair balance of interests of the owner of personal genetic information and third parties, with maximum minimization of potential risks of violation of constitutional rights.
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):227-234
pages 227-234 views

Problems and prospects for the development of the legal status of election observers in the Russian Federation

Kondraschenko D.


Introduction. The functioning of election observers in the Russian Federation is directly related to ensuring and implementing publicity in the activities of election commissions. The study of the features of the legal status of observers is one of the most popular electoral topics in the modern scientific community, the relevance of which is objectively due to the significance of the functioning of the above-mentioned participants in the electoral process. Theoretical analysis. The current electoral legislation establishes an exhaustive definition of the term of “observer”, which rightly focuses on the grounds for obtaining the appropriate status, and also emphasizes the importance of the functioning of observers at certain stages of the electoral process. Empirical analysis. The legal status of observers is regulated in detail by the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation, however, the main attention is paid to their rights, while the obligations of these participants in electoral legal relations are fixed fragmentarily. Results. The author identified practical problems in the activity of election observers in the Russian Federation (the priority of political attitudes in the activity of observers; the low level of legal culture and electoral literacy of observers; the spread of illegal behavior among observers), the development of which is facilitated, among other things, by the significant predominance of powers in the status of these persons. Based on the analysis, it is noted that there is a need to systematize existing norms and fill in existing legal gaps, in connection with which proposals are formulated to regulate the duties of observers in the Federal Law "On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in the referendum of the citizens of the Russian Federation".
Izvestiya of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Economics. Management. Law. 2023;23(2):235-242
pages 235-242 views