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Vol 86, No 9 (2016)


State of atoms and interatomic interactions in complex perovskite-like oxides: XXXVI. Magnetic susceptibility of LaFexGa1–xO3 and La1–0.2xSr0.2xFexMg0.2xGa1–1.2xO3 solid solutions

Fedortsov A.I., Korolev D.A., Chezhina N.V.


Magnetic susceptibility of solid solutions based on lanthanum gallate doped with iron, and also with iron, strontium, and magnesium in the ratio 5 : 1 : 1 was studied. In both systems at the infinite dilution clusters of iron atoms remain, the fraction of these clusters in lanthanum gallate doped only with iron comprising 0.4 of the total fraction of clusters in the gallate doped with strontium and magnesium.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):1983-1986
pages 1983-1986 views

Synthesis and study of lead(II) uranate Pb(UO2)2O2(OH)2·H2O

Nipruk O.V., Abrazheev R.V., Chaplieva K.A., Chernorukov N.G.


An individual crystalline compound Pb(UO2)2O2(OH)2·(H2O) was obtained by reaction of synthetic schoepite UO3·2.25H2O with an aqueous solution of lead(II) nitrate under hydrothermal conditions. The composition and structure of this compound were determined, and the processes of its dehydration and thermal decomposition were studied by chemical analysis, X-ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy, and thermography.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):1987-1990
pages 1987-1990 views

Models of molecular structure of heteronuclear clusters Al2Fe3, Al2Co3, and Al2Ni3 according to the data of quantum-chemical density functional simulation

Mikhailov O.V., Chachkov D.V.


Geometry parameters of molecular structures of pentaatomic heteronuclear Al2M3 clusters (M = Fe, Co, or Ni) have been simulated using hybrid density functional method (DFT) in the OPBE/TZVP approximation as implemented in GAUSSIAN 09 software. Several structure modifications have been revealed, significantly differing in the stability and geometry parameters: eight for the Al2Fe3 cluster, nine for the Al2Co3 cluster, and seven for the Al2Ni3 cluster. Bond lengths, bond angles, and torsion (dihedral) angles for each of these modifications are reported.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):1991-1999
pages 1991-1999 views

Hydrazine: Structural features and conformational preference in nanotubes

Kuznetsov V.V.


Investigation of structural features and conformational transformations of the hydrazine molecule in open single walled carbon nanotubes using the hybrid DFT method PBE/3ζ revealed in most cases the contraction of the N–N bond length, decrease in its order, generation of a positive or negative charge on the encapsulated molecule and a substantial decrease in the rotation barrier about the N–N bond caused by stabilization of the local maximum (anti-form) apparently, due to attenuation of the hyperconjugation effect in the hydrazine molecule. In one of clusters this form becomes the global minimum on the potential energy surface.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2000-2007
pages 2000-2007 views

Electronic structure and features of interatomic interactions in methoxysilanes HnSi(OCH3)4–n

Tatevosyan M.M., Danilenko T.N., Vlasenko V.G.


The electronic structure and features of interatomic interactions in a series of methoxysilanes HnSi(OCH3)4–n (n = 3–0) were studied via density functional theory-based computer simulation and comparison of the simulated results with the photoelectron spectroscopic data. Calculations for the Si(OH)4, SiH4, H2O, and CH4 molecules were also performed in order to establish the laws governing the electronic structure formation of methoxysilanes. The distributions of the densities of electron states in the valence band and the correlation energy diagrams, supplemented by visualization of the molecular orbitals of the compounds, were constructed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2008-2015
pages 2008-2015 views

Special features of gas chromatography determination of dibenzyl ether hydroperoxide impurity in benzyl alcohol

Zenkevich I.G.


Chromato–mass spectrometric analysis of a benzyl alcohol sample has revealed the presence of dibenzyl ether hydroperoxide C6H5CH(OOH)OCH2C6H5 impurity showing the retention index 1894±10 on a standard stationary phase (RTX-5). A special feature of this hydroperoxide is its stability under conditions of gas chromatography separation (retention temperature 190°С). This has been confirmed by the measurement of the analytical signal between the chromatographic peaks of the hydroperoxide and the major product of its decomposition (benzyl benzoate). From this criterion, dibenzyl ether hydroperoxide is more stable that, for instance, monomethyl phthalate.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2016-2021
pages 2016-2021 views

Influence of phosphorus concentration on the state of the surface layer of Pd–P hydrogenation catalysts

Belykh L.B., Skripov N.I., Sterenchuk T.P., Akimov V.V., Tauson V.L., Schmidt F.K.


