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卷 89, 编号 11 (2019)


Benzene Alkylation with Cycloolefins under the Action of [Et3NH]+[Al2Cl7] Ionic Liquid

Aminov R., Mazitova A., Khusnutdinov R.


Benzene alkylation with mono- and bicyclic olefins under the action of an inorganic ionic liquid [Et3NH]+[Al2Cl7] with the formation of benzene cycloalkyl derivatives in 58–98% yield has been performed for the first time. It has been found that the increase in the olefin cycle size improves the selectivity with respect to monocycloalkyl derivatives.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2171-2177
pages 2171-2177 views

Synthesis of Phthalic Aldehyde and Its Diacetals

Khairullin R., Gazizov M., Kirillina Y., Ivanova S., Khairullina O., Gazizova K.


Acyclic phthalaldehyde diacetal without cyclic 1,3-dihydro-1,3-dimethoxybenzo[c]furan impurity has been obtained via the reaction of 1,2-bis(dibromomethyl)benzene with trimethyl orthoformate (1:6) at 90°C in the presence of 10 mol% of ZnCl2. Hydrolysis of phthalaldehyde diacetal has led to the formation of phthalaldehyde without HBr evolution. The reaction of phthalaldehyde with trimethyl orthoformate in the presence of trifluoroacetic acid has proceeded abnormally, with the formation of the cyclic diacetal. The acyclic diacetal has been phosphorylated by chlorophosphines and the action of PCl3 and a P(III) acid ester in sequence.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2178-2184
pages 2178-2184 views

Pyridoxal Azomethine Salts

Bagautdinova R., Kibardina L., Pudovik E., Burilov A., Pudovik M.


The reactions of 4-methylpiperazin-1-amine, 2-amino- and 4-aminomethylpiperidines with pyridoxal afforded the corresponding azomethines. Their reactions with organic and inorganic acids lead to the formation of salt derivatives of pyridoxal azomethines.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2185-2189
pages 2185-2189 views

Synthesis and Fungicidal Activity of Substituted N-(Alkoxy)-1-(3-pyridinyl)methanonimines

Kuzenkov A., Zakharychev V.


A number of new substituted N-(alkoxy)-1-phenyl- and N-(alkoxy)-1-cyclohexyl-1-(3-pyridinyl)-methanonymines were prepared by reacting the corresponding N-hydroxyl derivatives with benzyl chloride under phase transfer catalysis in a 10% NaOH-benzene system, as well as with 1-bromohexane and bromocyclohexane in DMF in the presence of NaH. The fungicidal activity of the obtained compounds was studied in vitro towards phytopathogenic fungi Venturia inaequalis, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum, F. moniliforme, and Helminthosporium sativum.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2190-2195
pages 2190-2195 views

Synthesis and Structure of 5-Aryl-4-[hydroxy(phenyl)methylene]-1-[2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl]pyrrolidine-2,3-diones

Gein V., Varkentin L., Kazantseva M., Dmitriev M., Yankin A.


The reactions of tryptamine with aromatic aldehyde and methyl benzoylpyruvate at room temperature leads to the formation of 5-aryl-4-[hydroxy(phenyl)Methylene]-1-[2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl]pyrrolidine-2,3-diones.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2196-2200
pages 2196-2200 views

Synthesis and Some Transformations of 7-Substituted 8-Chlorotheophyllines

Petrova K., Kim D., Sharutin V., Eltsov O., Shtukina T., Anuchin A.


Alkylation of 8-chlorotheophylline by alkenyl(propargyl) halides yields 7-alkenyl(propargyl)-8-chlorotheophyllines. The reaction of 8-chlorotheophylline with 1,3-dichloropropan-2-ol leads to the formation of oxazolo[2,3-f]purinium system. 7-Alkenyl-8-chlorotheophyllines react with bromine to give dibromoalkyl-8-chlorotheophyllines. The reaction of 7-methallyl-8-chlorotheophylline with m-chloroperbenzoic acid affords the corresponding oxirane.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2201-2206
pages 2201-2206 views

Tri-n-butylphosphine-Catalyzed Phosphonoethylation Reactions of Hydrophosphoryl Compounds

Il’in A., Antonova A., Khusainova N., Galkin V.


