卷 20, 编号 1 (2016)


Anotherdate base material "Ftoraks", covered with silicon carbide

Voronov I.


Taking into account that the coating «Pantsyr» is a thin layer of film coating of silicon carbide, to study its hardness was used scanning nanohardness «NanoScan-3D». To study our nanohardness coating samples were produced from plastic «Ftoraks», half of which was coated with a thickness of 1600 nm. Measurements were carried out in 5 randomly selected points on the surface of the plastic samples uncoated and coated with a load on the indenter 1 mN. V result of the study sample nanohardness bases dentures made ofplastic «Ftoraks» uncoated and ion-plasma silicon carbide-coated «Pantsyr» with the help of apparatus «Nano Scan 3D» we are under a load of 1 mN to the indenter, we found that the parameters of the samples nanohardness bases after coating «Pantsyr» increased 1.4 times, reaching values of 310±9 MPa. This result indicates a significant hardening of the surface of the denture base that provides apparently and high wear resistance.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):4-6
pages 4-6 views

Biomechanical and design features of non-removable dentures with medial support

Garazha S., Chvalun E., Grishilova E., Hachaturov S., Gotlib A., Rahaeva D.


In the article the design features and biomechanics of fixed dentures with unilateral medial support on the basis of mathematical modeling. A model of the patients jaw containing the incisors, canines andfirst premolars. To achieve maximum representation of data for clinical applications, the resulting mathematical simulation in the virtual model introduced a number of the most important biological parameters of the prototype: the size and physiological mobility of the teeth, the shape and dimensions of the dentition, the geometrical characteristics of the defects of the dentition, the physical characteristics of the bone and periodontal, fixing jaw in extreme nodes and nodes, the allegedfixing of the masticatory muscles. When you restore a fixed prosthesis with unilateral support of chewing teeth reasonable ratio between the number of artificial and abutments is one in three. When restoring the cantilevered portion of the prosthesis without distal nonremovable support two posterior teeth on one or both sides of the denture support structure consists of at least six teeth along the arc stabilized.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):6-9
pages 6-9 views

Comparative assessment of the treatment of patients with cholelithiasis minilitotripterov and surgical removal of calculus

Abdusalamov M., Afanasiev V., Gamataev I.


The authors conducted a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of treatment of 53 patients with ptyalolithiasis minilitotriptera and surgical removal of calculus. It has been found that the use minilitotripterov 2 times improves the efficiency of treatment compared with the use of large lithotripters. Sialolitotripsii method is less traumatic than surgery, resulting in a higher degree of salivation after crushing stones.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):9-11
pages 9-11 views

The effectiveness of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis

Amhadova M., Kopetskiy I., Prokopyev V.


The investigation of the clinical and antimicrobial efficacy of photodynamic therapy was conducted in treatment ofpatients with chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP), of moderate and severe degrees. In a treatment of a chronic generalized periodontal disease of moderate severity 1 session of laser photodynamic therapy was performed directly after actions of professional hygiene. The photodynamic therapy was performed twice in the complex treatment of patients with severe CGP: after professional hygiene and after surgical treatment (flap surgery). The analysis of short-and long-term results showed that the inclusion of a comprehensive treatment of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy has not only significantly reduce the amount of basic parodontopatogenic microorganisms in periodontal pockets according to the PCR, but to receive positive clinical dynamics.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):12-15
pages 12-15 views

Next the results of the application of removable dentures with a new base of domestic material

Dubova L., Madzhidova R., Dzaurova M., Kitkina T., Lebedenko I.


Complex clinical studies using survey, questionnaires is confirmed by the absence of adverse effects on oral tissues of the new Russian light-cured denture base material, as well as its sufficient mechanical strength and high hygiene compared to dentures from foreign analogues «Ftoraks» (Ukraine) and «Vertex Thermosense» (Holland).
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):16-19
pages 16-19 views

Gender analysis of the microbiota of periodontal pockets in patients with chronical generalized periodontitis

Zorina O., Aymadinova N., Rebrikov D.


Qualitative assessment of bacterial colonization and mRNA of human protective factors in periodontal swabs by using dPCR revealed principal differences between males and females. We demonstrated that concentration of transcripts encoding tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha), matrix metalloprotease 8 and 9 (MMP8 and MMP9) changes synchronously at periodontium of healthy men, but not in women and men with the chronic periodontitis. This observation correlates with a new fact of the most tight statistical association of the periodontal hyper-colonization with Porhyromonas gingivalis colonization with the severity of the chronic periodontitis in women but not in men. In contrast, Tanerella forsythensis or its complex with Treponema denticola are the only pathogen whose prevalence is statistically associated with the chronic periodontitis in men. Despite of similar extent ofperiodontium colonization with the pathogens in the males and the females, the women are substantially more prone to onset of the chronic periodontitis at the same level of the periodontal pathogen colonization. On the other hand, the males are inclined to a multiple infection with several principal periodontal pathogens, whereas the females more often are subjected to a mono-infection. Taken together, these facts allow a hypothesis that mechanisms of periodontium protection are different in males and females. The periodontal pathogens quantified by dPCR provide a better predictor of the periodontitis in the females then in the males.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):19-22
pages 19-22 views

Dynamics of the results «hamburg testing» with non-removable prosthesis

Lerner A., Bronshteyn D., Zharov A., Lesnyak A., Remizova A., Tikhonov A., Yuffa E., Shumakov F.


