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编号 3 (2024)



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Possible behavior of shear deformation under high-pressure torsion

Zavorotnev Y., Straumal P., Tomashevskaya E., Straumal B.


The mutual influence of the primary and secondary order parameters when torsion is applied under high pressure is studied. Equilibrium and nonequilibrium cases are considered. The first is realized with a continuous increase in torque, and the second when studying the transition from one state to another, described by a traveling wave. The consideration was carried out on the basis of Landau's thermodynamic theory.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):3–9
pages 3–9 views

Manifestation of the hexatic phase in confined two-dimensional systems with circular symmetry

Nikonov E., Nazmitdinov R., Glukhovtsev P.


Quasi-two-dimensional systems play an important role in the manufacture of various devices for the needs of nanoelectronics. Obviously, the functional efficiency of such systems depends on their structure, which can change during phase transitions under the influence of external conditions (for example, temperature). Until now, the main attention has been focused on the search for signals of phase transitions in continuous two-dimensional systems. One of the central issues is the analysis of the conditions for the nucleation of the hexatic phase in such systems, which is accompanied by the appearance of defects in the Wigner crystalline phase at a certain temperature. However, both practical and fundamental questions arise about the critical number of electrons at which the symmetry of the crystal lattice in the system under consideration will begin to break and, consequently, the nucleation of defects will start. The dependences of the orientational order parameter and the correlation function, which characterize topological phase transitions, as functions of the number of particles at zero temperature have been studied. The calculation results allows us to establish the precursors of the phase transition from the hexagonal phase to the hexatic one for N = 92, 136, 187, considered as an example.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):10–18
pages 10–18 views

Electron distribution near the fast ion track in silicon

Novikov N., Chechenin N., Shirokova A.


A model is proposed to describe the distribution of electrons near the track of a fast ion. The dependence of the fast electron flux on time, layer depth, and radial variable is modeled taking into account the statistical weight of each trajectory. It has been found that the pulse duration in the electron flux distribution is fractions of picoseconds, and the radial size of the cylindrical region where fast electrons are transported reaches tens of angstroms.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):19–27
pages 19–27 views

Features of electron reflection by layer of carbon nanotubes

Novikov N., Chechenin N., Shirokova A.


The anisotropic properties of a layer of carbon nanotubes upon electron reflection have been studied. Only a small part of the incident electrons is found to reflect from a target with a surface layer of oriented carbon nanotubes. Reflection occurs only from a layer of horizontally oriented nanotubes at an angle of incidence greater than 80° and vertically oriented nanotubes at an angle of incidence less than 10°. The effect is explained by peculiarities of the formation of an electron flux in the surface layers of the target.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):28–32
pages 28–32 views

Tungsten sputtering coefficients by light impurities of plasma

Mikhailov V., Babenko P., Zinoviev A.


Calculations of the tungsten sputtering coefficients (the divertor material in the ITER tokamak) by He, Be, N, O – impurity atoms in the plasma – were carried out at collision energy of 0.010–100 keV using the Monte–Carlo method. To calculate the trajectory of the incident particle, pair potentials obtained within the framework of density functional theory were used. These potentials were corrected for the parameters of the potential well obtained from spectroscopic measurements. The target consisted of tungsten randomly oriented crystals the size of one lattice constant. Next, the trajectories of the recoil particles were calculated using many-particle potentials calculated using density functional theory. Thermal vibrations of target atoms were taken into account. The vibration amplitude was taken to be 0.05 Å, which corresponded to room temperature. The strong dependence of the results on the shape of the surface potential barrier is shown and the results are presented for two limiting cases of the surface state: a flat surface, when a planar surface potential barrier is realized, and a surface consisting of cones, when a spherical potential barrier occurs. In the experiment, the surface has some roughness, which depends on the experimental conditions. It is shown that the experimental results lie between the limiting cases we considered. Information was obtained on the average energy of sputtered atoms and angular distributions, necessary for calculating the entry of impurities into the tokamak plasma.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):33–38
pages 33–38 views

Formation of bismuth nanoparticles on nanoporous substrates

Supelnyak S., Artemov V.


