Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

The journal "Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences” is a regular publication of research and scientific-practical orientation, publishing original research on topics from the pedagogical and psychological fields of knowledge, as well as on the development and modernization of education in general.

The purpose of the journal "Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences” is the development of research activities, support for leading scientific schools and training of highly qualified personnel in the field of pedagogics and psychology by creating a space of scientific communication for the free exchange of information, experience, results of theoretical and applied research.

The main tasks of the scientific publication “Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences" are:

  • ensuring open interaction for the exchange of views and practical experience among representatives of the scientific and professional community in order to develop and promote scientific ideas in the field of pedagogy and psychology;
  • promoting the magazine to the international space and attracting international author and readership on the subject of the magazine;
  • optimization of scientific communication and strengthening of links between researchers;
  • improving the quality of scientific research in the field of pedagogics and psychology;
  • involvement of young researchers in the professional scientific community.

The journal is focused on the vast geography of the authors, subject to the originality and novelty of their work, as well as their compliance with Russian legislation on the media and the standards of scientific ethics. The journal’s policy is based on the principle of an interdisciplinary approach that promotes the integration of research results of research teams and individual authors in different fields of science, united by one goal - the solution of actual problems of science and education.

The journal is not commercially oriented. The main criteria for publishing a scientific paper in the journal are the relevance of the issues considered in it and the compliance of the paper with the profile of the journal. Teamwork in the analysis of educational trajectories, processes of adaptation of existing knowledge in the sphere of pedagogics and psychology to modern trends in social development allows finding the best ways to solve the inevitable difficulties and contradictions caused by the constantly changing conditions of modern society. The journal is open to reputable scientists as well as to young researchers and provides opportunities for cooperation in solving these problems.


Peer Review Process

  1. A bilateral anonymous ("blind") peer review method is mandatory for processing of all scientific manuscripts submitted to the editorial stuff of "Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences". This implies that neither the reviewer is aware of the authorship of the manuscript, nor the author maintains any contact with the reviewer. The review process is limited to 2 weeks up to 1 month, though in some cases the schedule may be adjusted at the reviewer’s request.
  2. Editor-in-chief decides on the reviewers stuff. Reviewing of papers is carried out by members of the editorial board as well as invited reviewers - leading experts in the relevant field of science in Russia and other countries. Persons who do not have a scientific degree, but are qualified specialists in a particular area, may also be involved in the review process.
  3. All manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor-in-chief of the journal. The decision may be made to refuse to publish, if no compliance with the topics or requirements of the journal has been identified; the paper size is significantly less than the minimum required (up to 10 pages); the paper was previously published in another edition; there is no scientific novelty in the paper. In this case, a motivated refusal is sent to the author.
  4. Reviewers have the right to refuse a review in case any conflict of interests arises, which is reflected in the perception and interpretation of the manuscript materials. Upon consideration, reviewers are expected to present the editorial board with one of the following recommendations: to accept the paper in its present state; to revise the manuscript to address specific concerns before the final decision is made; to reject the manuscript outright.
  5. If the manuscript is recommended by reviewers (or one of the reviewers) for publication under condition of revision, the editorial board, upon the decision of the editor-in-chief, sends the manuscript with the recommendations attached without specifying the names of reviewers. The author is obliged to correct the manuscript taking into account all the comments of the reviewers. If the author does not agree with any comments, he is obliged to send a written explanation of his position to the editor along with the revised version of the paper manuscript. The editor-in-chief decides whether the paper should be placed in a journal or re-sent to reviewers (together with an explanatory note from the author). When submitting a paper to reviewers, the latter give a new conclusion about the possibility of publishing the paper. The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is made by the editor-in-chief or at a meeting of the editorial board.
  6. If the author refuses to revise the manuscript, he should notify the editors in writing of his refusal to publish the paper. In case the authors do not return the revised version after 1 month from the day the review was sent, the editors will strike it off the register. The authors are informed of the manuscript withdrawal in connection with expiration of the revision deadline.
  7. In the case of a negative evaluation of the manuscript by the reviewers, the editors send the author a reasoned refusal with attachments of reviews without specifying the names of the reviewers.
  8. If the author and reviewers have insoluble contradictions regarding the manuscript, the editorial board has the right to send the manuscript for additional reviewing. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the editor-in-chief at a meeting of the editorial board.
  9. The final decision on the manuscript publication or its rejection from publication is made at the meeting of the editorial board by a simple majority vote. А positive review is not a sufficient reason to publish a paper. The final decision on the publication is made by the editorial board. In conflict situations, the decision is made by the chief editor-in-chief.
  10. The originals of the reviews are kept in the journal editorial office for an unlimited time period (but not less than 5 years). Reviews on manuscripts in open access are not published and are used only in the internal document circulation of the editorial staff, as well as in communication with the authors.


