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Volume 109, Nº 2 (2023)


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Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies of the Effect of Melatonin Monotherapy on the Level of Circulation Triglycerides, Cholesterol, Glucose and Insulin Depending on the Diet of Rats

Kuzmenko N., Tsyrlin V., Pliss M.


It is known that melatonin modulates the daily and seasonal rhythms of metabolism. However, the effect of long-term intake of exogenous melatonin on the parameters of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in various diets is still unclear. In our work, we conducted the meta-analysis of 53 publications investigating the effect of melatonin monotherapy on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in rats kept on a standard diet (44 publications), as well as diets with a high content of fructose (7 publications), fats (11 publications) and cholesterol (5 publications). According to the literature, high fructose diet caused a significant increase in the levels of triglycerides, glucose and insulin in rats. In rats fed high fat diet, an increase in triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC), insulin, and a decrease in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) was observed. In rats kept on high cholesterol diet an increase in the level of TC and a decrease in the concentration of HDL was observed. Melatonin therapy reduced triglyceride, TC, and insulin levels but did not alter glucose levels in rats fed diets rich in fructose and fats. On a cholesterol-rich diet, melatonin decreased TC levels and increased HDL and glucose levels, but did not change triglyceride concentrations. Our meta-analysis found no beneficial effect of increasing the dose of melatonin with fortified diets. With a standard diet, long-term melatonin therapy also reduced insulin levels, but had no effect on TC and increased glucose levels. The deterioration in carbohydrate metabolism was associated with higher doses of melatonin at the beginning of therapy, with intraperitoneal administration or with administration through a gastric tube, with administration in the light phase. In addition, high doses of melatonin have been associated with poor lipid metabolism in the standard diet. The effect of melatonin was directed towards minimizing changes in the lipid profile caused by diet, which confirms the homeostatic role of melatonin in lipid metabolism.

Rossijskij fiziologičeskij žurnal im. I.M. Sečenova. 2023;109(2):139-162
pages 139-162 views


YB-1 Protein Prevents Age Decline in Plasma Estradiol in 5xFAD Transgenic Aging Female Mice

Zhdanova D., Kovalev V., Chaplygina A., Bobkova N., Poltavtseva R., Sukhikh G.


Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is an incurable neurodegenerative disease that is the main cause of dementia in the elderly. When looking for new treatments for AD, attention was drawn to the multifunctional Y-box-binding protein 1 (YB-1). Previously, we revealed a positive effect of intranasal administration of YB-1 on learning and spatial memory, along with a decrease in the content of cerebral β-amyloid and the intensity of plaque initiation, with an improvement in the survival of neurons in the cortex and hippocampus of male AD mice. However, AD affects women twice as often as men, so it is of great interest to study the effects of YB-1 on aging females. Estrogens and androgens are necessary for the maintenance of cognitive function during aging and, apparently, may prevent the development of AD. In this work, peripheral levels of estradiol (E2) and cytokines were studied after intranasal administration of YB-1 to aging female 5xFAD transgenic mice and control non-transgenic animals. In intact aging animals of both groups, a violation of the estrous cycle and a decrease in the level of E2 in blood plasma were revealed. Mice treated with YB-1 did not show a characteristic age-related decrease in plasma E2 levels. The introduction of YB-1 did not affect the peripheral level of cytokines. Thus, a novel, previously undescribed effect of YB-1 on plasma E2 levels in aging female mice is shown. These data indicate that YB-1 may be a promising compound in the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. However, further experiments are needed to gain insight into the detailed mechanisms of YB-1 action.

Rossijskij fiziologičeskij žurnal im. I.M. Sečenova. 2023;109(2):163-177
pages 163-177 views

Lethal Aggression in Captive Monkeys

Chalyan V., Meishvili N., Pachulia I., Anikaeva E., Zadorojnii D.


