Strategic national priorities of Russia in the 2020 amendments to the Russian Constitution

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Introduction. Strategic national priorities in Russia are enshrined in the National Security Strategy, which was approved in 2021. In this regard, the question arises: how do these priorities correlate with the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation that were introduced in 2020. Theoretical analysis. It was revealed that, depending on the stages of development of the state, the system of priorities may change, which is due to both domestic and international factors. Fixing the system of priorities in a special document sets the vectors for the development of the state for a certain period. The fixation of these strategic priorities of the state in the Basic Law of the country gives them a special meaning, significance and special increased protection. Empirical analysis. The author carried out a comparative analysis of strategic national priorities with the text of the constitutional amendments adopted in 2020. The analysis revealed their compliance and the possibility of implementation by the public authorities of modern Russia. Results. The system of strategic national priorities of modern Russia is built in such a way as to achieve the national goals of the development of the Russian state, prevent the onset of internal and external threats to the country, and their implementation is possible only through the coordinated functioning and interaction of all public authorities and civil society institutions, citizens of the Russian Federation.

About the authors

Galina Nikolaevna Komkova

Saratov State University

410028, Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya str., 83


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