Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

№ 4 (2024)


Бүкіл шығарылым

Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат
Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді
Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін


Structure, transport and magnetic properties of ultrathin and thin FeSi films on Si(111)

Galkin N., Chernev I., Subbotin E., Goroshko O., Dotsenko S., Maslov A., Galkin K., Kropachev O., Goroshko D., Samardak A., Gerasimenko A., Argunov E.


Using solid-phase and molecular-beam epitaxy methods at 350°C, polycrystalline and epitaxial films of iron monosilicide (FeSi) with a thickness of 3.2 to 20.35 nm were grown on a Si(111) substrate, which was confirmed by X-ray diffraction data. Morphological studies have shown that the films are continuous and smooth with a root-mean-square roughness of 0.4–1.1 nm when grown by solid-phase epitaxy, and in the case of molecular beam epitaxy, they have an increased roughness and consist of coalesced grains with sizes up to 1 μm and a puncture density up to 1 × 107 cm–2. In solid-phase epitaxy, an increase in thickness leads to incomplete silicide formation and the appearance of a layer of disordered iron monosilicide with a thickness of 10 to 20 nm. This is confirmed by a change in the temperature dependence of resistivity ρ from semiconductor to semi-metallic and a decrease in resistivity by one and a half to two times. The nonmonotonic nature of the temperature dependence of the resistivity ρ ultrathin FeSi film with a thickness of 3.2 nm has been established, in which a maximum at 230–240 K, a region of growth from 160 to 65 K with Eg = 14.8 meV and further growth without saturation to a temperature of 1.5 K are observed. With increasing thickness of FeSi films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy, the minimum and maximum are not observed, but the tendency of nonmonotonic growth of ρ(T) with decreasing temperature and the opening of the band gap Eg = 23 meV remains. The probable reasons for the occurrence of effects in the dependences ρ(T) are considered. In ultrathin and thin FeSi films grown by solid-phase and molecular-beam epitaxy, respectively, an anomalous Hall effect was found, which was confirmed by the weak ferromagnetic properties of the films. The results obtained proved the possibility of growing and controlling the properties of ultrathin and thin FeSi films on silicon obtained by solid-phase and molecular-beam epitaxy, which ensured the appearance of their unique transport and magnetic properties that are absent in single crystals.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):3–16
pages 3–16 views

Dependence of the domain structure transformation kinetics on a temperature in heterophase Co/Pt/Co Films

Gornakov V., Shashkov I., Kabanov Y.


Using Kerr microscopy, the effect of temperature on the displacement of domain walls in ultrathin exchange-coupled ferromagnetic layers in Pt/Co/Pt/Co/Pt heterostructures with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and a nonmagnetic wedge-shaped spacer is experimentally studied. The exchange interaction between Co layers was studied for spacer thicknesses from 5 to 6 nm in the temperature range from 200 to 300 K. Independent displacement of domain walls in Co layers under a perpendicular magnetic field occurs in the thickness range d0 < d < dCR. In the temperature range, when the domain walls are moved along the Pt wedge, they are stabilized in the equilibrium positions. These positions depend on the field strength, the thickness of the nonmagnetic interlayer, and temperature and is determined by the balance of forces caused by the external field acting on the boundary, the effective field of the exchange coupling between the layers Co and the coercivity field. After the external field is removed, under the influence of the exchange field, the domain walls relax to the initial state with d = d0. The characteristics of the relaxation process depend on temperature. The mechanism of domain wall stabilization near dCR is considered. It is shown that the critical thickness of the nonmagnetic spacer dCR and the coercivity field have opposite temperature dependences.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):17–24
pages 17–24 views

Structural features of poly(p-xylylene)−cadmium sulphide nanocomposite films

Ivanova O., Krivandin A., Piryazev A., Zav’yalov S.