An efficient method for the synthesis of 1,2-bisphosphoryl compounds based on the addition of hydrophosphoryl derivatives to O,O-diethyl vinylphosphonate was developed. The reaction proceeds in mild conditions under catalysis with tri-n-butylphosphine and leads to the formation of the corresponding target products with high yield.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2207-2211
pages 2207-2211 views

One-Step Synthesis of Phosphorylated Vinylacethylene Derivatives

Brel V.


A one-step method for the preparation of 3-substituted 2-(diethylphosphoryl)but-1-en-3-ynes was developed based on the reaction of phosphorylated α-allene alcohols with methanesulfonic anhydride in the presence of triethylamine. The obtained vinylacetylene derivatives are of interest as promising precursors for the creation of organophosphorus heterocyclic compounds.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2212-2218
pages 2212-2218 views

Some Features of Reaction of 2-Methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone with H-Phosphonium Salts Based on Diphenylphosphine

Khasiyatullina N., Islamov D., Mironov V.


It was shown that the direction of the reaction of 2-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone with H-phosphonium salts obtained from diphenylphosphine and trifluoromethanesulfonic or trifluoroacetic acids depends on the nature of the anion. Structure of the obtained mono- and diphosphinates, as well as the quasi-phosphonium salt, was established by NMR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction methods.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2219-2223
pages 2219-2223 views

A Study of Electronic Structure of Diethyldiphenylsilane by X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory Methods

Danilenko T., Tatevosyan M., Vlasenko V.


X-Ray spectroscopy and DFT study of the electronic structure and chemical bonds of the silicon atom and its surrounding in the molecule of (HC=C)2SiPh2 has been performed. The X-ray emission Si Kβ1 spectrum has been registered and the electronic structure of diethynyldiphenylsilane and C2H2 has been simulated. The valence bands electronic states density distribution for the silicon atom and the carbon atoms of the phenyl and ethynyl groups has been obtained. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental ones, allowing detailed description of the mechanism of the electronic structure formation of the valence bond in (HC≡C)2SiPh2.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2224-2228
pages 2224-2228 views

Effect of Chemical Composition of Fullerenes on the Structure and Internal Rotation Barrier of Encapsulated Ammonia Borane Molecule

Shakirova E., Kuznetsov V.


Investigation of the structure and conformational properties of ammonia borane molecule in the cavity of C60, C12B24N24, B36N24, C70, B41N29, C80, C14B33N33, and B47N33 fullerenes using the DFT PBE/3ζ method has shown the predominance of the staggered conformation of the encapsulated molecule. The guest molecule has bared a notable negative charge and, as compared to the free molecule of ammonia borane, has a shortened B←N coordination bond. The internal rotation barrier about this bond has depended on the composition of the fullerene shell so that the decrease in the number of carbon atoms due to the replacement with boron-nitrogen fragments has almost always resulted in a notable decrease in the ΔG298 value. In this case, the minimal energy of the activation barrier, 1.3–1.8 times lower than that simulated for the free molecule, has been observed for the clusters with the boron-nitrogen-carbon links in the fullerene shell.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2229-2234
pages 2229-2234 views

Thermochemistry of the Acid-Base Interactions in Aqueous Solutions of Isonicotinic and Picolinic Acids

Lytkin A., Badelin V., Krutova O., Tyunina E., Krutov P.


