Digital technologies in the sphere of health care as a way to ensure the quality of human capital

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Introduction. The article considers the relevance of the digital technologies introduction in healthcare organizations, accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of the publication is to clarify the role of digital technologies in the healthcare sector for solving applied problems and ensuring the quality of human capital as a factor of the sustainable development of the economy. Theoretical analysis. A review of Russian and foreign publications on the subject of digitalization in the field of healthcare is given. The problems of digital health are highlighted. The directions for the introduction of digital technologies in the domestic healthcare system based on the technologies of mobile healthcare, electronic medical records, medical analytics, telemedicine, and artificial intelligence systems are presented. The study is based on the analysis of statistical data on the federal districts of Russia. Results. The results of the study made it possible to identify the limiting factors for the introduction of digital technologies in healthcare organizations in Russia, to clarify the importance of digital technologies for ensuring the quality of human capital. Conclusions. The results and conclusions of the article can become a theoretical platform for further research to advance healthcare towards the implementation of the digital maturity model and the widespread use of digital technologies for the provision of medical care and services in the healthcare system.

About the authors

Irina Nikolaevna Tkachenko

Ural State University of Economics

62, 8 Marta St., Yekaterinburg 620144, Russia

Ludmila Konstantinovna Chesnyukova

Ural State University of Economics

62, 8 Marta St., Yekaterinburg 620144, Russia


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