
Principal Regularities of the Aging Behavior of Glass-Filled Polyamides
Samoryadov A., Parshikov Y.
Synthesis and structure of phosphates M0.5Ti2(PO4)3
Asabina E., Glukhova I., Pet’kov V., Borovikova E., Koval’skii A.
Synthesis, Structure, and Biological Activity of Coordination Compounds of Cobalt(II), Nickel(II), and Copper(II) with N-(Methoxyphenyl)-2-[(5-nitrofuryl)methylene]hydrazine Carbothioamides
Gulea A., Mitkevich N., Chumakov Y., Petrenko P., Balan G., Burduniuc O., Tsapkov V.
Radiation-Chemical Reduction of Copper Ions in Nanoporous Matrices Based on High-Density Polyethylene
Arzhakova O., Dolgova A., Ruhlya E., Zezin A., Zezina E., Volynskii A.
Chemical and Electrochemical Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of Metal Chelates of Tridentate N,S-Containing Azomethinazo Ligands
Burlov A., Mashchenko S., Vlasenko V., Nikolaevskii S., Kiskin M., Zubavichus Y., Uraev A., Garnovskii D., Korshunova E., Levchenkov S.
Prospective lines of development of polyester fiber and yarn manufacturing technology
Geller V.
Lewis acid-promoted direct synthesis of N-unsubstituted hydrazones via the reaction of hydrazine with acetophenone and isatin derivatives
El-Azab A., Ghabbour H., El-Husseiny W., Maarouf A., Mohamed M., Abdel-Aziz A.
Models of molecular structure of heteronuclear clusters Al2Fe3, Al2Co3, and Al2Ni3 according to the data of quantum-chemical density functional simulation
Mikhailov O., Chachkov D.
Synthesis of novel heptaplatin derivatives and evaluation of their ability to inhibit proliferation of cancer cell lines
Xu W., Wang D.
Carbonization of the Modified Cellulose of Annual Crops
Prusov A., Prusova S., Bazanov A., Smirnov P., Radugin M., Zakharov A., Ivanov V.
Synthesis of Cu@Ag Nanoparticles with a Core–Shell Structure Stabilized with Oxyethylated Carboxylic Acid
Titkov A., Logutenko O., Vorob’yov A., Gerasimov E., Bulina N., Yukhin Y., Lyakhov N.
Synthesis and Structure of a Copper(II) Complex of N,N'-Bis(di-para-tolylphosphinoylmethyl)-1,8-diamino- 3,6-dioxaoctane
Garifzyanov A., Davletshina N., Gaynullin A., Ivshin K., Kataeva O., Cherkasov R.
Generation of the atrane cations by nuclear-chemical method: Quantum-chemical study
Ignat’ev I., Kochina T., Avrorin V., Ermolenko Y.
Synthesis, acid–base and complexing properties of tripotassium tributyl [nitrilotris(methylene)]tris(phosphonate)
Garifzyanov A., Shurygin I., Cherkasov R., Ivshin K., Kataeva O.
Specific features of phase equilibriums in Ln–Ba–Fe–O systems
Volkova N., Urusova A., Gavrilova L., Bryuzgina A., Deryabina K., Mychinko M., Lebedev O., Raveau B., Cherepanov V.
Thermochemical study of gaseous salts of oxygen-containing acids: XXI. Zinc phosphate
Lopatin S., Shugurov S., Panin A., Prikhod’ko I.
Exchange Interactions between Atoms of Rare-Earth Elements in the Perovskite Structure
Fedorova A., Chezhina N.
Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 2D Coordination Polymer {[Cu(dps)2(DMSO)2](ClO4)2}n Based on 4,4′-Dipyridyl Sulfide
Morozov A., Popov L., Tkachev V., Raspopova E., Chetverikova V., Lyubchenko S., Shilov G.
Simulation of metal ion coordination sphere in crystals with fluorite structure
Semenov S., Bedrina M., Titov A.
Pseudo-topochemical synthesis of iron(0) in aqueous solution containing dispersed titanium
Dresvyannikov A., Kolpakov M.
Quantum-chemical study of lutetium and ytterbium bis- and tetrakis(phthalocyaninates)
Semenov S., Bedrina M., Titov A.
Atom states and interatomic interactions in perovskite-like oxides: XXXV. Magnetic properties of solid solutions of lanthanum manganites doped with ytterbium and calcium in LaAlO3
Sukhenko K., Fedorova A., Chezhina N.
One-dimensional heterobimetallic cyanide-bridged Fe(III)–Mn(II) complex: Synthesis, crystal structure, and magnetic properties
Zhang D., Zhang H., Chen X.
Electrochemical Template Synthesis of Copper Nanotubes from Nitrate and Sulfate Electrolytes
Mashentseva A., Kozlovskiy A., Zdorovets M.
Magnetic susceptibility of La1–уyAlO3 solid solutions
Ponomareva E., Fedorova A., Chezhina N.
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