Forensic model of person, who committed a crime: types, specifics of construction

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The topic considers the specifics of the construction of two types of forensic models of a person, who committed a crime: in the process of creating a forensic characteristic of crimes as its component, and also during the investigation of a criminal case as a direction of activity to identify the criminal. The problems of defining their structural content have been identified, the specifics of the methodology of forming these models have been revealed on the basis of a comparative analysis, the discussion questions about the subjects and methods of their creation have been considered with the presentation of the author’s conclusions on their solution. Some issues of using artificial intelligence technologies in the activity of creating forensic models of a person, who committed a crime, are considered. The actual directions of development of scientific research on the topic under consideration are outlined.

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About the authors

Oleg P. Gribunov

Baikal State University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Law, Professor, First Vice-Rector – Vice-Rector for Science of Baikal State University

Russian Federation, 11 Lenin str., 664003 Irkutsk

Natalya I. Valkiriya

Baikal State University


Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Legal Research of Baikal State University

Russian Federation, 11 Lenin str., 664003 Irkutsk


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