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Vol 45, No 4 (2016)


Practical aspects of producing MIS structures with good prospects using atomic layer deposition technology

Aliabev A.J., Korotkov A.S.


The physical and chemical foundations of the atomic layer deposition (ALD) process, the advantages of ALD technology, and possible applications for further miniaturizing and improving the performance of semiconductor devices are considered. The results of the atomic layer deposition of the advanced nanoelectronic material hafnium oxide are discussed. The dielectric characteristics’ measurements and microstructure analysis results are given.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(4):229-236
pages 229-236 views

Mode optimization of retrograde pocket doping in SOI-MOS VLSI transistors

Amirkhanov A.V., Volkov S.I., Glushko A.A., Zinchenko L.A., Makarchuk V.V., Shakhnov V.A.


A two-stage optimization technique for the parameters of SOI-MOS structures is proposed based on the correction of the pocket formation modes of an active structure. As a result of the use of this technique, the threshold voltage of the bottom (parasitic) transistor doubles, while maintaining the values of the parameters of the upper (main) transistor. The experimental investigations confirmed the effectiveness of using this optimization technique when doping the pockets of a SOI-MOS structure to provide the radiation hardness to the accumulated dose.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(4):237-241
pages 237-241 views

Secondary ion mass spectrometry study of the formation of a nanometer oxide film on a titanium nitride surface

Mordvintsev V.M., Naumov V.V., Simakin S.G.


Using secondary ion mass spectrometry, we investigate the oxidation of titanium nitride films fabricated by reactive magnetron sputtering under specific conditions of burning plasma in the argon and oxygen mixture in a vacuum chamber of a magnetron sputtering facility at annealing temperatures ranging from 350 to 440°С and times ranging from 2 to 11 min. It is shown that the oxidation is activated by the plasma, while thermal activation plays a secondary role. The oxide layer consists of the TiO2 layer and (3–5)-nm-thick intermediate layer between it and the bulk of titanium nitride, which is homogeneous over the sample surface and enriched with oxygen-containing complexes. The titanium dioxide layer thickness lies within 2–3.5 nm and depends on the annealing conditions. The effect of different factors on the layer thicknesses is investigated. The expression is obtained that satisfactorily describes the dependence of the TiO2 layer thickness on annealing temperature and time.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(4):242-255
pages 242-255 views

Relaxation modification of the morphology of atomically clean silicon (100) crystal surfaces after treatment with SHF plasma

Yafarov R.K.


Relaxation modification of the nanomorphology of atomically clean surfaces of silicon (100) crystals with different conductivity types, obtained using low-energy low-pressure SHF plasma, was studied. The influence of the chemical activity of the working gases used on the character and kinetics of postprocess changes in the nanomorhpology was revealed. It was shown that the type of the kinetic dependences is defined by the semiconductor type; the minimal surface energy and a better quality of the interface structure appear after the low-energy SHF plasma treatment in an argon atmosphere.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(4):256-261
pages 256-261 views

Investigation of the properties and manufacturing features of nonvolatile FRAM memory based on atomic layer deposition

Orlov O.M., Markeev A.M., Zenkevich A.V., Chernikova A.G., Spiridonov M.V., Izmaylov R.A., Gornev E.S.


The structural and electrical properties of materials based on hafnium oxide grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD) are analyzed. The possibility and prospects of the use of their nanoscale films in nonvolatile memory are considered. The possibility of scaling Ferroelectric random access memory (FRAM) to subμm dimensions while preserving the ferroelectric properties is shown.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(4):262-269
pages 262-269 views

Characteristics of the kinetics of periodic structures CMP for a nonlinear pressure dependence of the polishing rate

Goldstein R.V., Makhviladze T.M., Sarychev M.E.


For the kinetics of the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) of wafers containing periodic metal–dielectric structures, a model is developed and theoretically investigated with the use of contact mechanics methods for the nonlinear pressure dependences of the polishing rate. In the steady-state regime, expressions for the dishing effect, which is characterized by the difference in the depths of the polishing metal and dielectric strips, are analytically derived and investigated. The specific characteristics of this effect, which are observed for different kinds of nonlinearities of the polishing rate depending on the pressure and the relative rotation velocity of the pad and wafer, are analyzed. Particularly, it is shown that, under certain conditions, the steady-state regime may be nonunique (the bistability effect).

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(4):270-277
pages 270-277 views

Kinetics of neutral particles in HCl and HBr plasmas at low pressures and high electron concentrations

Efremov A.M.


The kinetics of the creation and annihilation of neutral particles in HCl and HBr plasmas under the conditions of standard industrial etching reactors is simulated. It is established that the two systems have similar kinetic schemes and exhibit only quantitative differences in plasma compositions. It is show that the HBr plasma is characterized by higher degrees of dissociation of the initial molecules and bromine atomic concentrations in the same temperature and electron concentration ranges.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(4):278-284
pages 278-284 views

Thin film negative electrode based on silicon composite for lithium-ion batteries

Airapetov A.A., Vasiliev S.V., Kulova T.L., Lebedev M.E., Metlitskaya A.V., Mironenko A.A., Nikol’skaya N.F., Odinokov V.V., Pavlov G.Y., Pukhov D.E., Rudyi A.S., Skundin A.M., Sologub V.A., Fedorov I.S., Churilov A.B.


The experimental results concerning the elaboration of the technology used to manufacture thin film negative electrodes for lithium-ion batteries based on Si–O–Al–Zn composites have been presented. The regimes of sputtering and the possibilities of controlling the structure and phase composition of the films, the methods used for the diagnostics of the structure and phase composition of the films, and the results of the electrochemical tests of the negative electrodes have been described.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(4):285-291
pages 285-291 views

A method for registration of multiple cell upsets in high capacity memory cells induced by single nuclear particles

Boruzdina A.B., Ulanova A.V., Chumakov A.I., Yanenko A.V.


This study is devoted to the development of a method for the registration of multiple-cell upsets (MCUs) in memory cells induced by single nuclear particles. The presented results illustrate the possibility of finding MCUs in high capacity (higher than 1 Mbit) memory cells using the improved method.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(4):292-297
pages 292-297 views

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