Phase composition and surface layer state of the Pd–P hydrogenation catalyst formed at various P/Pd ratios from Pd(acac)2 and white phosphorus in a hydrogen atmosphere were determined. Palladium on the catalyst surface is mainly in two chemical states: as Pd(0) clusters and as palladium phosphides. As the P/Pd ratio increases, the fraction and size of palladium clusters decrease, and also the phase composition of formed palladium phosphides changes: Pd3P0.8 → Pd5P2 → PdP2. The causes of the modifying action of phosphorus on the properties of palladium catalysts for hydrogenation of unsaturated compounds were considered.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2022-2032
pages 2022-2032 views

Catalysis of the Suzuki reaction by acyclic diaminocarbene palladium complexes generated in situ

Boyarskaya D.V., Boyarskii V.P.


Acyclic diaminocarbene palladium complexes generated in situ by nucleophilic attack of morpholine, 4-nitrophenylhydrazine, or benzhydrazide on bis(isocyanide) palladium(II) complexes catalyzed the Suzuki reaction of 4-iodo- or 4-bromoanisole with phenylboronic acid. Morpholine turned out to be the best catalyst modifier. The cross coupling reaction under fairly mild conditions (reflux in ethanol in the presence of potassium carbonate) in 2 h afforded 4-methoxybiphenyl whose yield was insignificantly lower than in the presence of preliminarily prepared catalyst. Neither preliminary degassing nor protection from atmospheric moisture and oxygen was necessary.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2033-2036
pages 2033-2036 views

Interaction products in the system sulfur dioxide–2,2′-bipyridine–water. Van der Waals clathrates

Khoma R.E., Gelmboldt V.O., Ennan A.A., Baumer V.N., Tsapko M.D.


Crystallization of 2,2′-bipyridine from aqueous solution containing sulfur(IV) oxide afforded clathrates with the composition (bipy)k · (SO2)m · (H2O)n. X-Ray amorphous guest SO2 molecules occupy voids in the crystal lattice of 2,2′-bipyridine without distortion of its structure. The isolated compounds were characterized by elemental analyses, X-ray diffraction data, and IR, NMR, and mass spectra.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2037-2041
pages 2037-2041 views

Synthesis and physicochemical properties of N-decylpyridinium salts with inorganic anions

Zhuravlev O.E., Presnyakov I.A., Voronchikhina L.I.


Ionic liquids with N-decylpyridinium cation and inorganic anions SO42–, NO3, SCN, NO2, BF4 were synthesized. The structure and composition of the synthesized compounds was proved by elemental analysis and IR spectroscopy. Electroconductivity of aqueous solutions of new ionic liquids was studied, critical concentrations of micelle formation was determined, and thermal stability in air in the temperature range 25–500°С was investigated.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2042-2046
pages 2042-2046 views

Synthesis of azamacrocyclic compounds by cyclocondensation of aliphatic α,ω-diamines with acetone

Anisimova N.A., Khristoforova E.I., Trishin Y.G.


Cyclocondensation of 1,4-diaminobutane and 1,6-diaminohexane with acetone afforded the corresponding 18- and 22-membered trans-azamacrocyclic Curtis compounds in high yield, which contain two azomethine and amine nitrogen atoms. A complex mixture of the products formed containing less than 25% of 16-membered azamacrocyclic cis- and trans-isomers when reacting 1,3-diaminopropane with acetone.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2047-2051
pages 2047-2051 views

Synthesis and properties of ω-(hydroxyaryl)alkylsulfides based on 2-isobornyl-6-methyl-4-propylphenol

Chukicheva I.Y., Sukrusheva O.V., Shumova O.A., Mazaletskaya L.I., Shevchenko O.G., Kuchin A.V.


Proceeding from 2-isobornyl-6-methyl-4-propylphenol new derivatives have been synthesized having sulfur atoms included in different functional groups. Antiradical and antioxidant activity, as well as membrane-protecting properties of the derivatives of 2-isobornyl-6-methyl-4-propylphenol in chemical and biological model systems have been investigated.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2052-2058
pages 2052-2058 views

Synthesis of N’-substituted derivatives of 5-(4-methylphenyl)isoxazole-3-carbohydrazonamide

Potkin V.I., Dikusar E.A., Petkevich S.K., Zvereva T.D., Levkovskaya G.G., Rozentsveig I.B.