Substrates with a layer of anodized aluminum oxide are obtained by one-stage and two-stage anodization. The samples had different porosity in volume and on the surface. Bismuth nanoparticles were obtained by thermal evaporation in argon by condensation onto substrates with a layer of anodized aluminum oxide. The distribution of sizes, shapes, and numbers of nano- and microparticles was studied using images obtained with a scanning electron microscope. The largest number of nanoparticles (21%) on the sample with a surface layer of aluminum oxide without pores had a diameter of 70 nm. It was assumed that the presence of pores on the surface affected the migration of deposited atoms and particles of bismuth melt until stable condensation centers were formed. The presence of pores with a diameter of 20–100 nm led to a decrease in the diameter of the most common bismuth nanoparticles from 80 to 40 nm. Nanoparticles with a diameter of 90 nm were predominant (25%) in the sample with pores with a diameter of 60–220 nm. The largest number of spherical crystallites on all substrates had a diameter of 110 nm. It was established that a uniform distribution of particles was obtained on a sample, the surface of which was not subjected to chemical polishing.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):39–43
pages 39–43 views

Comparison of optical properties and radiation stability of Gd2O3 micro- and nanopowders

Mikhailov M., Goronchko V., Fedosov D., Lapin A., Yuryev S.


The results of comparative studies of the phase composition, diffuse reflectance spectra, radiation-induced absorption spectra, and the integral absorption coefficient of solar radiation upon irradiation of micro- and nanopowders of gadolinium oxide are presented. To assess the radiation resistance of optical properties, the samples were placed in a chamber of an installation simulating space conditions, where diffuse reflection spectra were recorded in the range of 0.2–2.5 μm in a vacuum of 2×10–6 Torr before and after each period of electron irradiation (E = 30 keV, Φ = (1 – 3)×1016 cm–2). Micropowders of rare earth elements are used to increase the radiation stability of materials by absorbing free electrons formed in them during irradiation during their transitions from the d- to f-shell. Nanopowders of rare earth elements added to micropowders of various compounds provide an additional mechanism for increasing radiation stability due to the annihilation of primary defects formed during irradiation on nanoparticles. The work obtained a result opposite to these mechanisms - the radiation stability of micropowder is significantly (more than 4 times) higher compared to nanopowder, due to more intense absorption in the ultraviolet region for nanopowder, caused by its own defects. The paper gives an explanation of the results obtained.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):44–50
pages 44–50 views

Effect of irradiation on grain size and texture in Mo and Ta films

Andrianov V., Bedelbekova K.


Implantation of heavy ions into metal matrices leads to the creation of a high concentration of radiation defects. X-ray diffraction studies of Mo and Ta foils implanted with 57Fe ions have been carried out. It is shown that the implantation of Fe ions does not significantly affect the lattice parameters. It has been established that irradiation leads to broadening of diffraction lines and a decrease in the size of crystal grains. The Mo and Ta foils with {100} orientation are found to be highly textured. Irradiation with Fe ions has no noticeable effect on the texture. However, subsequent annealing at a temperature of 700°С weakens the texture on the irradiated side for Mo and Ta foils without affecting the texture of the nonirradiated side.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):51–56
pages 51–56 views

Effect of deformation nanostructuring on ion-beam erosion of copper

Andrianova N., Borisov A., Ovchinnikov M., Khisamov R., Mulyukov R.


The effect of deformation nanostructuring on ion-beam erosion of copper at high fluences of irradiation with 30 keV argon ions was experimentally studied. Deformation nanostructuring by high-pressure torsion was used to form an ultrafine grained structure with a grain size of ~0.4 µm in copper samples with an initial grain size about 2 µm. It was found that when a layer of thickness comparable to the grain size was sputtered, a steady-state cone-shaped relief was formed on the copper surface, the appearance of which did not change with increasing irradiation fluence. It has been shown that the smaller the grain size in copper, the greater the concentration and the smaller the cone height on the surface. The cone inclination angles, close to 82°, as well as the sputtering yield of 9.6 at./ion, practically does not depend on the copper grain size, the thickness of the sputtered layer, and the irradiation fluence. Calculations using the SRIM code showed that when taking into account the sputtering of atoms from the walls of the cones, the sputtering yield of a cone-shaped copper relief Үc, was 3.5 times less than the yield of a single cone, 1.2 times greater than the sputtering yield of a smooth surface, and the value of 9.25 at./ion was close to the experimentally measured one.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):57–64
pages 57–64 views

Features of cluster ion treatment of the surface of KGd(WO4)2:Nd single crystal

Nikolaev I., Korobeishchikov N.