The structure and chemical composition of nanocomposite films based on poly(p-xylylene) with cadmium sulphide (CdS) as a filler were studied by X-ray diffraction and IR-spectroscopy. The films were synthesized by co-deposition of p-xylylene monomer and CdS vapors on quartz and silicon substrates, had a thickness of ~0.2 and ~1.5 µm and contained 5–90 vol. % of CdS. The effect of filler content and film thickness on polymer matrix and filler structure was demonstrated. Differences in the chemical compositions of films with thicknesses of ~0.2 and ~1.5 µm were revealed, caused by their partial oxidation upon contact with air after synthesis. The possible influence of hydroxyl groups on the formation of CdS crystalline structures in films was discussed. A correlation was established between structural transformations upon changes in the CdS content with the previously obtained dependences of dark conductivity and photoconductivity for films with a thickness of ~0.2 μm.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):25–35
pages 25–35 views

Compact representation of the local atomic structure of matter for machine learning in XANES spectroscopy data processing

Viklenko I., Srabionyan V., Durymanov V., Gladchenko-Dzhevelekis Y., Razdorov V., Avakyan L., Bugaev L.


A method for representing data on the local structure of atoms in the form of histograms of paired radial distribution functions is proposed. This method is used to construct a structure descriptor needed to determine the structure of materials using machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. A special feature of the method is the use of two sets of paired radial distribution functions simultaneously: for pairs of all types of atoms and for pairs with a selected absorbing atom. The developed approach was tested on the problem of determining the local atomic structure of the environment of the silver color center in sodium silicate glasses using data from X-ray absorption near-edge structure for the Ag K-edge. The information content of the proposed structure descriptor is demonstrated by the ability to reconstruct the three-dimensional structure of a silver color center model from the corresponding pairwise distance histograms. Using several machine learning methods, it was shown that the proposed descriptor allows to achieve high-quality reproduction (mean square error ~10–3) of X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra for silver color centers in glass, which makes it possible to reduce the time for calculating X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectra by 4 orders of magnitude. The resulting machine learning model allows us to establish a fundamental connection between the atomic structure of silver color centers in glasses and the Ag X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectrum, which is necessary for determining the structure of glasses.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):36–44
pages 36–44 views

On the growth of InGaN nanowires by molecular-beam epitaxy: influence of the III/V flux ratio on the structural and optical properties

Gridchin V., Komarov S., Soshnikov I., Shtrom I., Reznik R., Kryzhanovskaya N., Cirlin G.


In this work, we studied the influence of the III/V flux ratio on the structural and optical properties of InGaN nanowires grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy. It was found that the formation of InGaN nanowires with a core–shell structure occurs if the III/V flux ratio is about 0.9–1.2 taking into account the In incorporation coefficient. At the same time, an increase in the III/V flux ratio from the intermediate growth regime to metal-rich one leads to a decrease in the In content in nanowires from ~45% to ~35%. This nanowires exhibit photoluminescence at room temperature with a maximum in the range of 600–650 nm. A further increase in the III/V flux ratio to ~1.3, or its decrease to ~0.4 leads to the formation of coalesced nanocolumnar layers with a low In content. The results obtained may be of interest for studying the growth processes of InGaN nanowires and creating RGB light-emitting devices on them.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):45–50
pages 45–50 views

Changes in the optical properties of coatings based on hollow ZnO/SiO2 particles under electron irradiation

Dudin A., Yurina V., Neshchimenko V., Mikhailov M., Yuriev S., Lapin A.


A comparative analysis of the diffuse reflectance spectra and their changes after irradiation with electrons with an energy of 30 keV of coatings based on polymethylphenylsiloxane resin and pigment powders of two-layer hollow ZnO/SiO2 particles was carried out. The analysis was carried out in situ in the range 250–2500 nm. The samples were irradiated in a “Spectrum” space simulator. The radiation resistance of the studied coatings based on two-layer hollow ZnO/SiO2 particles was estimated relative to coatings based on ZnO polycrystals by analyzing the difference diffuse reflectance spectra obtained by subtracting the spectra after irradiation from the spectra of unirradiated samples. It has been found that the intensity of the induced absorption bands in coatings based on hollow ZnO/SiO2 particles is less than in coatings based on ZnO microparticles, and the radiation resistance when estimating changes in the integral absorption coefficient of solar radiation (ΔαS) is twice as high. The increase in radiation resistance is probably determined by the different nature of defect accumulation: in the case of solid microparticles, defects can accumulate inside grains; in hollow particles, the accumulation of defects can occur only within the thin shell of the sphere.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):51–56
pages 51–56 views

Electron–plasmon interaction in Bi2Te3–Sb2Te3

Stepanov N.