Condensation of aromatic, isoxazole, and ferrocene aldehydes as well as 1,1’-diacetylferrocene with 5-(4-methylphenyl)isoxazole-3-carbohydrazonamide afforded various N-substituted azines with molecular fragments of the corresponding aldehydes or diacetylferrocene.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2059-2066
pages 2059-2066 views

Stevens rearrangement of heterocyclic ammonium salts containing prop-2-yn-1-yl group

Gyul’nazaryan A.K., Sahakyan T.A., Sargsyan G.T., Grigoryan J.V., Muradyan G.M., Petrosyan A.M., Panosyan G.A.


Stevens rearrangement was studied of ammonium salts where piperidinium or morpholinium groups are linked to prop-2-yn-1-yl moiety and labile hydrogen atom functions (methoxycarbonylmethyl, phenacyl, cyanomethyl). In the case of phenacyl analog furan derivatives were formed, in other cases dienamines were the reaction products.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2067-2070
pages 2067-2070 views

Synthesis and computational prediction of biological activity of 5-(nitrophenyl)-1,4,6-oxadithiocanes

Shatrova A.A., Papernaya L.K.


5-(Nitrophenyl)-1,4,6-oxadithiocanes have been obtained by the reaction of p- and m-nitrobenzaldehydes with 2,2’-oxydiethanethiol in the presence of trimethylchlorosilane. The structure of the products has been proved by IR, NMR, and mass spectra.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2071-2074
pages 2071-2074 views

2,6-diformyl-4-tert-butylphenol bis-ferrocenoylhydrazone and binuclear copper(II) complexes on its basis

Levchenkov S.I., Raspopova E.A., Morozov A.N., Popov L.D., Titova Y.V., Gorbunova M.O., Shcherbakov I.N.


2,6-Diformyl-4-tert-butylphenol bis-ferrocenoylhydrazone (1, H3L) and binuclear copper(II) complexes on its basis [Cu2(H2L)(OH)] (2), [Cu2(H2L)Cl3]·(3), and [Cu2(H2L)(OH)]·2NO3 (4) have been synthesized and investigated. Tautomerism of bis-hydrazone (1) has been studied.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2075-2080
pages 2075-2080 views

Functionalized polynorbornenes with fragments of cholic acid and luminophore complexes of iridium(III) and copper(I) in side chains. Synthesis and photophysical properties

Platonova E.O., Il’icheva A.I., Parshina Y.P., Rozhkov A.V., Bochkarev L.N.


Copolymers containing fragments of cholic acid and luminophore complexes of iridium(III) and copper(I) in the side chains have been synthesized by metathesis polymerization. Photophysical properties of the obtained compounds have been investigated. Iridium-containing copolymers demonstrate intense photoluminescence of green, bluish-green and red colors. Copper-containing copolymers generate radiation of green and yellow-green colors. The color of photoluminescence of the metal-containing polymers is determined by the nature of copper(I) and iridium(III) complexes bonded to polymer chain.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2081-2087
pages 2081-2087 views

Electron structure and spectroscopic properties of yttrium compounds with cinnamic and quinaldic acids

Emelina T.B., Kalinovskaya I.V., Mirochnik A.G.


The analysis of electron structure of yttrium(III) complexes with cinnamic and quinaldic acids was carried out. Electron transitions were assigned, and influence of the nature of frontier orbitals on the position of absorption bands in the electron spectra was revealed. The TD-DFT calculation has shown that different ratios of intensities of ππ* and nπ* bands in the electron absorption spectra of the compounds are caused by different natures of frontier orbitals of the complexes. It was found that dipole moments of both complexes increase upon photoexcitation, greater changes being observed in Y(III) quinaldate. The reason of the greater Stokes shift of Y(III) quinaldate was established.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2088-2094
pages 2088-2094 views

Synthesis and photoluminescence of the solid phases of the binary system of mixed-ligand Eu(III) and Tb(III) dithiophosphinate complexes

Bryleva Y.A., Rakhmanova M.I., Korol’kov I.V., Tsygankova A.R., Larionov S.V.


Solid phases of the [Eu(Phen)(i-Bu2PS2)2(NO3)]–[Tb(Phen)(i-Bu2PS2)2(NO3)] binary system are synthesized. The results of X-ray diffraction phase analysis and photoluminescence measurements allow the synthesized isostructural phases to be classed with substitutional solid solutions. The photoluminescence measurements revealed Tb(III)→Eu(III) energy transfer which induces Eu3+ luminescence.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2095-2099
pages 2095-2099 views

Synthesis and structure of platinum complexes [Bu4P][PtBr6] and [Bu4P][PtBr5(DMSO-S)]

Sharutin V.V., Sharutina O.K., Senchurin V.S.