The features of the surface treatment of single crystals of potassium gadolinium tungstate doped with neodymium ions with low- and high-energy cluster argon ions are considered. Two radically different treatment modes were used: low-energy for more efficient surface smoothing and high-energy for more efficient target etching. Using atomic force microscopy, the topography of the target surface was analyzed before and after cluster ion treatment. Treatment in a low-energy mode was shown to smooth out irregularities on the target surface formed by chemical-mechanical polishing at an etching depth of less than 100 nm. The root-mean-square roughness and maximum height difference of the initial and treated surfaces of potassium gadolinium tungstate doped with neodymium ions were compared. Survey X-ray photoelectron spectra of the initial surface of a KGd(WO4)2:Nd single crystal and after the cluster ion treatment in different modes are presented. The intensities of the potassium and gadolinium peaks were shown to decrease after cluster ion treatment in both modes. A significant decrease in the concentration of potassium atoms in the subsurface layer of the target is explained by the predominant sputtering of potassium as a lighter chemical element. The mutual decrease in the concentrations of gadolinium and potassium atoms can be explained by the weak bonds of these atoms in the lattice of the KGd(WO4)2:Nd single crystal.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):65–69
pages 65–69 views

Dependence of the charge state of a light ion beam in matter on particle velocity

Mikheev N., Bezbakh I.


The results of applying the statistics of a discrete multiple scattering process to analytically describe the dependence of the charge state of light ions in matter on particle velocity are presented. It is shown that the use of a technique based on taking into account the dependence of the charge state of the beam ions on the ratio of the ion velocity to the minimum velocity of the electrons of the substance makes it possible to calculate the stopping power of the substance for lithium, beryllium, boron and carbon ions of medium and low energies, corresponding to the experimental results.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):70–74
pages 70–74 views

Effects of laser pretreatment on the formation of nanostructured carbon on the surface of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride under high-power ion beam irradiation

Kovivchak V., Matyushenko S.


The features of formation of surface morphology of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (pure and with the addition of the catalyst - ferrocene) under the influence of a high-power ion beam of nanosecond duration after the preliminary pulsed laser treatment of the polymer surface have been investigated. It was found that the morphology of the irradiated surface of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride after pulsed laser surface pretreatment differs significantly from the morphology of the irradiated surface of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride after a preliminary stationary heat treatment. For pure chlorinated polyvinyl chloride, pulsed laser pretreatment with increasing power leads to an increase in the porosity of the surface layer after high-power ion beam irradiation, whereas different surface morphologies, including fibers (including polymer fibers) of different diameters, can be obtained for the pre-stationary post-irradiation thermal treatment of this polymer. Pre-stationary thermal pretreatment of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride with the addition of ferrocene (Fe(C5H5)2) leads to a decrease in the diameter of formed carbon nanofibers (with an increase in the treatment temperature). During the pulsed laser pretreatment, an increase in the porosity of the treated layer and a slight increase in the proportion of nanofibers of larger diameter are observed. To explain the obtained differences for pulsed laser and stationary thermal pretreatment, the effect of polymer heating rate on the features of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride decomposition was analyzed.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):75–80
pages 75–80 views

Modeling of the influence of field electron emission from a cathode with a thin insulating film on its sputtering in a gas discharge in a mixture of argon and mercury vapor

Bondarenko G., Kristya V., Savichkin D., Fisher M.


