Vol 19, No 1 (2022)

Modern trends in education

Gamification in the context of digital transformation of education

Shirokolobova A.G.


The paper focuses on one of the urgent problems of modern education – gamification in the context of digital transformation of education. The digital transformation of education has created not only the problem of changing the teaching system, but also has given great opportunities to teachers to use the synthesis of the best teaching traditions and introduction of digital technologies into the educational process, since digital technologies can change the form of teaching disciplines radically. A review of scientific literature on the issue under the study allowed us to conclude that gamification has been used in scientific publications mainly in three areas of knowledge: marketing, information management and education. The aim of the research is to develop a level-based gamification system for technical and humanitarian subjects, which can be the element of electronic courses on the LMS Moodle platform and allow to form and evaluate soft skills and increase the student motivation in the process of blended learning. The research methods were the analysis and generalization of methodological literature on the topic; observation methods (direct and indirect observation, questionnaire), experiment. The practical basis of the research was made up in the following subjects — Foreign Language, Resistance of materials, Philosophy, Life Safety, History of Russia, Engineering Graphics. Electronic courses were developed for the implementation of blended learning in the educational process in the LMS Moodle platform at a technical university. The definition of the term ‘gamification’ is considered. An experiment was conducted to develop an electronic course on the LMS Moodle platform with the introduction of gamification in the educational process. The author suggests a four-level gamification system integrated into e-courses, which allows to form and evaluate the formation of soft skills and increases motivation for learning.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):5-20
pages 5-20 views

The network form as a tool for improving the quality of education in the context of digitalization

Shlyakhtina N.V.


The modern educational environment in the conditions of the digital world considers the network form of implementation of educational programs as a tool for improving the quality of education. The network form of implementation of educational programs as an innovative reality in schools participating in the regional project «Modern School» is based both on the use of resources of several educational organizations and other institutions to solve the deficits of the basic organization itself. The network form provides an opportunity to maximize the use of material, technical and infrastructural resources updated through the supply of digital equipment and qualitatively new training of teaching staff. The paper substantiates the relevance of the network form implementation of the implementation of educational programs. The paper presents the results of quarterly monitoring of educational organizations that have established Education Centers and implement digital programs, including the network form and distance learning technologies. The subject of the study is educational activities of schools for the implementation of digital profile programs, including the online form. As a result of the study, the models of implementing educational programs in a network form using the equipment of the Education Centers are identified, and management solutions are proposed to improve the quality of implementing programs in a network form. The issues considered in the paper are very relevant at the present stage of the search for new grounds to improve the quality of education and new forms of quality management and the process of implementing programs in a network form. They are the subject of active discussion in the pedagogical community and can serve as material for use in pedagogical and managerial practice.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):21-34
pages 21-34 views

Higher school education

Assessment of the teaching methods impact on the level of financial literacy

Bitkina I.K.


This paper contains the results of the study to assess the impact of teaching methods on the level of students’ functional literacy. The relevance of the research is determined by the importance of developing a scientific basis for the preparation of modern higher education training programs aimed at developing the «rigid» and «flexible» skills of future specialists. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific sources and accumulated pedagogical experience, the features and components of the concept of «functional literacy» are identified, on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the complex nature of this concept. This character allows us to apply various forms to assess the achievement of the «functional literacy» concept components. This approach was realized during our experiment, the results of which are reflected in this paper. Currently, in pedagogical science, the influence of various forms of education on the functional literacy level of students has been studied to an incomplete degree. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of teaching methods on the functional literacy level of students. The basic research method is a scientific experiment. Classical and innovative (interactive) forms and technologies of practical classes were used as the experimental material. Two groups of students of Economics specialty were chosen as the object of research during their final year. To achieve the purpose of the study, a sequential multi-stage study was conducted. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were made about the possibility of using various forms of education in order to improve the functional literacy of students. The possibilities of using interactive forms of education to improve the functional literacy of students of socio-humanitarian areas of training are revealed.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):35-48
pages 35-48 views

Approaches to the formation of the communicative personality of the future teacher in the classroom of the course «Academic eloquence»

Filippova O.V.


The paper attempts to develop a set of approaches to the formation of the communicative personality of the future teacher in the classroom of the course «Academic eloquence» in the magistracy, to systematize and summarize the experience of using rhetorization technology in order to teach strategies and tactics of professional speech in the academic field. To teach undergraduate students academic eloquence, it is necessary to take into account the structure and characteristics of the teacher’s communicative personality, the leading strategies and tactics of academic discourse, genre features of academic speech and productive technologies used in the field of professional education of future teachers. In this regard, the author tried to formulate approaches to the formation of the communicative personality of the future teacher, reflecting the traditions of academic eloquence and modern trends in the field of professional rhetorical education, to identify and substantiate the didactic potential of the textbook of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences T.A. Ladyzhenskaya. The author reveals the concept of «the communicative personality of a teacher» and describes a set of basic pedagogical approaches to organizing the effective work of students in the classroom of the course «Academic eloquence». The conditions are discussed that determine the effectiveness of organizing classes, enriching students with communicative experience in the field of professional communication and rhetorical practice, forming value attitudes and the ability to select the optimal language means when creating academic speech as a means of solving professional problems. Within the framework of considering the value-axiological, genre-oriented, personal-professional and problem-praxeological approaches to the formation of the communicative personality of the future teacher, the methods of rhetorization technology at the level of teaching the subject are described: rhetorical analysis, rhetorical task and rhetorical game. The introduction of the considered approaches and techniques into the educational process made it possible to bring training closer to the needs of modern academic practice and showed its effectiveness in the formation of general cultural and general professional competencies necessary for a future teacher.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):49-64
pages 49-64 views

Gamification elements and online resources for teaching english lexics to future engineers at technical university

Shvaikina N.S., Oparina K.S., Kolosova E.I.