During the study of the optical properties of solid solutions of Bi2Te3–Sb2Te3 p-type conductivity in the infrared range, it was found that in a single crystal Bi0.6Sb1.4Te3, deformation of the reflection coefficient spectra is observed in the frequency range of observation of the plasma resonance of free charge carriers. The deformation of the plasma edge increases with a decrease in temperature. Using the Kramers–Kronig dispersion relations from experimental reflection spectra, the spectral dependences of the real ε1 and imaginary parts ε2 of the permittivity function, as well as the energy loss function characterizing the rate of energy dissipation, are calculated. Splitting of the peak of the energy loss function was found, indicating the effect on the plasma resonance from another process occurring in the electronic system. It is established that such a process is the transition of electrons between nonequivalent extremes of the valence band. Convergence of collective and single-particle energies.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):57–61
pages 57–61 views

Study of SiO2 films implanted with 64Zn+ ions and oxidized at elevated temperatures

Privezentsev V., Sergeev A., Firsov A., Kulikauskas V., Zatekin V., Kirilenko E., Goryachev A., Kovalskiy V.


The results of studying SiO2 films implanted with 64Zn ions with a dose of 5 × 1016 cm–2 at energies of 20 and 120 keV and isochronously oxidized for 1 h at temperatures from 400 to 800°C with a step of 100°C are presented. The profiles of Zn and its oxide were studied using Rutherford backscattering and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry. The chemical state of zinc and the phase composition of the film were determined by Auger electron spectroscopy and Raman scattering. It was found that after implantation, the zinc distribution had two maxima at depths of 20 and 85 nm, and after annealing at 700°C there was a broadened maximum at a depth of 45 nm. After implantation, a mixture of Zn and ZnO phases was formed in the sample. After annealing at 700°C, only the ZnO phase was formed in the sample, the distribution profile of which had a broadened peak at 45 nm.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):62–67
pages 62–67 views

Modeling of silicon irradiation with C60 ions and the role of the interaction potential

Karasev K., Strizhkin D., Titov A., Karaseov P.


Molecular dynamic simulation was used to study the processes of impact of 2–14 keV C60 molecular ions on the Si(100) surface at temperatures of 0–1000 K. Tersoff–ZBL and Airebo interaction potentials were used and the electronic energy loss of fast particles was taken into account. It is shown that when simulating single impact events, the target temperature does not affect the development of the displacement cascade, but affects its thermalization and the formation of the crater on the surface. As the energy increases, the carbon penetration depth, the size of the formed crater and the rim increase. The sputtering coefficient of silicon atoms in this case increases linearly with energy, and in the case of carbon atoms it reaches a steady-state value at 10 keV. Using the Tersoff potential gives a larger number of atomized carbon atoms for single impact events compared to Airebo potential. During cumulative events, the formation of an etch pit is observed at the initial stage, followed by the carbon film growth. In contrast to single events, the use of the Airebo potential in the case of cumulative ion accumulation gives a higher sputtering coefficient than the Tersoff potential. The formation of carbide bonds in the crystal and an increase in their concentration with ion fluence slightly reduces the number of sputtered particles. Therefore, for correct comparison of simulation results with experiment, it is not enough to use the results of the analysis of single impact event. It is necessary to perform the simulation of the cumulative fluence accumulation.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):68–74
pages 68–74 views

Analysis of the state of the surface layer of the SAP-2 composite alloy after irradiation with a high power ion beam

Panova T., Kovivchak V.


