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卷 50, 编号 12 (2019) 51V and 25Mg NMR Study of the Kagome Staircase Compound Mg3V2O8 PDF
Ogloblichev V., Mikhalev K., Leonidova O., Arapova I., Germov A.
卷 50, 编号 12 (2019) A Theoretical Study on Circular Wire and Flat Strip Conductor Inductance for Magnetic Resonance-Shielded Phased-Array Circular Coils PDF
Giovannetti G.
卷 50, 编号 12 (2019) Exchange Interactions in Heteronuclear Clusters Containing Dysprosium Ions: EPR Spectroscopy Possibility PDF
Galeev R., Mingalieva L., Sukhanov A., Voronkova V., Peng Y., Powell A.
卷 50, 编号 12 (2019) Investigation of Multiple-Quantum NMR Coherence Growth and Intensity Profile in Silsesquioxanes PDF
Avilova I., Chernyak A., Vasil’ev S.
卷 50, 编号 12 (2019) Metabolomics Data Analysis Improvement by Use of the Filter Diagonalization Method PDF
Cervantes H., Kopel F., Rabbani S.
卷 50, 编号 12 (2019) Efficient Referencing of FSLG CPMAS HETCOR Spectra Using 2D 1H–1H MAS FSLG PDF
Kumari B., Brodrecht M., Gutmann T., Breitzke H., Buntkowsky G.
卷 50, 编号 12 (2019) Investigations on Magnetization and Electron Magnetic Resonance Properties of Nd0.65Ca0.35Mn1–xZnxO3(x = 0, 0.1, 0.3) Nanomanganite PDF
Paul D., Anuradha K., Bhat S.
卷 50, 编号 12 (2019) Study on the Structure of C-S-H Gels of Slag–Cement Hardened Paste by 29Si, 27Al MAS NMR PDF
Dong Y., Feng C., Zhao Q., Liang X.
卷 50, 编号 11 (2019) 1H NMR study of the effect of cucurbit[7]uril on the aquation of carboplatin in biologically relevant media PDF
Andrienko I., Kovalenko E., Pashkina E., Aktanova A., Mirzaeva I.
卷 50, 编号 11 (2019) EPR Characterization of the Light-Induced Negative Polaron in a Functionalized Dithienylthiazolo[5,4-d]thiazole Acceptor for Organic Photovoltaics PDF
Van Landeghem M., Kudrjasova J., Maes W., Goovaerts E., Van Doorslaer S.
卷 50, 编号 11 (2019) On the Difficulties and Pitfalls with the Analysis of Solid-State 13C NMR Spectra in Graphitic Materials PDF
Freitas J.
卷 50, 编号 11 (2019) Determination of Acrolein-Associated T1 and T2 Relaxation Times and Noninvasive Detection Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy PDF
Vike N., Tang J., Talavage T., Shi R., Rispoli J.
卷 50, 编号 11 (2019) Charge Transfer State in the Composite DTS(FBTTh2)2:PC71BM: Dynamics of Electron–Hole Distance Distribution After Light Absorption PDF
Uvarov M., Kulik L.
卷 50, 编号 11 (2019) Supplemental Shimming for HR-μMAS NMR Spectroscopy PDF
Nishiyama M., Lucas-Torres C., Piao R., Yanagisawa Y., Nishiyama Y., Wong A.
卷 50, 编号 11 (2019) De-noising Multi-coil Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Patch-Based Adaptive Filtering in Wavelet Domain PDF
Inam O., Qureshi M., Omer H.
卷 50, 编号 11 (2019) Evidence of the Excitation of Mn2+ Spin-Dependent Photoluminescence in Manganese-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnets PDF
Edinach E., Kramushchenko D., Gurin A., Uspenskaya Y., Babunts R., Asatryan H., Badalyan A., Romanov N., Baranov P.
卷 50, 编号 10 (2019) Proton Spin Relaxation in Aqueous Solutions of Self-assembling Gadolinium Endofullerenols PDF
Suyasova M., Lebedev V., Sedov V., Kulvelis Y., Ievlev A., Chizhik V., Artemiev A., Belyaev A.
卷 50, 编号 10 (2019) Persistence of Nitroxide Radicals in Solution PDF
Elajaili H., Sedhom J., Eaton S., Eaton G.
卷 50, 编号 10 (2019) Whole Body Sodium MRI at 0.5 Tesla Using Surface Coil and Long Echo Time Sequence PDF
Anisimov N., Sadykhov E., Pavlova O., Fomina D., Tarasova A., Pirogov Y.
