
The path to recognition (An essay on the life and scientific heritage of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences A. N. Trainin)
Savenkov A.
Sources of specification and interpretation of the prescriptions of a special part of Russian criminal law
Aslanyan R.
Forensic model of person, who committed a crime: types, specifics of construction
Gribunov O., Valkiriya N.
The role Beccaria’s on crimes and punishments on the formation of Bentham’s utilitarian theory of criminal liability
Kolosov I.
The first book about the first director Yu. V. Truntsevsky, L. I. Belyaeva. At the origins of Russian Legal Science (to the 130th anniversary of Evsey G. Shirvindt) / preface by T. Ya. Khabrieva. M.: IZiSP; Publishing house “Jurisprudence”, 2023. – 240 pp.
Bakharev D.
The impact of digital technologies on improving the legal regulation of criminal procedural activities
Vershinina S., Lazareva V.
The first Criminal Code of Soviet Russia and the responsibility of professional criminals
Skoblikov P.
Prospects for the development of Russia’s criminal law policy: the search for the real model
Korobeev A., Chuchaev A.
Trends in the combination of individual and collegial in domestic criminal and civil, arbitration, administrative proceedings
Sharipova A.
Youth neo-Nazi online communities with rhetoric of political hatred: problems of legal assessment and counteraction
Krasikov V., Fomenko E., Yatselenko B.
On the crisis of Russian criminal law (re-reading A.E. Zhalinsky)
Lopashenko N.
Criminal and military-criminal legislation in the creative heritage of P.S. Romashkin
Chuchaev A.
State crimes in the system the Special part of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Nikolaeva J.
Crime: criminal law concept
Turyshev A.
State and prospects of development of the Russian criminal legislation
Rarog A.
Ensuring free competition and its protection: criminal law and other means. Part one (Trades and cartels)
Ovcharov A.
System of criminal measures procedural coercion: What signs indicate for its existence?
Rossinskiy S.
The fundamentals of Criminal Law: a new direction of research (on the pages of the book by I. M. Ragimov “Crime and punishment in world religions. Historical, religious, legal and philosophical aspects. St. Petersburg: Association “Law Center”, 2023. – 303 pp.”)
Savenkov A.
Trends in the criminal law policy of modern Russia in the sphere of lawmaking: Empirical and analytical research
Korobeev A., Chuchaev A.
Forensic expert activity in the system of scientific and technical support of criminal proceedings
Volynsky A.
The international legal basis of the criminal law policy of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of historical and cultural heritage
Khalikov I.
Honor and dignity as objects of criminal law protection
Latypova D., Musaleva A.
On the question of criminal responsibility for crimes against justice in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV)
Nguyen N.
M.S. Strogovich: theorist of the Soviet Criminal Procedure
Savenkov A., Rossinskiy S.
The Russian system of pre-trial proceedings as a synthesis of different types of criminal procedure
Rossinskiy S.
Investigative jurisdiction of the criminal case: general condition of the preliminary investigation or a set of organizational-management rules?
Rossinskiy S.
Review of the work of A.N. Savenkov “Nuremberg: A Verdict for name of Peace” (Moscow: Prospekt, 2021. – 760 pp.)
Sreto N.
Moral foundations of russian criminal proceedings
Malina M.
Moral and psychological foundations of the special military operation in Ukraine and the criminal liability of Ukrainian Neo-Nazis for crimes against the peace and security of mankind
Melnik V.
Criminal and legal protection of cyber virtual property in modern China
Dunmay P.
Punishability of crimes committed using virtual currency
Dolgieva M.
). Selection of primary defendants in the work of the Nuremberg and Tokyo International Military Tribunals
Mezyaev A., Lestev A.
Assistance to justice in the modern muslim model of criminal proceedings (on the example of criminal procedure legislation Islamic Republic of Afghanistan)
Latypov V.
Criminal law enforcement of the state contract (According to the Code on Criminal and Correctional Punishments of 1845)
Ovcharov A.
Artificial intelligence – a means of method committing fraud in the field of computer information?
Zharova A.
The model of criminal liability of legal entities for encroachments in the field of economic activity
Rusanov G.
Ways of constitutionalization of Russian justice
Malina M.
Fighting crime as a life strategy (touches to the portrait of the Academician)
Aleksandrov A.
Legal responsibility and punishment: the problem of correlation
Tolstik V.
Transformation of scientific paradigms in social practice
Chuchaev A.
The Nuremberg verdict is relevant today, more than ever
Aleksandrov A.
The legal policy of foreign countries in the field of counteraction to crime committed with the use of information technologies
Sokolov A., Soldatkina O.
Criminal Law and operational investigative activity: problems of legislation, science and practice
Pleshakov A., Shkabin G.
Defined the new time and the strategies of the future
Savenkov A.
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