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Volume 53, Nº 15 (2019)

Basic Research

Influence of Holes Capture Efficiency on Photoluminescence Temperature Dependence of n-AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Well Structures

Yaremenko N., Strakhov V., Karachevtseva M.


The process of excess current carriers capture from wide-gap barrier layers into a quantum well plays a decisive role in the operation of devices based on semiconductor structures. Among these devices are lasers, light-emitting diodes, and photodetectors. The oscillating dependence of the capture rate on the quantum-well width is poorly experimentally studied. The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of oscillations of holes capture efficiency on the temperature behavior of photoluminescence in modulation-doped n-AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures. Temperature measurements of the integrated photoluminescence intensity of structures with different quantum-well widths corresponding to different capture rates of holes (under conditions of resonant and nonresonant capture) are carried out. It is shown that the efficiency of hole capture influences not only the integrated photoluminescence intensity, but its temperature dependence as well. In resonant structures at low temperatures (77–140 K), the photoluminescence intensity decreases with increasing temperature more sharply than that in structures with inefficient capture. Such a difference is attributed to the fact that, under resonance conditions, the capture rate of holes is so high that its change with temperature does not influence the photoluminescence intensity, and the temperature quenching of photoluminescence is defined only by a decrease in the efficiency of radiative recombination β in the quantum well. In nonresonant structures, the temperature behavior of photoluminescence depends not only on the quantum efficiency β, but also on the local hole capture rate which increases, as temperature is elevated. The results of this study are of interest for optimizing the parameters of heterostructures in designing of devices, for which the efficiency of the capture of nonequilibrium charge carriers into a quantum well plays a decisive role.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):1975-1978
pages 1975-1978 views

Determination of the Bulk Conductivity of III–V Semiconductors in a Strong Constant Electric Field and under Harmonic Effects

Malyshev I., Fil K., Goncharova O.


Currently, devices in the region of the microwave and extremely high frequency (EHF) ranges are being developed using the nonlinear properties of the bulk of III–V semiconductors, which manifest themselves under high electric fields. The formation processes of solitons and domains at various strength levels are studied in detail. Herewith, the question on the development of models convenient for practical application, which describe the behavior of carriers under the mentioned conditions, and on determination of the output parameters of the chip structure for use in equivalent device circuits remains poorly investigated. A phenomenological approach to heating processes in the bulk of III–V semiconductors etc. is considered in this work. A method for calculating the microwave and EHF conductivity based on solving equations of heating and carrier drift in strong electric fields and the simulation of processes occurring under the effect of a weak-intensity alternating field on the bulk of semiconductor structures under study is proposed. Analytical frequency dependences of the conductivity amplitude and phase illustrating the possibility of implementing the generation mode are derived. The quasi-time-independent I–V characteristic for the fundamental harmonic of the output signal is analyzed. The calculated amplitude–frequency and phase–frequency characteristics of the conductivity enable selection of the necessary constant field strength providing the required device operating mode for bulk semiconductor structures in the specified frequency range. The equation for the current density of hot carriers enables analytical determination of the amplitude ranges of the first (fundamental) harmonics of the output current at a specific frequency depending on the voltage amplitude.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):1979-1982
pages 1979-1982 views

Electronics Materials

State of the Surface of Polycrystalline Silver after Exposure to Activated Oxygen

Ashkhotov O., Khubezhov S., Ashkhotova I.


The physical and chemical properties of materials are greatly influenced by the state of their surface layers. In turn, the characteristics of the surface depend, for example, on the processes of absorption from a gas medium. In this study, by in situ measurements, the surface layers of polycrystalline silver exposed to external activated oxygen from different sources are investigated. For sources of activated oxygen, water vapor at a temperature of 1073 K and an ion source that makes it possible to obtain an oxygen ion beam with the energy 100–300 eV (5 μA/cm2) are used. It is established that, after treatment, the composition of AgO and Ag2O in the surface layers of silver includes, apart from atomic oxygen, molecular oxygen and silver in the zero-valence state. From estimates of the ratio between the intensities of spectroscopy peaks related to silver and oxygen components, it can be concluded that there exist associative forms of oxygen in the surface layers of silver. An increase in Ag 3d5/2–Ag 3d3/2 spin–orbit splitting is detected, which suggests that there are oxidized silver nanoparticles on the surface.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):1983-1985
pages 1983-1985 views

Electron Microscopy Study of Silver Nanoparticles Obtained by Thermal Evaporation

Grishina Y., Borgardt N., Volkov R., Gromov D., Savitskiy A.