The calorimetric method was employed to measure the heat effects of the interaction of isonicotinic and picolinic acids with HNO3in aqueous solutions over different pH ranges at 298.15 K and ionic strengths of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 against potassium nitrate. The heat effects of stepwise dissociation of the acids were determined. The standard thermodynamic characteristics (ΔrH°, ΔrG°, ΔrS°, ΔCp°) of the acid-base reactions in aqueous solutions of isonicotinic and picolinic acids were calculated.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2235-2238
pages 2235-2238 views

Model of Solvation and Association Processes in Non-Electrolytes Solutions

Zevatsky Y.


A model of a solution of non-electrolytes has been considered, which is a superposition of equilibrium processes of solvation, homo- and heteroassociation. The chemical potentials and activity coefficients of the components have been calculated for a binary solution considering only symmetric solvation. The model has been verified to calculate the density of binary solutions with high agreement with experimental data.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2239-2245
pages 2239-2245 views

Synthesis, Structure, and Luminescence Properties of Boron Complex with 4-Bromo-2-(1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthrolin-2-yl)phenoxide Ligand

Rozhkov A., Novikov A.


A boron complex with 4-bromo-2-(1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthrolin-2-yl)phenoxide ligand has been synthesized, and its photoluminescence properties in solution and in the solid phase have been examined. The structure of the complex has been determined by X-ray analysis. Non-classical intermolecular interaction (halogen bond) between the bromine and fluorine atoms has been detected in the crystal structure of the complex.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2246-2250
pages 2246-2250 views

Acid—Base Interactions and Complexation of β-Substituted Porphyrazines with Magnesium Salts in Proton-Acceptor Media

Petrov O.


Analysis of the complexing ability of β-substituted porphyrazines toward magnesium acetate and magnesium acetylacetonate in the systems dimethyl sulfoxide-benzene (chlorobenzene) and nitrogen base-benzene has shown that acid-base interaction is the key factor affecting the complexation of porphyrazines with magnesium salts in proton-acceptor media with different basicities. The mechanism of formation of porphyrazine magnesium complexes and the structure and stability of acid-base complexes of porphyrazines with dimethyl sulfoxide and nitrogen bases in benzene (chlorobenzene) are discussed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2251-2257
pages 2251-2257 views

Study of Selected Spectral Properties and Complex Formation with Transition Metals Ions of a New Schiff’s Base Containing Fluorescein and Sulfamide Fragments

Popov L., Borodkin S., Askalepova O., Tupolova Y., Vlasenko V., Burlov A., Shcherbakov I., Barachevskii V., Valova T., Venidiktova O.


A new azomethine based on N-aminofluorescein and ortho-tosylaminobenzaldehyde has been synthesized. Structure and properties of the obtained compound have been studied by means of IR, 1H NMR, and electron absorption spectroscopy as well as potentiometry. Using the DFT method, quantum-chemical simulation of electronic absorption spectra has been performed. The complexation of the obtained azomethine in solutions with Cu2+, Ni2+, and Co2+ cations has been studied. Metal chelates (1:2) with Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), and Cd(II) have been isolated. Octahedral structure of the coordination site has been suggested for the obtained metal chelates.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2258-2263
pages 2258-2263 views

Formation of Oligo-Nuclear Carboxylate Nickel(II) Complexes with Nitrogen-Containing Ligands. Quantum-Chemical Simulation

Panina N., Nikiforov A., Blinou D., Dubrov E., Ponyaev A., Eremin A., Belyaev A.


Using the DFT method PBE0/6-31G(d, p) and taking into account the solvent, the formation of bi- and pentahedral Ni(II) complexes with carboxylate and N-containing ligands in the gas phase was studied, and ΔG° of their formation from simple compounds was estimated. The functional role of bridging groups and hydrogen bonds in the formation of polynuclear structures was revealed. A model of self-organization of penta-nuclear coordination compounds [NiII5(O2CR)8L2n(μ-OH)2]0 from binuclear complex [NiII2(O2CR)4Ln(μ-H2O)]0 was proposed, into the structure of which mononuclear NiII cations are embedding and promote proton transfer from bridging aqua ligands.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2264-2272
pages 2264-2272 views

Double Pseudo-Polymeric Gold(III)-Mercury(II) Complexes [Au(S2CNR2)2]nX [R2 = (CH2)6, (CH2)4O] Containing ([HgCl3])n, [HgCl4]2− and [Hg2Cl6]2− Anions: Chemisorption Synthesis, Principles of Supramolecular Self-Assembly, and Thermal Behavior

Loseva O., Rodina T., Ivanov A.


