Osteosynthesis of the condylar process of the mandible with the use of fiber-optic equipment

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In 78 patients with fractures of the condylar process of the mandible was used for the operation offunctionally stable osteosynthesis using the minimally invasive surgical approaches: in 37 cases intraoral, 29 - mini-transmediterranea, 12 - nutrioso-preduslova. The necessary visualization of the surgical wound was enabled by the use of fiber-optic equipment domestic production in combination with surgical retractors original design, directly introduced into the wound. The results of the study showed that fiber-optic technology creates a sufficient level of illumination necessary to control the mapping of bone fragments in the correct anatomical position and the adequacy of the overlay retaining structures. This allows us to recommend these surgical approaches clinical use, as well. as. they have a number of advantages from an aesthetic and functional points of view, allowing, in most cases, to avoid the need to spend condylectomy surgery-replantation. This Such intervention causes serious violations in the blood supply to the head of the mandible and does not provide guaranteed clinical outcome, therefore, indications for its use should be limited. In General fiber-optic technology can be a real alternative to the techniques of endoscopic-assisted osteosynthesis, favorably differing from them by the criterion of price/quality, and easy handling, not requiring specially trained personnel.

About the authors

Alexander Sergeevich Pankratov

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow state medical University Ministry of health of the Russian Federation; N.I. Pirogov City Clinical hospital Department of Health

Email: stomat-2008@mail.ru
doctor of medical, Sciences, Professor, Department of hospital surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, N.I. Pirogov First state medical University; doctor of Department of maxillofacial surgery City clinical hospital № 1 119991, Moscow, Russia

A. H Kondrat

N.I. Pirogov City Clinical hospital Department of Health

117049, Moscow, Russia


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