A model of the low-current gas discharge in a mixture of argon and mercury vapor in the presence of a thin insulating film on the cathode surface is proposed. The model takes into account that in such a mixture a substantial contribution to the ionization of the working gas can come from the ionization of mercury atoms during their collisions with metastable excited argon atoms. In the discharge, positive charges accumulate on the film surface, creating an electric field in the film sufficient to cause field emission of electrons from the cathode metal substrate into the insulator. Such electrons are accelerated in the film by the field and can escape from it into the discharge volume. As a result, the effective yield of ion-electron emission from the cathode increases. The temperature dependences of discharge characteristics are calculated and it is shown that, due to a rapid decrease in the concentration of mercury vapor in the mixture with decreasing temperature, the electric field strength in the discharge gap and the discharge voltage increase. The presence of a thin insulating film on the cathode can result in an improvement in its emission characteristics and a significant reduction in the discharge voltage. This causes a decrease in the energies of the ions and atoms bombarding the cathode surface, and, consequently, in the intensity of cathode sputtering in the discharge.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):81–87
pages 81–87 views

Formation of submicron conical morphology of the surface of nanometer-thick films of the Al–Fe alloy under various conditions of ion-assisted deposition on glass

Tashlykova I.


The morphology, topography and wetting with distilled water of Al–1.5 at. % Fe alloy films with a thickness 25–90 nm, formed on glass by ion-assisted deposition using a resonance ion source of vacuum electric arc plasma, have been studied. Using scanning probe microscopy, it is shown that, depending on the mode and the time of deposition, the modification of films is accompanied by changes in longitudinal and transverse roughness parameters, as well as parameters – dimensionless complexes, the measurement of which makes it possible to quantitatively describe the processes of coning in the Al–Fe alloy/glass system. Thus, the arithmetic mean roughness of the films increases with deposition time in the range 20–40 nm. Under self-irradiation conditions, a transition from island-like film growth to layer-by-layer film growth was detected. The influence of the substrate topography on the longitudinal step parameters of the film topography has been established. The size and surface density of the microdroplet fraction particles are studied by scanning electron microscopy. The frequency distributions of the microdroplet fraction by size are satisfactorily approximated by the lognormal distribution. It is found that in the mode of irradiation with intrinsic ions, 60–70% of the microparticles have a size of up to 0.8 μm. For the first time, a double Gaussian function was used to approximate the distribution histograms of local maxima and minima of the film relief, which made it possible to increase the accuracy of the description compared to the normal law. The effectiveness of this approach in analyzing the structure formation of nanometer films at various stages of growth has been demonstrated. Using the bi-Gaussian surface model, the role of topographic characteristics in controlling the wetting of modified coatings is revealed. The mechanism of heterogeneous wetting of hydrophilic films in the Cassie mode with contact angles ranging 50°–80° is discussed. It is found that in the potential mode, with an increase in the deposition duration to 10 h, the distribution of the film relief is close to the normal law, and the formation of a developed submicron conical morphology on the surface leads to blended wetting.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):88–104
pages 88–104 views

Fractal properties of the Nd100–xFex alloys surface in the fractal thermodynamics model

Mikheev S., Semenova E., Pastushenkov Y., Tsvetkov V., Tsvetkov I.


The study of the fractal properties of the surface of Nd100–xFex alloys in a wide range of concentrations х (х = 20–90) was carried out in the framework of the fractal thermodynamics model. To this end, we performed an analysis of images obtained by (scanning electron?) microscopy of the surfaces of a series of Nd100–xFex alloys synthesized by induction melting. A high degree of proximity of the surface structure of all the studied samples, both before and after etching, to fractals is shown. The values of the parameter δ characterizing the relative deviation of the studied samples from the fractal are in the range of 0.017–0.029. Three-dimensional diagrams of the fractal parameters Sf , Tf , Ef , x and two-dimensional diagrams of the same parameters: Sf , Tf , Ef , x, reflecting the nature of the state of the surfaces of Nd100–xFex alloy samples before and after etching, are constructed. For all investigated samples of alloys, the values of the parameters of the fractal equations of state arecalculated. The correlation of the maximum value of the coercive force Hc = 4.8 kE with the values of fractal entropy Sf = 39.86, fractal temperature Tf = 529, and fractal dimension D = 2.6530 of the Nd100–xFex alloys at x = 20 has been established.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(3):105–112
pages 105–112 views