The effectiveness of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis

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The investigation of the clinical and antimicrobial efficacy of photodynamic therapy was conducted in treatment ofpatients with chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP), of moderate and severe degrees. In a treatment of a chronic generalized periodontal disease of moderate severity 1 session of laser photodynamic therapy was performed directly after actions of professional hygiene. The photodynamic therapy was performed twice in the complex treatment of patients with severe CGP: after professional hygiene and after surgical treatment (flap surgery). The analysis of short-and long-term results showed that the inclusion of a comprehensive treatment of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy has not only significantly reduce the amount of basic parodontopatogenic microorganisms in periodontal pockets according to the PCR, but to receive positive clinical dynamics.

About the authors

Malkan Abdrashidovna Amhadova

«M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow regional research clinical Institute»

doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of surgical stomatology and implantology Department 129110, Moscow

I. S Kopetskiy

«M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow regional research clinical Institute»

129110, Moscow

V. V Prokopyev

«M.F. Vladimirsky Moscow regional research clinical Institute»

129110, Moscow


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