Psychophysiologic characteristic of working activity in the conditions of partial sensory isolation

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The conditions of partial sensory isolation are typical for the buildings of the windowless and skylightless type widely used in modern production. The subjective investigation data and instrumental methods allow to estimate the psychologic microclimate of persons working in the conditions of partial sensory isolation as unfavourable. It is confirmed by a high level of potential labour fluidity, tiredntss in the production process, negative reaction of psychogalvanic reflex, asthenization of organism, values of diagnostic coefficients of the scales of hysteria, phobia, depression, vegetative disorders on the pathologic level.

About the authors

N. K. Amirov

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute named after S.V. Kurashov

Author for correspondence.

RAMN corresponding member, Head of the Department of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

Russian Federation, Kazan

I. D. Sitdikova

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute named after S.V. Kurashov


Department of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases

Russian Federation, Kazan


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