The effect of high-power ion beam of nanosecond duration on the phase composition and morphology of the surface of aluminum composite material SAP-2 has been studied. It was found that after irradiation with a high-power ion beam under all irradiation modes used in the experiments no changes in the phase composition are observed. However, the observed shifts and broadening of diffraction peaks from irradiated samples indicate the formation of residual stresses and transformation of the initial dislocation structure. The observed decrease in dislocation density resulted in a decrease in the microhardness of SAP-2 irradiated at current densities of 50 and 100 A/cm2. It is shown that the increase in the ion current density leads to an increase in the oxygen fraction in the surface layer of SAP-2, which is apparently associated with partial evaporation of aluminum and an increase in the concentration of inclusions of Al2O3, which is part of the material. A nonlinear character of the dependence of the average ratio of oxygen content to aluminum on the ion current density of the beam is observed, the maximum value of which was recorded at irradiation with a beam current density of 100 A/cm2. Intense heating of the SAP-2 surface under ion beam irradiation leads to changes in the dispersion of Al2O3 inclusions on the irradiated surface. The maximum coagulation of Al2O3 particles was found at irradiation by a powerful ion beam with a current density of 100 A/cm2.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):75–80
pages 75–80 views

Layered composite material of niobium–ceramic

Kamynina O., Vadchenko S., Kovalev I., Prokhorov D., Andreev D., Nekrasov A.


Layered composite materials based on niobium and cermet were produced via self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of pre-structured samples using metal foils (Ti, Nb, Ta, Ni) and reaction tapes (Ti + 1.7B) and (5Ti + 3Si). Reaction tapes for synthesis were produced by rolling process of powder mixtures. The microstructure, elemental and phase compositions of the synthesized multilayer composite materials were studied by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray phase analysis. Particular attention was paid to the formation of intermediate layers and surface modification occurring during combustion. The strength characteristics of synthesized materials were determined according to the three-point loading scheme at temperatures of 1100°C. The analysis of obtained materials showed that joining in the combustion mode of metal foils and reaction tapes is provided due to reaction diffusion, mutual impregnation and chemical reactions occurring in the reaction tapes and on the surface of metal foils. The formation of thin intermediate layers in the form of cermet and eutectic solutions provides the synthesized multilayer materials with good strength properties up to 87 MPa at 1100°C. These results are of interest for the development of structural materials operating under extreme conditions.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):81–89
pages 81–89 views

Prediction of the boroaluminized layer thickness using an artificial neural network

Mishigdorzhiyn U., Dyshenov B., Semenov A., Ulakhanov N., Markhadayev B.


The application of mathematical models of artificial neural networks for predicting the properties of diffusion layers created by thermal-chemical treatment based on the boroaluminizing process was considered. Formalization and analysis of prediction of experimental results were carried out. It was established that the construction of computer prediction models based on experimental data of boroaluminizing was a solvable problem with high precision when using artificial neural networks of the multilayer perceptron type. Thus, testing the number of hidden layers and the number of neurons in them revealed the highest correlation coefficient R = 0.99993 of the artificial neural network using two hidden layers with ten and six neurons, respectively. The highest efficiency can be achieved using the “hyperbolic tangent” activation function.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):90–97
pages 90–97 views

Lead slowing-down neutron spectrometry 1: cross-section data for 241Am(n, f), 242mAm(n, f), 243Am(n, f) at energies up to 100 keV

Koptelov E.


A review of the results of a series of works performed by a joint group of researchers from the INR RAS and the SSC RF–IPPE on the lead slowing-down neutron spectrometer SVZ-100 to measure the fission cross-sections of americium isotopes 241Am, 242mAm, 243Am by neutrons with energies below 100 keV is presented. Due to the large mass of the working substance (100 tons of high-purity lead) and the generation of neutrons by protons with an energy of 209 MeV at the INR RAS accelerator, the high aperture ratio of the SVZ-100 made it possible to study neutron-nuclear processes in microgram samples of radioactive nuclides, which is not available in experiments using time-of-flight spectrometry. Unique scientific information has been obtained, partially compensating for the missing, or supplementing the existing, but often contradictory or insufficient data of experiments performed both on time-of-flight facilities and on lead slowing-down neutron spectrometers at other research centres. The results of the work of INR RAS–SSC RF–IPPE are reflected in international nuclear databases and indicate in a number of cases the need to adjust the recommended approximating and calculated values. Information is provided on the few carried out experiments and planned studies of neutron-induced fission cross-sections of americium isotopes in other centres after the completion of the work of the INR RAS–SSC RF–IPPE.

Poverhnostʹ. Rentgenovskie, sinhrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovaniâ. 2024;(4):98–112
pages 98–112 views

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