By the reaction of tetrabutylphosphonium bromide with potassium hexabromoplatinate (2: 1, mol) in acetone complex [Bu4P]2[PtBr6] was obtained, which after crystallization from dimethyl sulfoxide gave complex [Bu4P][PtBr5(DMSO-S)]. Phosphorus atoms in both complexes have tetrahedral surrounding.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2100-2104
pages 2100-2104 views

Reactions of niobium silicide melt with refractory ceramics

Kablov E.N., Folomeikin Y.I., Stolyarova V.L., Lopatin S.I.


Vaporization of a multicomponent Nb‒Si-based melt with ceramic materials containing yttrium, zirconium, hafnium, and gadolinium oxides is studied. The high-temperature reactions of the alloy and ceramics at 1795‒2510 K involve reduction of yttrium, zirconium, hafnium, and gadolinium oxides, accompanied by an increase in the partial pressures of GdO, YO, ZrO, and HfO compared with the partial pressures of the same oxides over individual ceramic samples. Ceramics oxidized titanium, silicon, aluminum, and niobium to oxides.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2105-2108
pages 2105-2108 views

Formation of the planar structure of ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate in porous glass

Pak V.N., Lyubavin M.B., Borisov A.N.


Multiple cycles of porous glass impregnation by aqueous solutions of ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate with subsequent dehydration lead to gradual accumulation of the salt in the carrier. In the course of progressive filling of the surface of glass in channels with the salt a region with considerably elevated electrical conductivity was found. The correlation between the amount of salt and the specific surface area of glass points to the formation of a continuous planar structure of ammonium dihydrogen orthophosphate in glass pores.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2109-2112
pages 2109-2112 views

Quantum-chemical analysis and experimental synthesis of titanium-vanadium-containing coatings on the silica surface from a mixture of TiCl4 and VOCl3 vapors

Drozdov E.O., Gukova A.N., Dubrovenskii S.D., Malygin A.A.


A process for the synthesis of a two-component vanadium-titanium-containing monolayer coating on the silica surface by treating the latter with a mixture of TiCl4 and VOCl3 vapors was considered. Quantum-chemical simulations showed that the synthesis temperature and concentrations of the reactants in the gas phase have a decisive influence on the composition and structure of the resulting coating. Based on the model predictions, two-component coatings with 0.2–0.9 ratios of the molar concentration of vanadium to that of titanium in the solid phase were synthesized. The ratio of the content of the solid-phase vanadium to titanium was shown to linearly vary with the VOCl3 to TiCl4 concentration ratio in the vapor mixture over wide temperature and concentration ranges, which allows controlling the composition of the two-component coatings being formed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2113-2123
pages 2113-2123 views

Letters to the Editor

Catalytic hydroethoxycarbonylation of octene-1 in the presence of the system PdCl2(PPh3)2–PPh3–AlCl3

Suerbaev K.A., Khudaibergenov N.Z., Kurmansitova A.K.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2124-2125
pages 2124-2125 views

gem-dichlorocyclopropanes containing acetylacetone fragment in the side chain

Borisova Y.G., Raskildina G.Z., Zlotskii S.S.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2126-2128
pages 2126-2128 views

New method of synthesis of functionally substituted aromatic aldehydes

Gazizov M.B., Ivanova S.Y., Ibragimov S.N., Bagauva L.R., Khairullin R.A., Medvedeva K.A.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2129-2131
pages 2129-2131 views

New synthetic method for preparation of functionally substituted benzenecarbaldehyde acetals

Gazizov M.B., Ivanova S.Y., Ibragimov S.N., Gazizova K.S., Khairullin R.A., Medvedeva K.A.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2132-2134
pages 2132-2134 views

Preparative method of synthesis of 1-(halomethyl)-(±)-3-quinuclidinol halides

Kondrat’ev V.A., Yudina I.A., Kutkin A.V., Novikova I.V., Novikov R.I., Smirnova Z.V.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2135-2137
pages 2135-2137 views
pages 2138-2140 views

Synthesis and structure of tetrabutylphosphonium bis(dimethylsulfoxido)tetrabromorhodate(III) [Bu4P]+[RhBr4(DMSO)2]

Sharutin V.V., Sharutina O.K., Senchurin V.S.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2141-2142
pages 2141-2142 views

Investigation of the models of the primary charge transfer in photosynthesis using the chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization effects

Porkhun V.I., Aristova Y.V., Litinskaya N.N.
Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2143-2144
pages 2143-2144 views

Selected articles originally published in Russian in Rossiiskii Khimicheskii Zhurnal (Russian Chemistry Journal)

Fullerene-containing porphyrins: Synthesis and potential practical applications

Karmova F.M., Lebedeva V.S., Mironov A.F.