卷 50, 编号 10 (2019) Theoretical Treatment of Pulsed DNP Experiments: Effects of Spectral Exchange PDF
Nasibulov E., Ivanov K., Sagdeev R.
卷 50, 编号 10 (2019) Studies of the Local Distortions for Cu2+ in Ba2Zn(HCOO)6·4H2O Single Crystal PDF
Zhang H., Chen B., Feng C., Xiao W.
卷 50, 编号 10 (2019) The In Situ Study of the Fe3O4/DMSO Ferrofluid Synthesis PDF
Yakushkin S., Kirillov V., Shalygin A., Martyanov O.
卷 50, 编号 10 (2019) Hyperbaric Oxygenation Effects on Human Brain In Vivo: 1H MRS and Resting-State fMRI Study PDF
Manzhurtsev A., Vasiukova O., Sergeeva V., Bozhko O., Menshchikov P., Ublinskiy M., Akhadov T., Semenova N.
卷 50, 编号 9 (2019) Hyperfine Interaction Promoted Intersystem Crossing PDF
Kandrashkin Y.
卷 50, 编号 9 (2019) Occurrence of Mixed Phase in \(\text {Bi}_{0.5}\text {Sr}_{0.5}\text {Mn}_{0.9}\text {Cr}_{0.1}\text {O}_3\) Bulk Sample: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Magnetization Studies PDF
Bhagyashree K., Goveas L., Bhat S.
卷 50, 编号 9 (2019) Spectral Convolution for Quantitative Analysis in EPR Spectroscopy PDF
Chumakova N., Kuzin S., Grechishnikov A.
卷 50, 编号 9 (2019) Development of High-Field and High-Pressure ESR System and Application to Triangular Antiferromagnet \(\hbox {CsCuCl}_{3}\) PDF
Okuto R., Ohki E., Sakurai T., Hijii K., Takahashi H., Ohmichi E., Okubo S., Ohta H., Uwatoko Y., Tanaka H.
卷 50, 编号 9 (2019) Design and Simulation of a Helmholtz Coil for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Experiments with a 3T MR Clinical Scanner PDF
Giovannetti G., Frijia F., Flori A., Montanaro D.
卷 50, 编号 9 (2019) An Improved NMR Permeability Model for Macromolecules Flowing in Porous Medium PDF
Wang L., Xiao L., Zhang Y., Liao G., Wang L., Yue W.
卷 50, 编号 8 (2019) Computation of Resonance Magnetic Fields of CW-EPR Spectra by Reversion of Power Series PDF
Rane V., Das R.
卷 50, 编号 8 (2019) Golden-Angle Radial Sparse Parallel MR Image Reconstruction Using SC-GROG Followed by Iterative Soft Thresholding PDF
Shahzadi I., Aslam I., Qazi S., Omer H.
卷 50, 编号 8 (2019) The Inter/Intra-brain Metabolite Concentration Change as Applying the Rehabilitate Treatment in Intra-cerebral Hemorrhage Rat Models: Pilot Study PDF
Jang S., Lee S., Yu S.
卷 50, 编号 8 (2019) EPR and DEER Characterization of New Mixed Weakly Coupled Nitroxide Triradicals for Molecular Three-Spin Qubits PDF
Zaytseva E., Timofeev I., Krumkacheva O., Parkhomenko D., Mazhukin D., Sato K., Matsuoka H., Takui T., Bagryanskaya E.
卷 50, 编号 8 (2019) Optimizing T1rho and T2 Values for Intervertebral Discs Obtained from the Combined T1rho and T2 Sequence PDF
Imamura R., Takashima H., Nakanishi M., Akatsuka Y., Nagahama H., Okuaki T., Yoneyama M., Hatakenaka M.
卷 50, 编号 7 (2019) EPR and Mössbauer Characteristics of Aqueous Solutions of 57Fe-Dinitrosyl Iron Complexes with Glutathione and Hydroxyl Ligands PDF
Prusakov V., Maksimov Y., Burbaev D., Serezhenkov V., Borodulin R., Tkachev N., Mikoyan V., Vanin A.
卷 50, 编号 7 (2019) ESEEM Reveals Bound Substrate Histidine in the ABC Transporter HisQMP2 PDF
Isaev N., Heuveling J., Ivanisenko N., Schneider E., Steinhoff H.
卷 50, 编号 7 (2019) Substituent Influences on the NMR Signal Amplification of Ir Complexes with Heterocyclic Carbene Ligands PDF
Hadjiali S., Savka R., Plaumann M., Bommerich U., Bothe S., Gutmann T., Ratajczyk T., Bernarding J., Limbach H., Plenio H., Buntkowsky G.
