Clinical peculiarities and some neurophysiologic aspects of the spastic syndrome in children aged one year

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The results of clinical and electrophysiologic examination of 116 children aged one year with spastic syndrome are presented. Neurosonographic examination shows the organic changes in brain tissue which manifest themselves as edema and periventricular infiltration in newborns and as ventriculomegalia of different manifestations — in infants. The dopplerograms show the descrease of blood flow rate and change of resistance index. The sings of the decrease of the threshold of spastic readiness prevail in children in the second half year of life.

About the authors

G. G. Shanko

Belarusian Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education

Author for correspondence.

prof. Head of the Department of Pediatric Neuropathology

Belarus, Minsk

E. A. Ulezko

Belarusian Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education


Department of Pediatric Neuropathology

Belarus, Minsk


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Copyright (c) 1993 Shanko G.G., Ulezko E.A.

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