Metallic nanoparticles are promising objects of study, since their properties greatly differ from the properties of bulk material. In analyzing nanoparticles, it is important to investigate their size, stability, structural features, and spatial arrangement. In this study, initial and annealed silver nanoparticles from ∼2 to 10 nm in size formed on a carbon substrate by vacuum thermal evaporation are investigated by high resolution transmission electron microscopy and their shape and structure are classified. The examined nanoparticle types include faceted ellipsoid ones with a polycrystalline structure, coarse ones with a single-crystal structure and twins, icosahedral and decahedral ones with multiple twinning, and fine single-crystal nanoparticles smaller than 3.5 nm. It is established that, after annealing, the total number of nanoparticles decreases by a factor of ~1.3, the number of fine nanoparticles almost halves, and the fraction of nanoparticles with icosahedral and decahedral cross sections increases by a factor of ~1.5. It is shown that nanoparticles smaller than 5 nm become unstable already after a few seconds of exposure to high-energy electrons. For fine single-crystal nanoparticles smaller than 3.5 nm, the average crystal-lattice parameter is found by precise determination of the centers of atomic columns in their images and calculation of the local distances between atoms located in the mutually perpendicular (200) and (022) planes. It is shown that, in such nanoparticles both before and after annealing, there are no noticeable crystal-structure distortions and their lattice parameter is similar to the value characteristic of bulk silver.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):1986-1991
pages 1986-1991 views

Dependence of the Surface Morphology and Structure of CuIn0.95Ga0.05Se2 Films on the Selenization Temperature

Gadzhiev T., Aliev M., Asvarov A., Gadzhieva R., Bilalov B., Ismailov A., Shomakhov Z.


Depending on the choice of the technology for producing CuInxGa1 – xSe2 films, a spread in the electrophysical and photoelectric parameters of photoconverters is observed, which is primarily related to the microstructure formed in the films and their phase composition. The investigation of phase-separation processes and the formation of a single-phase CuInxGa1 – xSe2 film is a key element in fabricating high-quality absorbing layers. In the study, CuIn0.95Ga0.05Se2 thin films are obtained by the two-stage selenization method of previously synthesized copper−indium−gallium layers of different thickness in the temperature range of 350°C ≤ T ≤ 550°C. The surface morphology, chemical composition, and structure of the synthesized CuIn0.95Ga0.05Se2 films are investigated via scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and X-ray fluorescence. It is established that the synthesized films are polycrystalline and have a developed surface with an average crystallite size of 50–140 nm. On the basis of statistical analysis of the electron-microscopy data, the lowest temperature of the onset of the selenization process and the smallest required thickness of the metal layer for the formation of a continuous thin film CuIn0.95Ga0.05Se2 are determined. The obtained films can be used as the active photosensitive layer in highly efficient solar-radiation converters.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):1992-1998
pages 1992-1998 views

Optical Properties of Composite Materials Based on Poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-Phenylenevinylene] and Titanium Dioxide in the Mid-IR Spectral Range

Belogorokhov I., Belogorokhova L.


Composite materials based on poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] and titanium dioxide are used in the optoelectronic and chemical industries. A study of the behavior of chemical bonds in the composite and of the influence exerted by an inorganic additive on its properties is topical. The physical properties of the composites are analyzed by IR (infrared) spectroscopy. All the experiments are performed in an oxygen atmosphere at room temperature. The spectral characteristics of the composite in the mid-IR spectral range are examined and the spectral absorption lines are identified. It is shown that the introduction of titanium dioxide into the polymer matrix does not cause intense oxidation processes within the composite. It is found that the main absorption lines characterizing the vibronic properties of titanium dioxide are not subject to spectral shifts within the polymer matrix.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):1999-2001
pages 1999-2001 views

Technological Processes and Routes

Mathematical Model of the Evaporation of Amalgam Components in Discharge Radiation Sources

Petrenko N., Puchnina S., Gavrilov S.


The urgency of creating a mathematical model of the evaporation of amalgam components in discharge radiation sources (lamps) is due to the dependence of the parameters of the infrared (IR) radiation of special discharge sources on the vapor pressure of an emitting additive. The pressure in turn depends on the sizes and temperature of the discharge, cathode, and anode volumes. In connection with the diverse range of designs of gas-discharge lamps, a set of equations is proposed, which makes it possible to determine the vapor pressure of amalgam components taking into account the specific design of the discharge tube (the burner) and its temperature profile. The design of a discharge source of IR radiation for safety systems of aircraft, for which the calculation of cesium and mercury vapors is presented, is described. As a result of calculations, the dependences of the vapor pressure of cesium and mercury on the temperature of the discharge-tube cold point at various amalgam weights are obtained. The features of the increase in the cesium pressure on the transition from saturated vapors into unsaturated are revealed.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):2002-2006
pages 2002-2006 views

Predicting the Conditions for the Vapor-Phase Epitaxy of the III–V Compounds

Vigdorovich E.