Establishing the characteristics of monkey lethal aggression, assessing the age and sex of aggressors and victims, and the nature of the aggressors' actions seems necessary to identify the evolutionary roots of cases of human lethal aggression. In addition, the study of the features of lethal aggression can be considered as a condition for the development of measures aimed at preventing its manifestations in captive monkeys. The aim of the study is to study the species-specific features of lethal aggression in captive macaques, baboons and guenons. An analysis was made of cases of intra-group lethal aggression that occurred over a 10-year period in Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta), Crab-eathing macaques (Macaca fascicularis), Pig-tail macaques (Macaca nemestrina), Green monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops), Hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas), Anubis baboons (Papio anubis) kept by social groups. It has been established that cases of lethal aggression are observed in all 6 studied species of monkeys. It was shown that in groups consisting of adult males, the highest frequency of cases of lethal aggression was noted in Rhesus macaques, and the lowest in Hamadryas baboons. Species-specific differences were found in the nature of lethal aggression in monkey family groups consisting of males, females, infants, and adolescents. It has been established that in Hamadryas baboons, Anubis baboons and Pig-tail macaques, that is, in species with pronounced sexual dimorphism in body size and social status, the main form of lethal aggression in family groups is infanticide committed by a single sexually mature male. In Rhesus monkeys, Crab-eathing macaques and Green monkeys, that is, those species that are characterized by relatively mild sexual dimorphism in body size and social status, the predominant form of lethal aggression in family groups is the collective actions of females aimed at young and adult members of the group.

Rossijskij fiziologičeskij žurnal im. I.M. Sečenova. 2023;109(2):178-191
pages 178-191 views

The Effects of Insulin on Spike Activity of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Neurones and Functional State of Afferent Inputs from the Arcuate Nucleus in Rats

Inyushkin A., Mistryugov K., Ledyaeva O., Romanova I., Isakova T., Inyushkin A.


In experiments on the sagittal hypothalamic slices of male Wistar rats, the effects of 15 nM insulin on the level of spike activity, parameters of spike information coding by the suprachiasmatic nucleus neurones, and functional state of afferent inputs to the neurones from the arcuate nucleus were studied. Application of insulin induced a decrease in the frequency of action potential generation and an increase in the entropy of interspike interval distribution in 33.3% of neurones recorded; in 12% of cells, the responses of opposite direction were found; in the remaining 54.7% neurones, spike activity did not change. The responses of the entropy of interspike interval distribution suggest the related changes in a degree of interspike interval irregularity induced by insulin. To characterise afferent inputs to the suprachiasmatic nucleus neurones from the arcuate nucleus, electrophysiological technique of the construction and analysis of the peristimulus time histogram (PSTH) was used. Statistically significant responses to the stimulation of the arcuate nucleus were recorded in 24 of 38 neurones of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. In 6 of the neurones, the responses were in the form of a short-latency (<20 ms) excitation, in 1 neurone in the form of a long-latency excitation, in 6 neurones in the form of a short-latency inhibition; in 11 neurones complex two- or three-phase responses in the form of different compositions of excitation and inhibition were observed. Application of 15 nM insulin induced a qualitative transformation of the responses (disappearing of the initial responses or emergence of new responses) in 5 neurones initially responded to stimulation, and in 1 neurone initially not responded to stimulation of the arcuate nucleus. Statistically significant changes in the latency or duration of the responses in the presence of insulin were not found. The results of the study suggest the ability of insulin to influence the activity level and the spike code of a respectively numerous population of neurones in the suprachiasmatic nucleus circadian oscillator as well as modulate the functional state of afferent inputs to the circadian oscillator from hypothalamic arcuate nucleus playing an important role in the control of appetite and metabolism.

Rossijskij fiziologičeskij žurnal im. I.M. Sečenova. 2023;109(2):192-213
pages 192-213 views

Use of Colour Coding to Assess the Effects of Haloperidol on Animal Behaviour in the Open Field Test

Makarov M., Sysoev Y., Guzenko M., Prikhodko V., Korkotian E., Okovityi S.