Novel pseudo-polymeric complexes of gold(III)-mercury(II) with cyclic alkylene dithiocarbamate ligands: ([Au{S2CN(CH2)6}2][HgCl3])n, ([Au{S2CN(CH2)6}2]2[HgCl4]·H2O)n, and ([Au{S2CN(CH2)4O}2]2[Hg2Cl6])n have been obtained and structurally characterized. The sophisticated supramolecular structure of the obtained compounds is realized due to secondary non-valent Au⋯S interactions and includes mononuclear and binuclear cations and anions as structural units as well as cationic and anionic polymer chains. The thermal behavior of the obtained complexes has been studied by means of simultaneous thermal analysis. The products of thermal transformations of the complexes are reduced elemental gold and HgCl2.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2273-2284
pages 2273-2284 views

Mixed-Ligand Europium(III) Complexes with 4-Methylbenzoic Acid

Kalinovskaya I., Zadorozhnaya A., Savchenko N.


Europium(III) complexes with p-methylbenzoic acid and nitrogen- or phosphorus-containing neutral ligand with the compositions [Eu(p-MBA)3·D]2·xH2O and [Eu(p-MBA)3·2H2O]n [where p-MBA is p-methylbenzoate anion and D is 1,10-phenanthroline (phen), 2,2′-bipyridine (bipy), dimethylformamide (dmf), triphenylphosphine oxide (tppo), hexamethylphosphoramide (hmpa) (x = 1), or benzotriazole (bt) (x = 2)] have been synthesized, and their thermal decomposition has been studied.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2285-2289
pages 2285-2289 views

Synthesis of Highly Transparent SiCxNyOz:H Films via Plasma-Chemical Decomposition of 1,1,3,3,5,5-Hexamethylcyclotrisilazane, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Gas Mixture

Plekhanov A., Fainer N., Maksimovskiy E., Shayapov V., Yushina I., Khomyakov M.


Synthesis of silicon oxycarbonitride films highly transparent over a wide spectral region (350–2500 nm) has been developed. The films have been deposited during decomposition of 1,1,3,3,5,5-hexamethylcyclotrisilazane in mixtures with oxygen and nitrogen in a high-frequency discharge plasma in the temperature range of 373–973 K. The influence of the synthesis temperature and the oxygen to nitrogen ratio in the initial gas mixtures on chemical and functional properties of SiCxNyOz:H films has been studied using IR and Raman spectroscopy, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, ellipsometry, and spectrophotometry. The composition and selected characteristics of the obtained films have been investigated.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2290-2294
pages 2290-2294 views

Mechanisms of the Solid-State Synthesis of Ln2SrFe2O7 (Ln = La, Nd, Gd, Dy) Layered Perovskite-Related Phases

Tugova E.


The formation mechanisms for a series of n = 2 Ruddlesden-Popper phases Ln2SrFe2O7 (Ln = La, Nd, Gd, Dy) in the Ln2O3-SrO-Fe2O3 systems were determined. The solid-state synthesis of Ln2SrFe2O7 (Ln = La, Nd) proceeds by a mechanism involving the stage of formation of LnFeO3 and LnSrFeO4 intermediates with their subsequent interaction to form the target product. In the case of Gd2SrFe2O7 formation, two mechanisms are realized, namely, those going through the GdFeO3 + GdSrFeO4 and Gd2O3 + Gd0.5Sr0.5FeO3-α interaction stages. The limiting stage of the Dy2SrFe2O7 formation is the reaction between Dy2O3 and Dy0.5Sr0.5FeO3-α.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2295-2300
pages 2295-2300 views

Synthesis, in vitro and in silico Anti-Proliferative Studies of Novel Piperiene-Oxadiazole and Thiadiazole Analogs

Amperayani K., Parimi U.