Chloride-hydride epitaxy is the main vapor-phase technique for forming layers of functional homostructures and heterostructures for microelectronics and optoelectronics. At present, nanoheterostructures are obtained by MOS-hydride and molecular epitaxy; the molecular-layering technique is currently being perfected. The occurrence of new materials requires long-term development of the optimal technological conditions for their fabrication and the mathematical, physical, and other principles for modeling these processes. The chloride-hydride method continues to be perfected for forming relatively thick layers of functional heterostructures. The work outlines the fundamentals of physicochemical modeling by the example of chloride-hydride epitaxy. A physicochemical model of the variation in the technological modes of the vapor-phase epitaxy of different compounds under the corresponding conditions, which facilitate the formation of compounds with the same degree of disorder, is discussed. Equations for predicting the conditions for the epitaxy of other materials of the same group by the well-developed technology of a material have been derived. The obtained regularities can be used to optimize the chloride-hydride epitaxy of gallium phosphide and solid solutions based on it. The calculated conditions for gallium-nitride epitaxy are shown to be in good agreement with the conditions of real technological developments made by other authors.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):2007-2011
pages 2007-2011 views

Influence of the Metallization Composition and Annealing Process Parameters on the Resistance of Ohmic Contacts to n-type 6H-SiC

Egorkin V., Zemlyakov V., Nezhentsev A., Gudkov V., Garmash V.


For silicon carbide, the problem of obtaining low-resistance ohmic contacts with improved service characteristics remains topical despite a significant body of experimental data. The influence exerted by the composition of Ni and TiAl metallization, alloying parameters, additional doping of the contact layer of silicon carbide (SiC) with N+ nitrogen ions, and the crystallographic Si- or C-face on the resistance of ohmic contacts  to n-6H-SiC  is examined.  It is  found  that the greatest influence on how ohmic contacts to n-6H-SiC are formed is exerted by the alloying process resulting in a decrease in the contact resistance by approximately six times. The process of additional doping with N+ also reduces the contact resistance by nearly a factor of four. It is found that low-resistance contacts can be obtained on both faces with approximately the same low resistance. TiAl metallization is optimal for the C-face, and Ni metallization, for the Si-face. This choice of metallization makes it possible to obtain ohmic contacts on both polar faces with approximately the same resistances on the order of 2.5 × 10–4 Ω cm2.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):2012-2015
pages 2012-2015 views

Investigation of the Initial Silicon-on-Sapphire Layer Formed by CVD Techniques

Fedotov S., Sokolov E., Statsenko V., Romashkin A., Timoshenkov S.


The complexity of optimizing the technology of heteroepitaxy is an important limiting factor of the application of silicon-on-sapphire (SOS) structures. In order to eliminate this technological barrier, we study the gas-phase formation of the initial silicon layer on the R-plane of sapphire. The parameters of the deposited layers are analyzed using industrial quality-control methods and X-ray diffraction, SEM, and Raman-spectroscopy. The resistivity-distribution profiles are obtained by the spreading-resistance (SRP) method. It is shown that the initial stage of growth at a temperature of 910–930°C leads to a decrease in the autodoping of the silicon layer with aluminum from the substrate. Heat treatment of the initial layer formed at a temperature of 945–965°C makes it possible to obtain a high structural quality of SOS structures in a wide range of deposition temperatures (960–1005°C) of the main layer layer. Comparison of the SOS structures obtained with optimal parameters of the developed mode and by means of the conventional process shows a decrease in the full width at half-maximum of the rocking curve to ~0.24°, a decrease in mechanical compressive stresses to 0.8–1.96 GPa, and homogeneity of the resistivity profile to a depth of 180–350 nm. Application of the developed technological modes can significantly improve the homogeneity of the control parameters of the SOS in a single process, which improves the performance of the manufacturing process.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):2016-2023
pages 2016-2023 views

Study of the Formation Process of Memristor Structures Based on Copper Sulfide

Belov A., Golishnikov A., Mastinin A., Perevalov A., Shevyakov V.


