The quality of life of patients with erosion of the teeth, the acidinduced gastroesophagealoral reflux

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In article present «quality of life» ofpatients with gastroesophagial refluxe disease, enamel erosions. Parameters «quality of life» were depressed in scale «physition health» and «psychologist status». After realization programme of treatment clinical remission was achived. All parameters «quality of life» after treatment stomatologist and gastroenterologist pathologist were increase.

About the authors

Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Trunin

«Samara state medical University» health Ministry of Russia

doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Samara State Medical University, the Director of the dental University. 443099, Samara

N. N Kryukov

«Samara state medical University» health Ministry of Russia

Department of internal medicine, Department of stomatology sbei HPE 443099, Samara

O. A Daneykina

«Samara state medical University» health Ministry of Russia

Department of internal medicine, Department of stomatology sbei HPE 443099, Samara


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