Publication Frequency

The journal publish quarterly, 4 issues per year.


Open Access Policy

By «open access» to the journal content we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these papers, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited. (BOAI statement)

The journal content is licensed according to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).



The journal uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve all the published articles. The PKP PN is a part of LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) program offers decentralized and distributed preservation, seamless perpetual access, and preservation of the authentic original version of the content.

Also, the journal makes full-text archives on the Russian Science Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru/) and Cyberleninka platforms.



  • Papers in the journal “Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences” are indexed by The Russian Scientific Citation Index (RSCI) – a database which accumulates information on papers by Russian scientists, published in native and foreign titles. The RSCI project has been under development by the Electronic Scientific Library foundation since 2005. elibrary.ru
  • Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. The Google Scholar index includes most peer-reviewed online journals of Europe and America's largest scholarly publishers.
  • Cyberleninka is a scientific electronic library based on the Open Science paradigm. Its main objectives are to popularize science and research, to provide public quality control of scientific publications, to develop interdisciplinary research and the modern institute of scientific review, to increase the citation of Russian science and design the knowledge infrastructure.
  • Ulrich's Periodical Directory
  • WorldCat


Publication Ethic Policy

The editorial staff of the journal “Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences" focuses on international standards of editorial ethics proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics, (COPE) and believes that following its principles of publication ethics is one of the main points of peer review and publication.

  1. Ethical principles for authors

The integrity of scientific research is ensured by the authors' following the international standards for the scientific publications preparation. The editors reserve the right to refuse to publish the paper in case of violation of the rules below.

1.1. The author submitting the manuscript for publication in the journal “Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences” ensures that it has neither been published earlier nor is currently being reviewed by the editors of other publications and possible conflicts of interest related to the copyright and publication of the manuscript in question have been resolved.

1.2. The author must make sure that the manuscript is completely original, and in case of using the works of other authors, the corresponding bibliographic references should be provided. Literal copying of more than 10 percent of other person’s work without reference to the source and use of quotation marks is not allowed.

1.3 The author guarantees the absence of self-plagiarism. If the elements of the manuscript were previously published in another paper, the author is obliged to refer to the earlier work, indicate what is the significant difference between the new research from the previous one and identify the connection with the research results and conclusions presented in the previous work. Literal copying of one’s own works and their paraphrasing are unacceptable, they can only be used as a basis for new conclusions.

1.4. The author must provide reliable results of the work done and an objective discussion of the research significance. The study should contain enough details and references for possible reproduction.

1.5. The authors of the publication can be those who have made a significant contribution to the work concept, development, execution or interpretation of the presented research. All those who have made significant contributions should be designated as co-authors. In cases where research participants have made significant contributions to a research project, they should be listed as individuals who have made significant contributions to this research.

1.6. In case of revealing significant errors in the published work, the author should notify the editorial board and take a joint decision about admitting the error or correcting it.

1.7. All authors are required to reveal in their manuscripts financial or other existing conflicts of interest that may be recognized as having influenced the results or conclusions presented in the work. Potential conflicts of interest to be revealed include employment, advising, stock ownership, receiving fees, providing expert opinions, a patent application or patent registration, grants, and other financial support.

1.8. For ease of distribution and ensuring the implementation of the policy of materials use, the author transfers the publisher the property in the manuscript, unless otherwise stated.

  1. Ethical principles for reviewers

Peer review of scientific papers by other researchers is an integral part of scientific communication, which allows to improve the quality and to ensure the objectivity of the research, helps make a decision on publishing the paper. All reviewers must adhere to generally accepted principles and standards in the review process.

2.1. The reviewer should agree to review only those manuscripts for the evaluation of which he has sufficient knowledge and competencies, and who can review within the time limit set.

