Biomechanical and design features of non-removable dentures with medial support

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In the article the design features and biomechanics of fixed dentures with unilateral medial support on the basis of mathematical modeling. A model of the patients jaw containing the incisors, canines andfirst premolars. To achieve maximum representation of data for clinical applications, the resulting mathematical simulation in the virtual model introduced a number of the most important biological parameters of the prototype: the size and physiological mobility of the teeth, the shape and dimensions of the dentition, the geometrical characteristics of the defects of the dentition, the physical characteristics of the bone and periodontal, fixing jaw in extreme nodes and nodes, the allegedfixing of the masticatory muscles. When you restore a fixed prosthesis with unilateral support of chewing teeth reasonable ratio between the number of artificial and abutments is one in three. When restoring the cantilevered portion of the prosthesis without distal nonremovable support two posterior teeth on one or both sides of the denture support structure consists of at least six teeth along the arc stabilized.

About the authors

S. N Garazha

«Stavropol State Medical University»

355017, Stavropol, Russia

E. K Chvalun

«Stavropol State Medical University»

355017, Stavropol, Russia

Elena Nikolaevna Grishilova

«Stavropol State Medical University»

cand. med. sci., assistant of the Department of propaedeutics of dental diseases 355017, Stavropol, Russia

S. S Hachaturov

«Stavropol State Medical University»

355017, Stavropol, Russia

A. O Gotlib

«Stavropol State Medical University»

355017, Stavropol, Russia

D. Yu Rahaeva

«Stavropol State Medical University»

355017, Stavropol, Russia


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