The review focuses current research in the rapidly developing field of the chemistry of porphyrin–fullerene complexes. Recent advances in the synthesis, properties, and potential applications of these compounds are considered. An overview of the most popular methods to prepare porphyrin complexes with C60 fullerene is given. The discussion of porphyrin‒fullerene complexes includes the structures of noncovalently linked porphyrin‒fullerenes along with covalently linked complexes. Much attention is paid to potential applications of porphyrin‒fullerene conjugates.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2145-2179
pages 2145-2179 views

Electrophilic substitution in meso-phenylporphyrins

Syrbu S.A., Lyubimtsev A.V., Ivanov D.A., Ugarov V.S., Koifman O.I.


Electrophilic substitution reactions in the meso-phenylporphyrins are described. The relative reactivity of the various positions of the porphyrin cycle to attack by electrophiles was discussed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2180-2192
pages 2180-2192 views

Elementosiloxane oligomers and their cross-linking by metal porphyrazines

Khelevina O.G., Malyasova A.S., Koifman O.I.


Elementosiloxane oligomers were synthesized, and their properties and the reaction of cross-linking by metal porphyrazines, which are known to catalyze vulcanization of liquid low-molecular-weight elementosiloxane oligomers, were studied. The properties of the fireproof materials with vulcanized siloxane coatings based on the elementosiloxane oligomers modified with boron, aluminum, and titanium were examined. It was established that these materials have high physicomechanical and fireproofing properties.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2193-2202
pages 2193-2202 views

Surfactant-modified polypropylene as a catalyst for oxidation of mercaptans

Vashurin A.S., Kuz’min I.A., Kuz’micheva L.A., Pukhovskaya S.G., Titova Y.V., Titov V.A., Golubchikov O.A.


Surface modification of polypropylene by soluble metallophthalocyanine was performed. The effect of pretreatment of polypropylene on the degree of surface anchoring of the macrocycle was shown. The catalytic activity of the hybrid materials produced in the oxidation reaction of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate was determined.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2203-2208
pages 2203-2208 views

Actual aspects of the chemistry of dipyrrin dyes and prospects for their application in molecular sensorics

Antina E.V., Rumyantsev E.V., Dudina N.A., Marfin Y.S., Antina L.A.


The results of research on the correlation between molecular structure and spectral luminescent and photophysical properties for a new class of dyes and luminophores based on dipyrrins, bis(dipyrrins), and their coordination compounds in different media are summarized. The new perspective applications of dipyrrin dyes and luminophores as fluorescent sensors for measuring the polarity, viscosity, and temperature of the medium and highly sensitive and selective fluorescent “off-on” chemosensors for detecting Zn2+, Cd2+, and Hg2+ cations in weakly polar and nonpolar organic solvents and biological systems are discussed.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2209-2225
pages 2209-2225 views

A spectrophotometric study of the complexation between methylene blue dye and sodium alginate

Lipatova I.M., Makarova L.I., Mezina E.A.


It was spectrophotometrically determined that dilute aqueous mixtures of methylene blue cationic dye with sodium alginate are stable self-assembling systems from dissolved state noncovalent complexes. The influence of the mixture components, the molecular weight of sodium alginate and composition of the environment on the binding ability of the polymer toward to dye were investigated. The critical pH values and also amounts of inorganic salts, an oppositely charged polyelectrolyte and an organic solvent, causing a complete inhibition of complex formation and the release of dye were determined.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2226-2231
pages 2226-2231 views

4-(8-quinolylazo)resorcinol and 1-(8-quinolylazo)-2-naphthol: Synthesis and sorption properties

Golubchikov O.A., Semeikin A.S., Vershinina I.A., Gornukhina O.V., Lubimova T.V.


A methodology of the synthesis of 4-(8-quinolylazo)resorcinol (QAR) and 1-(8-quinolylazo)-2-naphthol (QAN) was developed. The synthesized compounds were used to modify an oxidized charcoal sorbent. The sorbent efficiently adsorbs copper(II) and zinc(II) cations to form surface electroneutral chelate complexes. The conditions of sorption and desorption of zinc(II) and copper(II) were studied.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry. 2016;86(9):2232-2235
pages 2232-2235 views

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