Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences

The journal "Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences” has been published since 2004 and is a regular scientific publication issued by Samara State Technical University with the aim of developing research activities, supporting leading scientific schools and training highly qualified personnel. The journal is issued 4 times a year.

The journal publishes papers that reflect the results of current fundamental and applied scientific research on pedagogy and psychology, presented in accordance with the rules established by the editorial board of the journal. All papers submitted to the editors of the journal are reviewed by members of the editorial board of the journal and by the invited reviewers.

The journal is open for cooperation in all specified scientific fields, accepts scientific materials for publication on the results of basic and applied research, ensuring their objective expertise and review.

The founder of the journal "Vestnik of Samara State Technical University. Series: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences" is a Federal State-Funded Educational Establishment for Higher Education "Samara State Technical University".

The publisher of the journal is Samara State Technical University.

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. Certificate of Registration ПИ № ФС 77- 66654.

The journal has International Standard Serial Number - ISSN - 1991-8569 (Print), 2712-892X (Online). 

The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for obtaining the scientific degree of a candidate of sciences and for the academic degree of a doctor of science should be published.

Papers of the journal are accepted in the following scientific areas:

  • 13.00.00 - Pedagogics
  •  19.00.00 - Psychology

The journal is peer-reviewed and included in the national information-analytical system RISC.

Current Issue

Vol 21, No 2 (2024)

Theory and methodology of education

Training soft skills in Russian language classes with foreign students of economic specialties
Il’ina N.O.

The paper is devoted to the problem of soft skills development when working with foreign students in the course of Russian as a foreign language. It is known that soft skills are currently being actively introduced into the learning process at all levels of education. In this regard, it is necessary to include tasks for the development of soft skills in the educational process of foreign students in classes on the scientific style of speech and the language for specialty purposes. The purpose of this study is to analyze methodological approaches and develop tasks that meet the communicative needs of foreign students receiving Russian education and, therefore, acquiring soft skills in the main subjects of their field of study. The research offers options for tasks for soft skills development for foreign students studying economics. The work also analyzes the importance of teamwork, which helps to create the most comfortable atmosphere that facilitates free exchange of opinions and the active participation of all students in classroom activities. The paper draws attention to one of the most effective techniques for developing soft skills, namely, gaming technology. With the help of an educational game in classes on Russian as a foreign language, you can solve a number of complex problems that contribute to the development of the skills in question. In conclusion, the author focuses on the fact that despite the absence of Soft Skills competencies in the list of competencies listed in the federal state requirements for Russian as a foreign language, it is necessary to look for methodological techniques and forms of work, develop exercises and tasks for the formation and development of soft skills, so as dictated by the communicative needs of foreign students receiving education in the Russian Federation.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):5-18
pages 5-18 views
Pedagogical culture development of the teacher of the future: scientific and practical point of view
Kochemasova L.A.

The need for scientific understanding and rethinking of modern problems in the theory and practice of education, as well as their adequate understanding and search for their effective solutions cannot be achieved without turning to the pedagogical heritage of the American pragmatist philosopher, sociologist and political scientist, psychologist and teacher, outstanding scientist and public figure John Dewey. In 1988, UNESCO recognized him as one of the four people who defined the way of pedagogical thinking in the twentieth century. Based on the above, the goal of the study is to create an attractive and open environment for current philosophical discussion, its cultural codes and scientific rethinking of the pedagogical heritage of D. Dewey. The author of the paper focuses on the pedagogical support of the teacher of the future in the field of popularization of science, which became possible due to the organization and holding of the International Competition of Scientific Research and Creative Works of Students “In the World of the Wise Thoughts of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev and John Dewey.” In the study, the author’s attention is focused on the key idea of John Dewey in the development of the pedagogical culture of the teacher of the future, from which all his pedagogical principles stemmed. The applied value of the conducted research is determined by the expansion of the range of scientific and professional knowledge, the field of scientific knowledge, comprehension, and free choice of “personal research action” within the framework of updating the ideas of John Dewey. In modern pedagogical science and practice, the presented results of scientific research can be used as a tool for attracting educational subjects to the field of popularization of science.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):19-32
pages 19-32 views
Functional and conceptual approach in the development of communicative competence of law students
Pushkareva I.A.