Piperine is a component of pepper which has earlier been reported as anticancer active compound. This work is emphasized on the design and synthesis of new hybrid piperine analogs by coupling piperine with the amine group of oxadiazoles and thiadiazoles. The new series of twelve piperine analogs was been tested for in vitro anti-proliferative activity using sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay test against MCF-7, PC-3, and HeLa cell lines. Among the twelve synthesised molecules piperine derivative with oxadiazole baring hydroxyl group (3) exhibits the higher activity against MCF-7 cell line than the reference drug Adriamycin and also displays the highest binding energy in the in silico studies. The other analogs are moderately active.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2301-2307
pages 2301-2307 views

Synthesis of Macrocyclic Ttipeptidopyridine Schiff Base Candidates

Sallam H., Abdel-Mageid R., Amr A.


In the current study, a series of macrocyclic tripeptide Schiff bases 2–6 were synthesized by using macrocyclic tripeptide hydrazide 1 as starting material. Treatment of hydrazide 1 with active carbonyl cycloalkanones gave cycloalkanone hydrazines 2a–2d. Also, condensation of 1 with aromatic and heterocyclic aldehydes, or aromatic and heterocyclic acetyl derivatives afforded the corresponding Schiff base candidates 3a–3e, 4a–4c, 5a–5c, and 6a–6c, respectively.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2308-2313
pages 2308-2313 views

Pyrazoles and Isoxazoles Based Sulfanilamide and Phenazone as Antimicrobial Agents: Synthesis and Biological Activity

Moustafa A., El-Sayed H., El Rayes S., Morsy H., Abd-allah S., Ismail H., Abd El-Aal M.


New pyrazole and pyridine derivatives have been synthesized from sulfanilamide and phenazone via diazotization and coupling with a wide range of α-CH acids followed by heterocyclization with hydrazine derivative, hydroxylamine and cyanoacetamide. The antimicrobial tests of the products demonstrate high to moderate activity against Gram (−ve) bacteria and the tested fungi. No positive action of the products is observed against Gram (+ve) bacteria.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2314-2320
pages 2314-2320 views

Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Antiproliferative Activity of Novel 7-Arylaminopyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine Derivatives Containing the Hydrazone Moiety

Shi J., Chen Y., Ji S., Ding S., Liu J.


A series of novel 7-arylaminopyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidine derivatives containing the hydrazone moiety has been synthesized by a five-step procedure including cyclization, chlorination, animation, hydrazinolysis, and condensation. Structures of the products have been characterized by IR, 1H NMR and MS spectra, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The bioassay results indicate most of the compounds as potentially antiproliferation agents against A549 and HT-29 cell lines. Among those, compounds 6e and 6f exhibit remarkable inhibitory activity against HT-29 cell lines, that are comparable with that of the positive control sorafenib. Preliminary structure-activity relationship is considered.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2321-2327
pages 2321-2327 views

Letters to the Editor

Synthesis and Biological Activity of β-Aminoketones, Secondary Aminopropanols and Oximes of 2-Aminothiophene Series

Gevorgyan G., Hakobyan N., Hovakimyan S., Melkonyan A., Panosyan G.


The reactions of substituted 3-dietliylaminopropan-1-ones hydrochlorides with 2-amino-6-(H, alkyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrobenzo[b]thiophene-3-carbonitriles and ethyl 2-amino-6-(H, methyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrariydrobenzo[b]-thiophene-3-carboxylate furnished β-aminoketones of 2-aminothiophene series. The latter were converted into the corresponding secondary aminopropanols and oximes. Antioxidant activity of synthesized compounds and effect on some parameters of the blood coagulation system were investigated.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2019;89(11):2328-2332
pages 2328-2332 views