Some aspects of improving the effectiveness of public administration in contingencies

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Introduction. The nature of problems and challenges that arise in the modern state involves rethinking its functions, tasks and approaches to their solution in order to respond in a timely manner and take effective action. The most important tool for this is the law – the main regulator of socio-economic relations. Theoretical analysis. The balance of interests of the individual person and society as a whole is constantly under the influence of objective and subjective factors. The state is forced to adapt to the changing situation, including due to the accumulation of unforeseen phenomena in the economy, social and spiritual spheres. The article focuses on some aspects of increasing the effectiveness of public administration in modern conditions, as well as unforeseen phenomena of multidirectional nature (the pandemic COVID-19, environmental and man-made disasters, sanctions effects, escalated political confrontation between Russia and Western countries). Results. Taken together, all aspects to which attention is drawn require the adoption of non-standard and prompt (quick) solutions, the consequence of which will be to counter emerging threats, ensuring security and balancing the interests of the individual, society and the state.

About the authors

Sergey Grigorievich Vasilevich

Belarusian State University

8 Leningradskaya St., Minsk 220030, Belarus


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