The paper discusses the formation of communicative competence of law students in practical classes in a foreign language using a functional and conceptual approach. The author identifies the leading principals of higher legal education and identifies the basic needs of law students in order to improve their professional training and select the relevant content of the discipline «Foreign language in the field of jurisprudence». Distinctive features of the functional and conceptual approach in teaching a foreign language and the effectiveness of its use for the formation of foreign language communicative competence in the professional field are taken into account. The developed structural and functional model of the formation of communicative competence has been successfully tested within the framework of the studied discipline. The control of the studied topic in the form of a step-by-step organization and role-playing game showed a high degree of assimilation of educational material by students and the ability to apply it in practice, which confirms the effectiveness of using a functional and conceptual approach in the process of forming the communicative competence of students of legal specialties.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):33-48
pages 33-48 views
Features of pragmatic competence development while teaching a foreign language to university students
Pirogova N.G., Rozhkov G.A.

The key objective of the conducted research is to develop methodology of building pragmatic competence while teaching English language to students of Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University (SPCPU). In order to use a language fluently, learners have to study not only forms and meanings in it. Practical experience indicates that the development of pragmatic competence is one of the main aims of teaching a second language. However, only few English course books include this component. The research concentrates on the formation and enhancement of pragmatic competence which includes not only knowledge of the language but also cultural knowledge. Various methods to boost pragmatic competence are given. The results of research with an experimental design revealed that a deliberate focus on pragmatics during English classes was conducive to enhancement of pragmatic competence.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):49-64
pages 49-64 views

Theory of pedagogy

Narrative structure of the pedagogical situation
Dobrova V.V.

The paper proposes a method of formalizing the narrative structure of a pedagogical situation on the basis of frames. The frame method allows effectively representing any cultural objects and scenarios using a common system of methodological categories. Depending on the previously proposed understanding of a pedagogical situation, all situations were classified into 3 groups. For each group of situations a formalized frame-scenario description as well as interpretation was proposed. The frames of the 3 distinguished groups partially coincide, although they have different structures. Frames allow modeling and systematizing the structure and content of pedagogical situations. In addition to describing classes of situations, they are a convenient tool for formalizing the meta-language for describing pedagogical phenomena.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):65-74
pages 65-74 views
Digital transformation of construction training at the university in conditions of using an electronic educational resource for the discipline «Technical expertise and technology for building reconstruction»
Bessonova O.A., Mironova L.I.

In the context of the digital transformation of engineering and construction training, the paper discusses an electronic educational resource (EER), implemented by means of BIM design technology (Building Information Modelling, information model of an object) for studying the discipline «Technical expertise and technology of building reconstruction» at the Institute of Construction and Architecture of the Ural Federal University. The relevance of the study can be explained by the fact that insufficiently developed Russian regulatory framework and the limited distribution of domestic computer-aided design programs slow down the digital transformation of both the construction industry and the education system. The aim of the research is to describe the possibilities of electronic educational media using automatic design systems in the development of information models of reconstructed objects for the training of civil engineering bachelors, as well as to analyze regulations for overseeing the field of information design. To reach the aim of the study, the following objectives were achieved: the terminology has been clarified for the information model of the object for use in the learning process; the analysis of regulatory documents was carried out on the topic of digital modeling; examples of the use of BIM-technologies in the reconstruction of construction projects were given; an assessment was made of the significance of the technology considered in the process of training graduates for the construction industry. The object of the study is the process of training future construction workers at the Department of Industrial, Civil Engineering and Real Estate Expertise of the Ural Federal University using an EER and digital design methods for the reconstruction of construction projects. The subject of the study is the development of future civil engineers’ professional competence in the field of technical expertise and technology for the reconstruction of buildings using EER, implemented by means of BIM-design technology. The result is the development of educational and methodological support for the discipline «Technical Expertise and Technology of Building Reconstruction», based on the use of digital technology «Augmented Reality», which is aimed at developing bachelor skills for designing digital models of buildings and effectively use acquired knowledge for planning and distribution of resources (material, financial, labor) when organizing reconstruction work. The scientific novelty of the research consists of identifying the social significance of BIM design technology for the purpose of reconstruction of construction sites; developing the structure of the content of the basic block of bachelor training in order to develop professional competence in the field of reconstruction of construction projects in the digital educational environment of the university; the development of modern educational and methodological support for the educational process, taking into account the digital transformation of engineering training, the use of which will allow graduates to develop the necessary professional competence to work in an information and design environment. The practical significance is in the application of the developed EER in the learning process, which contributes to the development of students’ interest, forms the necessary professional competence of future civil engineers, increasing their competitive qualities for future work in the information and design environment.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):75-94
pages 75-94 views
Business game as a pedagogical tool for developing students’ global competencies
Zhurakovskaya V.M., Olicheva O.A.