In this study, the dynamics of the last 7 years, studied the state of the masticatory apparatus using the «Hamburg Testing» before and after the orthopedic treatment of fixed prosthesis.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):23-24
pages 23-24 views

Studying of parameters of microcirculation of a prosthetic field at orthopedic treatment of patients with total loss of teeth with use the dental implants

Kostin I., Kalamkarov A.


Results of studying of dynamics of indicators of microcirculation of a prosthetic field at the patients who finished orthopedic treatment with use of the full removable artificial limbs leaning on dental implants of various diameter are reflected in article. The condition of a blood-groove was estimated on an indicator of microcirculation (M). Defined a mean square deviation a (statistically significant fluctuations of speed of erythrocytes), measured in the perfuzion units. Counted the coefficient of a variation of KV characterizing vasomotorial activity of microvessels. Microcirculation indicators in area the dental implants of various diameter are established: level of a capillary blood-groove, its intensity, vasomotorial activity of microvessels in various terms of adaptation to orthopedic designs. The comparative assessment of these indicators on the basis of which conclusions about loudspeakers of indicators ofmicrocirculation at this category ofpatients were formulated is carried out and the corresponding recommendations for practice are made.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):25-27
pages 25-27 views

Osteosynthesis of the condylar process of the mandible with the use of fiber-optic equipment

Pankratov A., Kondrat A.


In 78 patients with fractures of the condylar process of the mandible was used for the operation offunctionally stable osteosynthesis using the minimally invasive surgical approaches: in 37 cases intraoral, 29 - mini-transmediterranea, 12 - nutrioso-preduslova. The necessary visualization of the surgical wound was enabled by the use of fiber-optic equipment domestic production in combination with surgical retractors original design, directly introduced into the wound. The results of the study showed that fiber-optic technology creates a sufficient level of illumination necessary to control the mapping of bone fragments in the correct anatomical position and the adequacy of the overlay retaining structures. This allows us to recommend these surgical approaches clinical use, as well. as. they have a number of advantages from an aesthetic and functional points of view, allowing, in most cases, to avoid the need to spend condylectomy surgery-replantation. This Such intervention causes serious violations in the blood supply to the head of the mandible and does not provide guaranteed clinical outcome, therefore, indications for its use should be limited. In General fiber-optic technology can be a real alternative to the techniques of endoscopic-assisted osteosynthesis, favorably differing from them by the criterion of price/quality, and easy handling, not requiring specially trained personnel.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):28-31
pages 28-31 views

Description of changes of mucous membrane of cavity of mouth of patients by a myelosis on a background the reception of Imatinib

Serazetdinova A., Kirillova V., Trunin D., Fedorina T., Lyamin A., Netrogolova L., Postnikov M., Sultanova N.


The changes of mucous membrane of cavity of mouth of patients are in-process considered a myelosis, recipient treatment of imatinib. Duration of cytostatic therapy 3-5. The clinical is used, cytologic, microbiological and virologic methods of research. The got results allowed to work out clinical recommendations for doctors-stomatologies on the conduct of patients a myelosis.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):32-35
pages 32-35 views

The quality of life of patients with erosion of the teeth, the acidinduced gastroesophagealoral reflux

Trunin D., Kryukov N., Daneykina O.


In article present «quality of life» ofpatients with gastroesophagial refluxe disease, enamel erosions. Parameters «quality of life» were depressed in scale «physition health» and «psychologist status». After realization programme of treatment clinical remission was achived. All parameters «quality of life» after treatment stomatologist and gastroenterologist pathologist were increase.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):36-37
pages 36-37 views

The analysis of differences in cost price of medical services, given in ambulatory conditions in specialization “Dentistry” in the system of state insurance

Boykov M., Butova V., Gvetadze R., Novosel’tseva V.


The analysis of cost price of services in specialization «Dentistry» in the area of quality provision is the multilevel and variously directed process demanding the integration of knowledge of economic and clinical character. The improvement of quality of dental help of population is not only medical but also social and economical problem. The cost price of medical services in specialization «dentistry» in all examining medical organizations is higher two-threefold than officially determined tariffs in system of state insurance.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):38-41
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The payment of dental help, given in ambulatory conditions for clinical and statistical groups

Borisenko I., Butova V., Boykov M., Sadovskiy V.


The main idea of the elaboration of clinical and statistical groups (KSG) in dental practice during ambulatory appointment consists of realization of principle of grouping of diseases of oral organs and tissues, maxillofacial system on the basis of clinical, medical and statistical information, 31 KGS are formed. The most perspective payment option of medical help for medical organizations, given in ambulatory conditions in specialization «dentistry» is payment for clinical and statistical groups. The cost price ofKSG exceeds general tariff in 2-2,5 times for different KSG. The application of this option is possible only after calculations of prognostication of sizes offinancial provision of medical organizations in subject of the Russian Federation.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):42-47
pages 42-47 views

Status assessment of omsk region dental prosthetic service

Eroshenko R., Stafeev A., Borovskiy I., Aleksandrov E.


This assessment covers the dental prosthetic service operation in Omsk region in 1990-2013 based on the analysis of the performance dynamics, staffing and material support in state and municipal medical institutions of the regional public health system, which render dental prosthetic services to citizens. The receivedfindings have made it possible to identify a number of trends impacting the entire service operation and to determine the ways to improve the provision of quality dental prosthetic services to citizens.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):48-51
pages 48-51 views

The use of CAD/CAM technology in dental laboratories

Iskenderov R.


This article provides an overview of the literature data, covering aspects of CAD/CAM technology in dental laboratories.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(1):52-56
pages 52-56 views
