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Vol 45, No 3 (2016)


Nanoelectromechanical diamond structures in quantum informatics. Part II

Tsukanov A.V.


The second part of the review is devoted to the theoretical description of diamond nanoelectromechanical devices interacting with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond in the coherent mode with a certain number of quanta. The experimental data are reported that reflect the features of the dynamic and spectral properties of such hybrid structures. The possibilities of the application of the hybrid structures in implementing one- and two-qubit operations, as well as in auxiliary procedures, including cooling, measuring, and generating nonclassical states, are discussed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(3):153-166
pages 153-166 views

Modeling of the high aspect groove etching in Si in a Cl2/Ar mixture plasma

Shumilov A.S., Amirov I.I., Lukichev V.F.


The model and the results of the modeling of etching deep grooves in Si in Сl2/Ar plasma as a function of the energy of Cl+ and Ar+ incident ions (30–250 eV), taking into consideration the redeposition of the reaction products, which are removed from the groove bottom, are represented. The groove profiles with an aspect ratio (depth-to-width groove ratio) below 5 and Si atom yield coefficients per ion as a function of the incident ion energy were in agreement with the reference data. The profile evolution of the deep grooves with an aspect ratio (AR) of up to 10 at different energies of the incident ions is shown. The influence of the redeposition coefficient of the scattered particles and the shape of the mask on the groove profile is considered. The reasons for distorting the profile of the high-aspect grooves during their etching in the Сl2/Ar plasma are discussed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(3):167-179
pages 167-179 views

Mathematical model of thin-film electrode polarization

Kuznetsova I.A., Kulikov A.N., Kulova T.L., Metlitskaya A.V., Mironenko A.A., Rudyi A.S., Skundin A.M.


A polarization equation is derived for a thin-film electrode based on a silicon nanocomposite. The shallow thickness of the active layer (several micrometers) allows making some simplifying assumptions when deriving this equation and makes it possible to consider the case of weak polarization. For the polarization equation, a boundary problem is formulated, solutions are obtained, and system parameters for galvanostatic discharge are evaluated. It is shown that the parameters of the solutions meet the test conditions for experimental thin-film Si–O–Al samples and the condition of weak polarization.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(3):180-185
pages 180-185 views

Investigation of the impact of plasma etching steps on the roughness of the fin FET channel sidewalls in the scheme of hetero-integration

Baranov G.V., Milenin A.P., Baklanov M.P.


The origin of the roughness of Fin FET channel sidewalls in the heterointegration scheme was discussed. It is shown that its presence is caused by the original roughness of the Si sidewalls of the “fin” structures formed during plasma etching. A number of processing steps affecting the morphology of the Si fin structures were analyzed. The smoothing of the resistive polymeric mask in the HBr-containing plasma, distributed trimming in the layered mask, and control of the temperature conditions are among these technologies.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(3):186-190
pages 186-190 views

Formation of silver and zinc selenide relief patterns by the lift-off photolithography method

Lysich D.V., Zelentsov S.V., Kotomina V.E., Antonov I.N.


Conducting the lift-off photolithography on silicon wafers with thicknesses of the FP-383 photoresist layers varying from 1.60 ± 0.20 to 4.20 ± 0.20 μm is considered. As a lift-off layer, either a silver layer or zinc selenide layer with a thickness of 80–90 nm was deposited. The edge roughness of the image elements after the lift-off is 5.00 ± 0.20 μm.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(3):191-195
pages 191-195 views

A nonlinear microwave model of a low-barrier diode based on semiconductor junctions

Arykov V.S., Yunusov I.V., Kagadei V.A., Fazleeva A.Y.


A refined nonlinear model of a low-barrier diode based on semiconductor junctions, which is constructed in a modified equivalent electric circuit, is proposed. The model takes into account the design features of diodes of this type, as compared with a well-known model, and can be recommended for use in designing frequency converting monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) in a frequency range of up to 110 GHz.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(3):196-204
pages 196-204 views

Detection of terahertz radiation by resonant tunneling nanoheterostructures

Egorkin V.I., Kapaev V.V.


The phenomenon of terahertz radiation detection by resonant tunneling structures (RTSs) has been studied. The calculations of the changes ΔI0 in the direct current (DC) component I0 under the action of an alternating electric field were carried out by the solution of a nonstationary Schrodinger equation with a time-periodic electric field based on the Floquet mode expansion of the wave functions. The dependences of the DC component I0 in resonant tunneling structures on the frequency ν and AC signal amplitude Vac have been built. It is shown that the ΔI0 value in triple-barrier RTSs at resonance frequency hv ≈ Er2Er1 (Er1 and Er2 are the energies of the size-quantized levels) can exceed a low-frequency value by more than an order of magnitude. The parameters of the structures have been optmized, in order to use them in the terahertz radiation detectors in the anbsence of an external bias. The possibility of tuning the resonance frequency in the terahertz range by changing the DC bias has been shown.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(3):205-214
pages 205-214 views

Non-stationary phase transitions in systems metallization of silicon structures

Skvortsov A.A., Zuev S.M., Koryachko M.V.


We study the degradation of aluminum metallization under the thermal impact induced by rectangular current pulses with an amplitude of j < 8 × 1010 A/m2 and a length of τ < 800 μs and experimentally investigate the thermal degradation of a metal film under the action of phase transformations, specifically, metal fusion and contact melting in a metal-semiconductor system during the passage of current pulses with a power above the critical value Pcr. It is demonstrated that the main mechanism of the fusion of a metallization stripe is related to heat release at the interface between the liquid and solid phases under the thermal impact. The velocities of liquid-phase propagation (10–50 m/s) along the metallization stripe have been determined in the experiment as a function of the electric power of the current pulse. The stresses in the silicon surface layers near the nonstationary heat source have been estimated. It is shown that current pulses with an electric power of ∼0.7Pcr induce the stresses sufficient for the formation of dislocations. The formation of dislocation half-loops in the silicon surface layers near the thermal impact source upon the passage of current pulses with a specified power has been observed.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(3):215-222
pages 215-222 views

Analysis of the technological characteristics in fabricating SOI MEMS transducers

Parfenov N.M.


With the ongoing progress in micro- and nanoelectronics, the technology of fabricating siliconon- insulator (SOI) structures is being increasingly applied in industrial processes. SOI structures have become a genuine breakthrough in micro- and nanoelectronics that have opened a real possibility of producing transistors and circuits with a channel length of up to ∼20 nm [9]. The high mobility of the charge carriers in the strained SiGe layers and the possibility of stimulating radiation in the terahertz frequency range of electromagnetic waves have secured an important place for SiGe/Si heterostructures in modern electronics and silicon optoelectronics [6]. The nc-Si/SiO2 layer is regarded as a promising material for designing storage elements [10] and silicon-based light-emitting systems. In recent years, various MEMS devises and transducers of mechanical quantities (pressure sensors, microgyroscopes, and microaccelerometers) were designed based on SOI structures. The continuous improvement of the technological processes, which have been actively introduced in the field of navigation systems, aerospace engineering, and other high-tech industries, is of paramount importance for fabricating highly reliable quality products. Nonetheless, researchers and production engineers face the problem of reducing the level of mechanical stresses and other defects that can appear in the technological process when fabricating SOI structures.

Russian Microelectronics. 2016;45(3):223-227
pages 223-227 views

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