One of the important tasks of implementing state educational policy is the quality of education, expressed in functional literacy, which also includes the global competencies of students. The paper raises the problem of developing pedagogical tools and conditions that determine the development of global competencies of secondary school students. The aim of the paper is to develop the structure of a business game that determines the development of global competencies of secondary school students, to describe the practical application of the structure of a business game when designing specific business games in the educational practice of a secondary school. The study proposes a new structure of a business game and offers an example of the business game “BRICS Summit”, designed on the basis of this structure. The scientific novelty of the research includes the development of a business game designed on the basis of the integration of scientific approaches: synergetic, activity-based, coaching, the interpenetration of which determined the development of new structural components of a business game focused on the formation of global competencies of students. The theoretical significance of the study was the theoretical principles underlying the structure of the business game, which will contribute to the expansion and enrichment of the theory of design of pedagogical technologies that determine the formation of global competencies of students, and will require the conduct of business games for students in extracurricular activities in the educational process. The practical significance of the study is in practical application of the structure of a business game in the professional activities of a teacher when designing business games as extracurricular activities that determine the formation of global competencies of students. Analysis of business games implementation in an educational organization in extracurricular activities, which determine the formation of students’ global competencies, made it possible to identify the positive dynamics of the development of students’ experience of global thinking and, on this basis, to substantiate the effectiveness of the designed pedagogical tools.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):95-118
pages 95-118 views

Higher school education

Interactive online services for learning foreign languages
Ageyenko N.V., Rybkina A.A.

Modern educational standards implementation requires the development of new learning process strategies. Introduction of innovative methods and technologies in the educational process allows to increase the efficiency of students learning activity and to choose an individual trajectory in an open educational environment. The study substantiates the necessity of development linguacultural competence of higher school students in the process of learning a foreign language. The authors identify the basic principles and distinctive features of language training; analyze the system and approaches to form students’ foreign language communicative competence. The paper discusses the advantages of using online platforms of virtual museums for the purpose of the development of student’s linguistic-country competence in higher educational institutions. Broad educational potential of virtual museums as an innovative resource that complements the curriculum and expands the traditional learning system, offering students knowledge of culture in the context of various activities is taken into account. The research represents a brief description of the virtual museum application for classroom tours in the process of teaching students and the developed and tested model of the formation of linguistic-country competence.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):119-130
pages 119-130 views
The use of video resources to develop listening skills and abilities of students receiving pedagogical training during english language classes
Shvaikina N.S., Popel A.A.

This paper deals with Youtube and Ted Talks video resources focusing on pedagogics and relevant career development and their use in the classroom to develop listening skills of students studying Economics and Foreign Language. The authors took an insight into the concept of listening, examined mechanisms underlying speech and skills acquisition, presented classifications of types of listening, revealed difficulties teachers traditionally face while developing students’ listening skills, described stages in listening, classified and analyzed exercises to help learners develop their istening skills and abilities. The authors devised a plan of activities including exercises for each specific stage to improve students’ listening skills. The paper also describes an experiment on the use of video materials included in the system of exercises to develop and evaluate students’ listening skills.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):131-154
pages 131-154 views
Application of the project method in foreign language teaching in the training of master’s degree students at a non-linguistic university (exemplified by «foreign language in the field of professional communication»)
Grigorieva V.G., Nazarova N.