The paper is devoted to gamification as one of the leading trends in all branches of human activity, including education. A modern young professional should have a formed foreign language communicative competence to perform professional duties in the most effective way. In addition, knowledge of a foreign language contributes to the harmonious development of the individual and provides a basis for further achievements. The aim of this paper is to define the concept of «gamification» in educational discourse, to identify its key characteristics, as well as the differences from the concept of «game». In the practical part of the paper, the authors made an attempt to determine the effectiveness of gamification and online sources for teaching English vocabulary to engineering students. In addition, a list of specific online resources that can be used in the classroom is given. This research was carried out using theoretical and practical methods. The theoretical methods are the analysis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education and other regulatory documents, regulating the learning process at the university, as well as reviewing and systematizing the theoretical and practical works of researchers in this area. The results of the practical part of the research were obtained through pedagogical observation, questionnaires, testing and experiment, as well as through a frontal conversation and an individual interview. The research results can be applied in teaching English to bachelor students of all technical areas of training, as part of a refreshment course for undergraduates of non-linguistic specialties. In addition, it should be noted that the use of gamification is possible both in classroom lessons and in the independent work of students.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):65-76
pages 65-76 views

The methods of forming soft skills of university students: theoretical and practical aspects

Uskova B.A., Fominykh M.V.


This paper describes the theoretical and practical aspects of the methodology for the formation of students’ soft skills. Innovation processes are implemented today in almost all spheres of human activity. In particular, this applies to the field of education. As for professional education, the university should maintain interest in modern technologies, socio-economic changes in society, and the development of new trends and directions. Such processes include the formation of supra-professional skills, in other words, soft skills. They are not related to a particular profession, but are important for a career and advancement in it. The process of forming such skills can be implemented in English classes. In this regard, to create conditions conducive to the formation of soft skills, as well as to make the learning process more informative and memorable, the authors of the paper developed a set of tasks for the formation of soft skills competencies. Since the development of these skills is important for preparing for a future profession, the target audience is junior students. The purpose of this paper is a theoretical justification of the methodology for the formation of soft skills competencies. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the results can be used in the course of foreign languages teaching methodology.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):77-92
pages 77-92 views

Social psychology

The influence of facial stigma and physical attractiveness on the impressions formation about person

Zorina S.V.


When a person is perceived, the impression of a person is formed as a result of processing a multitude of signs (features of the face). A significant part of these signals has been studied in sufficient detail, but information on how they interact with each other is not enough. The study is aimed at studying the mechanism of impression formation as a result of the perception of two signals having the opposite effect: physical attractiveness and stigma of disembryogenesis (orbital hypertelorism, manifested in increasing the distance between the inner corners of the eyes). Physical attractiveness enhances a positive impression, while facial stigma contributes to a negative opinion of the person. We expected that the impression will depend on the interaction of the signals with each other. In the experiment, participants (200 people) made judgments about three groups of variables: personality traits, the degree of desired interpersonal proximity, the reliability of a person (danger and potential criminality). To identify the interaction of signals, the division of the photoimage into two parts was used. This technique makes it difficult for the holistic perception of the face, weakening the influence of facial signals. Meaning, changes in the eye area have less impact on the overall impression because the upper and lower halves of the face are perceived separately. The hypothesis was confirmed for social judgments about the reliability of a person. For physically attractive individuals, the violation of continuty contributed to an increase in the attributed likelihood of committing murder and fraud, for physically unattractive — a decrease in the perceived danger and the possibility degree of committing fraudulent activities. While perceiving the face of another person, the subject of perception forms a holistic impression in which the initial pieces of information are integrated depending on their weight, for example, a strong signal eliminates a weak one. Obtained results shows that physical attractiveness weakens the influence of dysembryogenesis stigma on the evaluation of potential criminality, forming a positive bias.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):93-106
pages 93-106 views

Characteristics of a resilient leader of a humanitarian organization

Plyushcheva O.A., Makhnach A.V.