2.2. The reviewer guarantees presenting an objective and fair review, the absence of unethical statements and personal criticism.

2.3. The reviewer must ensure the confidentiality of the review – non-disclosure of the manuscript details or review during or after reviewing to anyone except those authorized by the editor.

2.4 Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used in personal research without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained during the review process and related to possible benefits should be kept confidential and not used for the personal gain.

2.5. The reviewer should declare all possible conflicts of interest and seek for the advice from the editors of the journal in case of doubt whether the situation is a conflict of interest or not. Reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts if there is a conflicts of interest due to the competitive, collaborative and other interactions and relationships with any of the authors, companies or other organizations related to the submitted work.

  1. Ethical principles for editorial stuff

Editorial staff of the journal “Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences" follows the rules of editorial policy that contributes to the objective and high-quality research.

3.1. The editorial board implements an independent policy for the selection and publication of scientific research materials and guarantees the compliance of published materials with the accepted international standards and ethical principles.

3.2. The editorial board makes a decision on publishing or rejecting the work based on its intellectual content, relevance, reliability of the information contained and its compliance with the subject of the journal, regardless of race, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship or political views of the author.

3.3. The editors of the journal can make changes to the materials and give refutations (up to the withdrawal of papers), when necessary, and also do not disregard cases of illegal behavior in conducting research and publishing their results.

3.4. The editorial board makes honest and objective decisions regardless of commercial considerations, provides a qualified and objective review of the manuscript and ensures the confidentiality of the review process.

3.5. The editors protect the authors' reputation and consider all cases of plagiarism and other facts of unacceptable behavior during publication. In cases of detection of plagiarism facts and other facts of unacceptable behavior when publishing scientific materials, the editors of the journal have the right to refuse to publish the manuscript provided and to withdraw the publication.

The editors reserve the right not to respond to accusations of plagiarism, if the prosecutor provides false personal information (for example, seems to be a fictitious name) or acts in an unethical form. The editors are not obliged to discuss cases of alleged plagiarism with persons who are not directly related to it.

When reviewing papers, the native Russian-language plagiarism detection software “Antiplagiat” is used to screen the submissions.

  1. The order of papers retraction from the journal

In the case of situations involving violations of publication ethics, the editors of the journal act in accordance with the Guidelines for Papers Retraction of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE Retraction Guidelines) and the Rules of Papers Retraction from publication ASEP.

The paper retraction is carried out according to the official appeal of the editors or the author. Anonymous appeals, as well as appeals of persons who are not directly related to the issue, are not considered. The reasons for the paper retraction are: 1) the presence of plagiarism in the paper (including borrowing drawings, graphs, tables, etc.), if the fact of plagiarism was discovered after the publication of the paper; the emergence of claims concerning the copyright to the paper or its individual parts by third parties; 2) publication of the paper in other edition before the date of its publication in the journal; 3) the presence of serious errors in the published paper that puts its scientific value in  doubt.

Under such circumstances, the editorial board of the journal arrange the control procedure, on the results of which the paper can be withdrawn. The author of the paper is sent a letter with the information about the reasons for the paper retraction.

The paper is not physically removed from the published edition or from the site of the journal. The editors publish a statement on the paper retraction and place it on the appropriate content page of the issue on the official journal website.

Information about retracted papers is sent to the National Electronic Library (elibrary.ru), to the Council on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (to put information into the unified database of retracted papers).

The editorial staff will pay close attention to all reasonable appeals about the violations found in the published materials. The editors consider the author and the reviewer to be responsible for informing the editorial staff as soon as possible about the missed errors and violations that they discovered after the paper publication.

  1. Privacy Statement

5.1. The following information about the authors, including their names, affiliation, contact information, information about the position and academic degree, links to author profiles, is placed in the in the section “Information about the author”.

5.2. The passport data and place of residence of the authors, submitted to the editorial board of the journal, are used exclusively for licensing agreements and forwarding correspondence and are not transferred to third parties.

5.3. Names of reviewers are not reported to authors and third parties.


Publication Fees

Publication in "Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences" journal is free for all authors.

The "Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences" journal charge no publication fees from authors — including those of peer-review management, manuscript processing, journal production, Open-Access, online hosting and archiving.

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