卷 50, 编号 7 (2019) Multi-frequency Dynamic Weighted Functional Connectivity Networks for Schizophrenia Diagnosis PDF
Zou H., Yang J.
卷 50, 编号 7 (2019) Characterization of the Distribution of Spin–Lattice Relaxation Rates of Lipid Spin Labels in Fiber Cell Plasma Membranes of Eye Lenses with a Stretched Exponential Function PDF
Stein N., Mainali L., Hyde J., Subczynski W.
卷 50, 编号 7 (2019) A Simple, Accurate Method to Determine the Effective Value of the Magnetic Induction of the Microwave Field from the Continuous Saturation of EPR Spectra of Fremy’s Salt Solutions. Representative values of \(T_{1}\) PDF
Bakirov M., Salikhov K., Peric M., Schwartz R., Bales B.
卷 50, 编号 6 (2019) Application of EPR Spectroscopy in Studies of Soils from Destroyed Forests PDF
Jerzykiewicz M., Barančíková G., Jamroz E., Kałuża-Haładyn A.
卷 50, 编号 6 (2019) Spectroscopic Study of Mn2+ Doped PbS Nanocrystals PDF
Kripal R., Rudowicz C., Tripathi U.
卷 50, 编号 6 (2019) Modeling Spin Hamiltonian Parameters for Fe2+ (S = 2) Adatoms on Cu2N/Cu(100) Surface Using Semiempirical and Density Functional Theory Approaches PDF
Rudowicz C., Tadyszak K., Ślusarski T., Verissimo-Alves M., Kozanecki M.
卷 50, 编号 6 (2019) Site Symmetries of Cerium Ions in BaWO4 Single Crystals Codoped with Sodium Ions PDF
Leniec G., Kaczmarek S., Bodziony T., Fuks H., Kowalski Z., Berkowski M., Głowacki M.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2019) In Situ FMR Study of the Selective H2S-Oxidation Stability of ε-Fe2O3/SiO2 Catalysts PDF
Yakushkin S., Bukhtiyarova G., Dubrovskiy A., Knyazev Y., Balaev D., Martyanov O.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2019) Measuring Flow Using a Permanent Magnet with a Large Constant Gradient PDF
Richard S., Newling B.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2019) 15N–1H Transfer of Light-Induced Nuclear Hyperpolarization in Frozen Photosynthetic Reaction Centers PDF
Bielytskyi P., Gräsing D., Zahn S., Alia A., Matysik J.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2019) Hydration and Water Molecules Mobility in Acid Form of Nafion Membrane Studied by 1H NMR Techniques PDF
Chernyak A., Vasiliev S., Avilova I., Volkov V.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2019) Toward Automated Manufacturing of RF Coils: Microstrip Resonators for 4.7 T Using 3D-Printed Dielectrics and Conductors PDF
Javidmehr S., Maunder A., Daneshmand M., De Zanche N.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2019) Properties and Edition of NMR Spontaneous Maser Emission Spectra PDF
Jurkiewicz A.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2019) Double-Tuned Surface 1H–23Na Radio Frequency Coils at 7 T: Comparison of Three Decoupling Methods PDF
Maggiorelli F., Boskamp E., Tiberi G., Retico A., Symms M., Tosetti M., Robb F.
卷 50, 编号 5 (2019) Spin Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet 3R-AgFeO2 PDF
Zvereva E., Vasilchikova T., Stratan M., Belik A., Vasiliev A.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2019) Features of Development and Applications of Compact EPR Analyzers PDF
Bogachev Y., Knyazev M., Nikitina A.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2019) Spin–Lattice Relaxation and Diffusion Processes in Aqueous Solutions of Gadolinium-Based Upconverting Nanoparticles at Different Magnetic Fields PDF
Kristinaityte K., Zalewski T., Kempka M., Sakirzanovas S., Baziulyte-Paulaviciene D., Jurga S., Rotomskis R., Valeviciene N.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2019) MR Relaxation Studies of Hemoglobin Aggregation Process in Sickle Cell Disease: Application for Diagnostics and Therapeutics PDF
Lores Guevara M., Naranjo J., Mirabal C.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2019) Ultra-Narrow Low-Field Nuclear Spin Resonance in NV Centers in a Bulk Diamond Crystal PDF
Dmitriev A., Vershovskii A.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2019) Influence of Morphology of LaF3 Nano-crystals on Fluorine Dynamics Studied by NMR Diffusometry PDF
Gulina L., Schikora M., Privalov A., Weigler M., Tolstoy V., Murin I., Vogel M.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2019) 63,65Cu NQR Spectra and Spin–Lattice Relaxation in Thermoelectric CuAlO2 PDF
Ogloblichev V., Matukhin V., Arapova I., Schmidt C., Khusnutdinov R.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2019) Multiplet-Matched Filtering of 103Rh Signal Using Information Contained in 31P Spectrum of AA′XX′ 31P–103Rh Spin System PDF
Podkorytov I., Cherkasova T., Kayfadzhyan E., Varshavsky Y.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2019) The Metabolic Profile of Stable Ischemic Heart Disease by Serum 1H NMR PDF
Titma T., Shin M., Ludwig C., Günther U., Pikta M., Zemtsovskaja G., Viigimaa M., Tanner R., Samoson A.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2019) 1H and 93Nb Solid-State NMR and IR Study of Acidity of Nanodisperse Nb2O5·nH2O PDF
Yakovlev I., Papulovskiy E., Paukshtis E., Bondareva V., Toktarev A., Zaikovskii V., Lapina O.
