Ensuring free competition and its protection: criminal law and other means. Part one (Trades and cartels)

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The article deals with issues related to ensuring and protecting free competition in areas most vulnerable to encroachments on it, such as procurement for state or municipal needs and preventing the conclusion of anti-competitive agreements (cartel agreements). The author gives a general picture of the state of protection and ensuring free competition, defines the areas of activity in this area and describes the structure of encroachments on competition. The article makes extensive use of official statistics and the practice of the Federal Antimonopoly Service on complaints and inspections, provides examples from judicial practice.

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About the authors

Artem V. Ovcharov

Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Email: a.v.ovcharov@rambler.ru

PhD in Law, Researcher in the Sector of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminology

Russian Federation, Moscow


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