Under the influence of ecological, economic, political and other changes, organizations, employees and their leaders inevitably and regularly face impacts that are reflected in the experience of uncertainty about their future prospects. To resist these crises, rebuild and develop, organizations must form resilient leaders and employees. The development of resilient leaders increases the ability to positively influence the entire staff of the organization and becomes their strategic advantage in overcoming difficult periods. We are convinced that such development of resilient leadership should be selected specifically for each organizational environment, its features and tasks. In this regard, the purpose of our research was to study such characteristics of the leaders of the organization that employees define as resilience and whether the subjective perceptions of employees can contribute to the choice of methods to strengthen the resilience of the organization. The empirical study involved specialists of a non-profit organization performing professional duties of staff and volunteers (N = 106, men — 7.5%, women — 92.5%, average age — 36.7). Content-analysis was used as a research method. The results showed that the study of the characteristics of the subjective perceptions of the organization’s employees about the characteristics of the resilience of their leaders can form an idea of which areas of leadership strategies require changes, which are sufficiently resourceful and can be used to select support measures, which will contribute to the targeted and specific assistance required by the organization to strengthen its resilience and the resilience of its employees. Further research in this area will be useful for a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of professional resilience and can be applied for practical purposes to manage professional resilience to help organizations and professionals overcome crises, recover and continue their development.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):107-124
pages 107-124 views

Socio-psychological research of value orientations of students

Chernyshova E.L., Ivanov D.V., Roschupkina E.I.


The analysis of philosophical, sociological, pedagogical and psychological literature let us make a conclusion that the fundamental basis of the legal consciousness of each person is the degree of his spiritual perfection and maturity. Value and spiritual and moral prerequisites, in turn, are the basis of law, making the behavior of an individual in society expedient. The authors of the paper focus their attention on the frequent cases of delinquent behavior among young students. There is a new form of delinquent behavior, that is deviant socio-political activity. The authors of the paper see the problem of contradiction between the real state of legal consciousness of students and the lack of knowledge of the relationship of legal consciousness with individual psychological characteristics and value orientations of students. The desire to find ways to resolve this contradiction determined the purpose of the research conducted — to investigate the relationship of legal consciousness with individual psychological characteristics and value orientations of Samara students who took part in unauthorized protest actions in January 2021. The paper presents the results of an empirical study of individual psychological characteristics and value orientations of students who took part in unauthorized protest actions. The results received, it was found that the subjects of the sample are really prone to delinquent behavior, they have a low level of volitional control of the affective sphere, a pronounced tendency to aggression and violence against the background of negative attitudes towards social norms and rules, the level of legal awareness is low, a positive attitude to law is not formed, and higher, spiritual values are rejected. Among the preferred values are the values of the hedonistic and gloric vector.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):125-140
pages 125-140 views

General psychology

Uncertainty of the image of consumer behavioral disorders in the representations of students

Aksyutina Z.A., Il’in A.N.


Our time is called the era of consumption. Consumerism as a phenomenon is rapidly developing in the space of Russia and is one of the psychological characteristics of modern youth, including students. That is why this work was devoted to the study of the uncertainties of the image of violations of consumer behavior in students’ perceptions. To achieve the goal of the study, an overview of studies on the characteristics of consumer behavior in modern Russian humanitarian publications over the past five years is presented. The most relevant aspects of cognition of the psychology of consumer behavior are revealed: phenomenology, definition of the concept, deviations in consumer behavior, etc. Consumerism was found to lead to a disease — affluence. The aim of the study was to identify students’ perceptions of consumer behavior disorders. It was assumed that the students’ ideas about violations of consumer behavior are characterized by blurry and uncertainty due to the fact that this aspect is not the subject of their professional training. 72 students aged 20 to 24 years of the Pedagogical University were engaged in a diagnostic conversation. The data obtained during the survey were interpreted using the Wu Xing pentagram method. The analysis of students’ ideas about psychological disorders of consumer behavior is given. The anti-motives of consumption are revealed. They were modeled into a reflected pyramid of needs on the basis of A. Maslow’s theory of needs. In the conclusion, it is indicated that the hypothesis put forward has not been confirmed.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):141-152
pages 141-152 views

Cognitive mistakes of codependents as a way to protect against uncertainty

Artemtseva N.G., Malkina M.A.


The paper is devoted to the problem of studying the inner subjective world of a codependent personality. Despite the active scientific studies of the phenomenon of codependency in recent years, there is still room for new ideas in this area. The problem under study is interesting and relevant both for psychological science in general, and for practical and consulting psychology. The purpose of the study presented in the paper is to identify cognitive mistakes inherent in individuals with actualized codependency. Codependency is considered not only as being close to a dependent relative, but more broadly as a set of certain patterns of thinking and behavioral characteristics. As a result of the study, the severity of certain cognitive errors in codependent subjects was found. Cognitive errors of thinking that are present both in the group of actualized codependents and in the group of non-actualized codependents are revealed. When comparing the indicators of the severity of cognitive errors in codependent men and women, a general trend of the presence of cognitive errors was found: in actualized codependents, the indicators of men and women do not differ, and in non-actualized codependents, almost all cognitive errors are significantly more pronounced than in men. It is shown that cognitive errors aimed at avoiding uncertainty prevail in people with actualized codependency. It is concluded that the cognitive errors identified in codependents are not just associated with a state of uncertainty, but can also be a way to protect against it. The results of the research can be used in the development of therapeutic strategies for correcting the manifestations of codependency through awareness and correction of cognitive mistakes.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2022;19(1):153-166
pages 153-166 views

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