卷 50, 编号 4 (2019) NMR Spectra of 1-Vinylimidazole, Transformed by Paramagnetic Complexes PDF
Voronov V., Ushakov I., Funtikova E.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) ESR Study of the Nature of Melanin from Micellar Fungi Nadsoniella Nigra PDF
Kulikov A., Bogatyrenko V., Grigorash A.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) A Hybrid Method for NMR Data Compression Based on Window Averaging (WA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) PDF
Guo J., Xie R., Liu H.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) 250 MHz Rapid Scan Cross Loop Resonator PDF
Buchanan L., Woodcock L., Rinard G., Quine R., Shi Y., Eaton S., Eaton G.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Multinuclear Applications on 0.5 T Magnetic Resonance Scanner PDF
Anisimov N., Pavlova O., Agafonnikova A., Kosenkov A., Fomina D.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Interaction Kinetics of Sulfadiazine and N-Acetyl-sulfadiazine with Soil Humic Acid: ESR Investigations with Nitroxide Spin Label PDF
Ricke A., Bondarenko E., Úr G., Kálai T., Hideg K., Steinhoff H., Matthies M.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) An Improved Calibration Framework for Iterative Self-Consistent Parallel Imaging Reconstruction (SPIRiT) PDF
Wu Z., Zhu J., Chang Y., Xu Y., Yang X.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) NMR Investigations of the Catalyst–Monomer Interaction and Stereochemistry of the Product in Catalytic Polymerization of 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate PDF
Kholuiskaya S., Kurkovskaya L.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) The Use of Strong Inductively Coupled Wireless Surface Coil and Transmit/Receive Volume Coil for 1H/19F MRI PDF
Gulyaev M., Pavlova O., Volkov D., Anisimov N., Pirogov Y.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) 63,65Cu NMR Study of the Short-Range Ordered State of Multiferroic CuFeO2 PDF
Ogloblichev V., Smolnikov A., Germov A., Piskunov Y., Sadykov A., Mikhalev K., Yakubovsky A., Barilo S., Shiryaev S.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Pore Structure Evaluation of Bioclastic Limestone Using NMR and HPMI Measurements PDF
Han Y., Fan Y., Xu H., Ge X., Liu J., Cong Y.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Improving Multi-contrast Imaging with Reference Guided Location and Orientation Priors on Edges PDF
Zhu Q., Wang W.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Complexes Based on Calix[4]arene Sulfonic Acid with Acetic Acid and Its Derivatives: NMR Analysis PDF
Chernyak A., Slesarenko N., Volkov V.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Spin Diagnostics of Local Polytypic Composition of Silicon Carbide with Submicron Spatial Resolution PDF
Anisimov A., Nagalyuk S., Muzafarova M., Bundakova A., Babunts R., Soltamov V., Mokhov E., Baranov P.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Accelerating Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using p-Thresholding Based Compressed-Sensing PDF
Ullah I., Inam O., Aslam I., Omer H.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Nitroxide Spin Labels—Magnetic Parameters and Hydrogen-Bond Formation: A High-Field EPR and EDNMR Study PDF
Nalepa A., Möbius K., Plato M., Lubitz W., Savitsky A.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Study of Aliphatic Polyurethanes by the Low-Field 1H NMR Relaxometry Method with the Inversion of the Integral Transformation PDF
Kucinska-Lipka J., Sinyavsky N., Mershiev I., Kupriyanova G., Haponiuk J.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Portable Unilateral NMR Measuring System for Assessing the Aging Status of Silicon Rubber Insulators PDF
Xu Z., Li L., Guo P., Ji Y., Wu J., He C.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Characterization of the Initial Hydration Process of Ordinary Portland Cement Based on Low-Field NMR PDF