An alternative to the currently existing elemental basis for creating dynamic random-access memory and flash memory is memristor structures, i.e., two-electrode systems, whose operation is based on the resistance switching effect. In this paper, the results of studying the specific features of the production of memristor structures on the basis of copper sulfide as a promising material providing high-efficiency performance of the structures are reported. The process of copper sulfurization is considered. In this process, the surface region of the copper layer is transformed into sulfide, and the remaining part of the layer is used as the active electrode for the later formed memristor structure. It is shown that, as the concentrations of the initial chemical reagents is increased, the surface roughness of the sulfide layer significantly increases. The sulfide growth rate at optimal initial concentrations of the chemical reagents is ~30 nm/min. In studies of memristor structures, it is established that, as the copper sulfide thickness is increased, the ratio between the resistances in the low- and high-resistance states increases from 11.2 to 12.5. In the memristor structures formed in the study, the time of switching from the high- to low-resistance state is about 1.3 μs, whereas the time of switching from the low- to high-resistance state is 0.9 μs.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):2024-2028
pages 2024-2028 views

Elements of Integrated Electronics

Precession of Magnetization of a Spin-Valve Free Layer and Its Switching under the Effect of a Magnetic Field Perpendicular to the Anisotropy Axis

Iusipova I.


Modern microelectronic devices based on layered spin-valve structures have low power inputs, a high reliability, and a broad temperature range. Studying dynamic spin-valve modes and the possibilities of controlling these modes are of practical interest. In this work, the operating modes of a spin valve, which comprise the base for magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM), a binary stochastic neuron (p-bit), and various spin-transfer nanooscillators (STNOs) are considered. A mathematical model of the spin valve with longitudinal anisotropy placed into a magnetic field parallel to the anisotropy axis and perpendicular to the plane of layers is constructed. A set of equations that describe the dynamics of the magnetization vector of the free layer of the spin valve is derived. Quantitative analysis of the set of equations enables determination of the equilibrium positions of magnetization of the free layer for the spin-valve structure. The conditions for changing the type of singular points of the dynamic set of equations are found based on the bifurcation analysis of the set. Investigation into the dynamics of the magnetization vector of the free layer of a spin valve enables determination of its main operational modes as the component of the magnetoresistive random access memory, binary stochastic neuron, and spin-transfer nanooscillator, as well as the ranges of the current and magnetic field corresponding to these modes. The frequency and amplitude characteristics are calculated for spin-valve oscillators. The proposed structure with anisotropy located in a field perpendicular to the anisotropy axis is more preferable when compared to a structure with a field applied parallel to the anisotropy axis from the viewpoint of its application as the spin-transfer nanooscillator.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):2029-2036
pages 2029-2036 views

Field-Emission Cathodes Based on Microchannel Plates

Khamdokhov Z., Margushev Z., Khamdokhov E., Teshev R., Bavizhev M.


The existing methods of fabricating low-field cathodes do not permit the development of device structures that comply with the requirements of developers of systems. In this work, large-area field-emission cathodes with homogeneous emission properties of the working surface and low working voltages (<1 kV) are considered. A Spindt cathode with a number of silicon microtips up to 6000 and a packing density of ~1 × 105 cm–2 is investigated. Titanium nitride and carbon films are deposited onto microtips using the electric-arc method. It is shown that the cathode has low emission homogeneity due to the problem of reproducing microtips of the same shape and size. A cathode based on a microchannel plate with channels 6 μm in diameter, inside which graphite-like nanostructures are formed by the electric-arc method, is fabricated. It is found that an increase in the electron flux in the channels of a microchannel plate can result in a considerable decrease in the operating voltage (<1 kV) and attain high emission homogeneity at the highest admissible output current.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):2037-2039
pages 2037-2039 views

Investigation of the Temperature Effect on the Output Parameters of Radioisotope Sources of Electricity Based on Double Energy Conversion of Radiative Decay

Novikov S., Berintsev A., Alekseev A., Somov A., Svetukhin V.


When developing long-life radioisotope sources of electricity for various applications (space industry, medicine, nano- and microsystem technology, cryptography, and telecommunications), an important problem lies in determining the temperature range of their reliable operation. The effect of negative and positive temperatures in the range from –60 to +60°C on the output parameters of radioisotope electricity sources based on double energy conversion is studied. It is shown that the open-circuit voltage of a radioisotope source changes four times in the indicated temperature ranges. In this case, the highest power delivered to the load is implemented at a temperature of about 0°C. The effect of temperature on all stages of energy conversion is analyzed. The investigations show that a significant decrease in the open-circuit voltage and the shape of the power-output curve are determined by two mechanisms: a decrease in the luminous intensity of radioluminescent sources of light (the temperature quenching of luminescence) and a decrease in the efficiency of photoconverters. Moreover, in the range of negative temperatures (from –60 to 0°C), the decrease in the efficiency of photoconverters is expressed only slightly, and the main contribution to the change in the output parameters of the sources is introduced by the temperature quenching of luminescence in the source of light. In the range of positive temperatures, both processes have a significant effect on reducing the output voltage and power. The developed radioisotope electrical-power sources based on double conversion can be used in electronic equipment operating at lower temperatures, for example, under Far-North conditions.

Semiconductors. 2019;53(15):2040-2043
pages 2040-2043 views

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