
Paleozoic Granitoids of the Southern Part of the Voznesenka Terrane (Southern Primorye): Age, Composition, Melt Sources, and Tectonic Settings
Kruk N., Golozubov V., Kiselev V., Kruk E., Rudnev S., Serov P., Kasatkin S., Moskalenko E.
Tectonic model of seismicity for the northeastern segment of the Amur Plate in the Earth’s two-phased rotation
Trofimenko S.
Paleomagnetism and Petrochemistry of Sandstones from the Gorinskaya and Pionerskaya Formations, Zhuravlevka–Amurian Terrane (Northern Sikhote Alin)
Peskov A., Didenko A., Kudymov A., Karetnikov A., Arkhipov M.
The Problems of Seismic Risk Prediction for the Territory of the Lower Amur Region: Paleoseismogeological and Seismological Analysis
Ovsyuchenko A., Trofimenko S., Novikov S., Didenko A., Imaev V.
Yakchi chert–volcanogenic Formation—fragment of the Jurassic accretionary prism in the Central Sikhote-Аlin, Russian Far East
Zyabrev S., Voinova I., Martynyuk M., Shevelev E.
Structure of the Lithosphere in the Zone of the Continent–Ocean Transition in the Southern Part of the Russian Far East: Evidence from the Density Modeling
Ivolga E., Manilov Y.
Physicochemical Conditions of Crystallization of Rocks from Ultrabasic Massifs of the Siberian Platform
Simonov V., Prikhod’ko V., Vasiliev Y., Kotlyarov A.
Petrophysical features of the tectonic structures of the Okhotsk continent–ocean transition zone
Ivolga E., Gurovich V., Romanovsky N., Manilov Y.
First Findings of Early Cretaceous Foraminifera in the Lower Stream of Amur River, Khabarovsk Krai
Marinov V., Amelin S.
Structure and Folding of the Kiselyovka-Manoma Accretionary Complex in the Lower Amur Region, Russian Far East
Zyabrev S.
Sources and formation conditions of ferromanganese mineralization of the Bureya and Khanka massifs, Russian Far East
Berdnikov N., Nevstruev V., Saksin B.
Geological Conditions of Gas Accumulation in the Coastal–Shelf Zone of the Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan
Okulov A., Obzhirov A., Shcherbakov V., Mishukova G., Okulov A.
Formation conditions and rare-earth mineralization of Riphean carbonaceous shales of the Upper Nyatygran Subformation, Russian Far East
Cherepanov A., Berdnikov N., Shtareva A., Krutikova V.
Mineralogy of Fluidolites and Genetically Related Igneous Rocks of the Mokrusha Area, the Taukha Terrane (Sikhote Alin, Russian Far East)
Kazachenko V., Perevoznikova E., Lavrik S.
Petrogeochemical conditions and geodynamic settings of volcanic rocks in the Kiselyovka–Manoma accretionary complex (Russian Far East)
Voinova I., Zyabrev S.
Sedimentation Conditions on Floodplains of Rivers of the Khanka Plain (Southern Far East) in the Middle–Late Holocene
Bazarova V., Lyashchevskaya M., Makarova T., Orlova L.
Deep structure, genesis, and seismic activation of the Bureya orogen, Russian Far East
Stepashko A., Merkulova T.
Age, Mineralogical and Geochemical Features, and Tectonic Position of Gabbroids of the Dzhigdinskii Massif, Southeastern Environ of the North Asian Craton
Rodionov A., Buchko I., Kudryashov N.
Explosion breccias of the Vysokogorskoe tin–porphyry deposit: Genesis and role in ore formation (Kavalerovo ore district, Primorye)
Ryabchenko V., Gonevchuk V., Gorelikova N., Gonevchuk G.
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