Huo J., Peng Z., Ye Z., Feng Q., Zheng Y., Zhang J.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Multi-exponential Analysis of Water NMR Spin–Spin Relaxation in Porosity/Permeability-Controlled Sintered Glass PDF
Chencarek B., Nascimento M., Souza A., Sarthour R., Santos B., Correia M., Oliveira I.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Verification of Diffusion MRI Fiber Tracking Results In Vivo PDF
Konopleva L., Nedopekin O., Il’yasov K.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Development of a Microfluidic NMR Device for Rapid and Quantitative Detection of Tumor Markers PDF
Lu R., Lei P., Yang Q., Ni Z., Yi H.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) The Structure and Internal Dynamics of R6-p-C6H4-R6 Biradical: EPR, X-ray Crystallography and DFT Calculations PDF
Kokorin A., Gromov O., Dorovatovskii P., Lazarenko V., Khrustalev V., Hideg K., Kálai T.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and X-ray Reflectometry of Co/Cu Superlattices PDF
Chuprakov S., Bannikova N., Blinov I., Krinitsina T., Milyaev M., Popov V., Ustinov V.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) The Local Environment near a Neodymium Ion Doped in Y2SiO5 PDF
Kandrashkin Y., Sukhanov A., Tarasov V.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Optimization of MR Signal Contrast of the Lumbar Cartilaginous Endplates Using Ultra-Short TE PDF
Takashima H., Yanagida M., Imamura R., Yoshimoto M., Ogon I., Nakanishi M., Akatsuka Y., Okuaki T., Yoneyama M., Hatakenaka M., Yamashita T.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Design and Implementation of a Robust NMR Fluid Analyzer with Multiple Antennas PDF
Chen W., Xiao L., Liu H., Liao G., Liu W., Zhang Y., Wu Q., Sun Z., Zheng W.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Numerical Investigations of NMR T1T2 Map in Two-Phase Fluid-Bearing Tight Sandstone PDF
Guo J., Xie R.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) NMR on the Road: Non-destructive Characterization of the Crumb-Rubber Fraction in Asphalt PDF
Blümich B., Teymouri Y., Clark R.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Simulation and Analysis of Irregular Multicoil B0 Shimming in C-type Permanent Magnets Using Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing PDF
Chen W., Chen J., Sun H., Chen Z.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Redox Status of a Metastatic Microenvironment in the Liver of Patients with Colorectal Cancer from EPR PDF
Burlaka A., Vovk A., Burlaka A., Gafurov M., Iskhakova K., Ganusevich I., Virko S., Lukin S.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Investigation on Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Technology and Instantaneous Profile Method PDF
Chen B., Huang Y., Zhang K., Wu F.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) Photophysical Properties of Zinc Coproporphyrin I Tetraethyl Ester in Different Solvents Probed by TR EPR Spectroscopy PDF
Sukhanov A., Tyurin V., Budnikova I., Voronkova V.
卷 50, 编号 1-3 (2019) A Novel Approach to Interpretation of the Time-Dependent Self-Diffusion Coefficient: Water-Mouse RBCs Suspension Study PDF
Loskutov V., Volkov V., Avilova I.
卷 49, 编号 12 (2018) Low-Temperature Dynamical Transition in Lipid Bilayers Detected by Spin-Label ESE Spectroscopy PDF
Golysheva E., De Zotti M., Toniolo C., Formaggio F., Dzuba S.
卷 49, 编号 12 (2018) Uniaxial Diffusional Narrowing of NMR Lineshapes for Membrane Proteins Reconstituted in Magnetically Aligned Bicelles and Macrodiscs PDF
Tesch D., Pourmoazzen Z., Awosanya E., Nevzorov A.
卷 49, 编号 12 (2018) Orientation Selective 2D-SIFTER Experiments at X-Band Frequencies PDF
Bowen A., Erlenbach N., van Os P., Stelzl L., Sigurdsson S., Prisner T.
卷 49, 编号 12 (2018) Nucleotide Spin Labeling for ESR Spectroscopy of ATP-Binding Proteins PDF
Muok A., Chua T., Le H., Crane B.
卷 49, 编号 12 (2018) Rescaling of 2D ESEEM Data as a Tool for Inverse Problem Solving PDF
Kandrashkin Y., Zavartsev Y., Koutovoi S., Sukhanov A.
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