Introduction of new areas of master’s programs in a non-linguistic university sets challenges for foreign language teachers to optimize the language training of the students. The article describes the experience of using a practical-oriented method in teaching the discipline «Foreign Language in the Professional Sphere» to Master’s Degree students of «Management of Museum and Exhibition Activities» at the Samara State Institute of Culture. The preparatory stage of the project activity involved updating the necessary language material based on authentic text and video sources. The next stage was introduction of the Master’s Degree students to exposition and exhibition activities and the latest technologies in museum business on the basis of the Samara «E.A. Ryazanov Museum», which was completed with an excursion conducted by the Master’s Degree students in English. During the next stage, a survey was prepared and carried out among the undergraduate Bachelor students studying museum business on the topic of the project. The final stage of the work was the assessment of the project activities in the form of the participants’ survey regarding the positive impact of the project method on the development of language skills and on the formation of universal and professional competencies.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):155-170
pages 155-170 views
Analysis of self-esteem, level of claims and foreign language proficiency of non-linguistic students
Sheypak O.A., Sudilina E.V.

Self-esteem is an important component in every person’s life, which is associated with well-being in life and success in professional activities. If self-esteem is inadequate (overestimated or underestimated), then this negatively affects both the personal and professional spheres of a person. However, self-esteem is a parameter that can be adjusted, since it is not innate, but is formed over the course of life, so inadequate self-esteem can be adjusted. As the analysis of scientific literature in recent years shows, the self-esteem of non-linguistic students is very little studied, whereas this parameter is extremely important to be taken into account. Students should receive not only professional knowledge, but also develop other skills and qualities necessary for a successful specialist, because only deep knowledge of the subject does not guarantee high achievements in profession. In this regard, we decided to conduct a study to see what level of self-esteem students of aerospace specialties have, as well as compare their self-esteem and the level of foreign language proficiency (that is, to identify the relationship between self-esteem and academic performance). The paper also examines the level of students’ claims, which being a fairly important component of self-esteem has an impact on it. The Dembo-Rubinstein method was chosen as the research method. The results of the study have shown that mostly students with high foreign language level have inadequate self-esteem and a level of claims. It means that having high knowledge they do not use their full potential to the maximum. Students with a lower level of a foreign language have, for the most part, adequate self-esteem. This study highlights the need and importance of analyzing students’ self-esteem and, if necessary, subsequent work to correct it.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):171-184
pages 171-184 views
Using activating methods of teaching artistic design to future interior designers
Zhdanova N.S., Ekaterinushkina A.V., Antonenko Y.S.

Management of student learning has always been in the field of view and discussion of teachers. Today, a lot of diverse experience has already been accumulated; it is presented in a number of publications by different authors. At the same time, the topic is far from being exhausted, because the content of the activity itself makes its own contribution to any methods and recommendations. Each subject area of activity has its own preferences in the use of activating methods, their combinations and places of application. These features have not been sufficiently studied in the professional training of future designers. The purpose of the study is to test the influence of activating teaching methods, thanks to which students intensively master the process of artistic design and demonstrate fairly high results. Preliminary experience in studying the topic indicates that the teacher introduces activating methods into the educational process, and the student, under their influence, successfully develops and performs educational tasks with high quality. To study the influence of activating methods, experimental work was carried out with students studying design. The stages of design and the corresponding methods of the teacher’s activity are considered, which cause the activation of students and lead to an increase in the effectiveness of completed projects, and therefore to a higher quality of professional training.

Vestnik of Samara State Technical University Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences. 2024;21(2):185-200
pages 185-200 views

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