Development of novel approaches to behavioural test data analysis is of considerable importance to fundamental research as well as experimental neuropharmacology. Antipsychotic agents used to treat positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia are of particular interest to current research. Despite that antipsychotics exert potent effects on animal behaviour in simple behavioural tests, they can be difficult to distinguish from other central nervous system-depressing agents, such as sedatives. In this paper, we propose colour coding of video sequence as a method for the analysis of behavioural pattern structure in rats, using the effects of haloperidol, a typical antipsychotic, in the Open field test, as an example. The study was carried out in outbred albino male rats weighing 250–300 g. 3 min long video sequences of rat behaviour in the Open field were processed using Python and the OpenCV library in the Google Colab 3 environment. Colour coding allowed for the marking up and overlaying in a single frame the present (t = 0), nearest-future (t = 0.33 s), and the less-near-future (t = 1.66 s) location of an animal in the arena. Using the proposed method, we were able to detect specific effects of haloperidol on animal behavioural patterns which are undetectable using conventional behavioural data analysis techniques for this test. The three-timepoint colour coding method we propose proved effective for data analysis and processing, and the results were in accordance with other author’s data, obtained using computerized as well as conventional visualization techniques.

Rossijskij fiziologičeskij žurnal im. I.M. Sečenova. 2023;109(2):214-228
pages 214-228 views

The Involvement of Acetylcholine and Na+,K+-ATPase in the Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Growth

Lopatina E., Gavrichenko A., Pasatetckaia N.


Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the discussion of the trophic function of the nervous system and its participation in the launch of signaling cascades regulating cellular metabolism. The role of acetylcholine and Na+,K+-ATPase in the regulation of skeletal muscle growth in 10–12-day-old chicken embryos under conditions of organotypic tissue culture was evaluated. The maximum trophotropic effect of acetylcholine was shown in a concentration 10–8 M. Inhibitory analysis proved the participation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in this effect. Ouabain dose-dependent regulated the growth of skeletal muscle tissue explants. In concentrations comparable to endogenous ones, the glycoside stimulated the growth of experimental explants by 33% compared to the control value. The myotoxic properties of ouabain were found in the concentration range 10–6–10–4 M. Acetylcholine eliminated the myotoxic effect of the ouabain (10–6 M) both directly acting on the Na+,K+-ATPase, and the receptor-mediated through the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor.

Rossijskij fiziologičeskij žurnal im. I.M. Sečenova. 2023;109(2):229-240
pages 229-240 views


Interhemispheric Symmetry and Asymmetry of Absence Type Spike-Wave Discharges Caused by Systemic Administration of Pentylenetetrazole

Ershova A., Suleymanova E., Grishchenko A., Vinogradova L., Sysoev I.


Absence epilepsy is a specific generalized non-convulsive form occurring almost exclusively in children and adolescents. It is traditionally thought that the resulting seizure is completely generalized in the cortex of both hemispheres, as seen in humans on surface electroencephalograms and magnetoencephalograms. However, most studies were performed on animals, mainly rats – genetic (WAG/Rij and GAERS lines) and pharmacological models, since signals not only from the cortex, but also from subcortical structures such as the thalamus must be measured, what cannot be done on humans, who have no medical indications for intracranial surgery. In animals, measurements of local field potentials were almost always made from one hemisphere in order to cover the maximum number of brain structures involved. At the same time, the degree of synchrony of seizure onsets and terminations in different hemispheres in animals was practically not studied, and the markup itself in the vast majority of cases was done on the basis of one channel from motor or somato-sensory cortex. This work aims to reveal differences and similarities in the course of spike-wave discharges (the main encephalographic marker of absence seizures) in the cortex of the two hemispheres in a known pharmacological model of rats exposed to pentylentetrazole. For discharge detection, a method of automatic discharge marking is proposed and its sensitivity and specificity are evaluated using records of nine animals. We used it to mark seizures in symmetrical cortical sites from both hemispheres separately. According to the results of the analysis of seizure duration it turned out that for five out of nine animals the distribution of discharges significantly differed between the hemispheres, and for the other four was equal. Consequently, in the rat model, spike-wave activity may be generalized both symmetrically and asymmetrically, which may be due to individual peculiarities or different discharge triggering scenarios.

Rossijskij fiziologičeskij žurnal im. I.M. Sečenova. 2023;109(2):241-251
pages 241-251 views

A Minimally Invasive Method of Wireless Electroencephalogram Recording in Rats in a Lithium–Pilocarpine Model of Epilepsy

Sinyak D., Bukov G., Sizov V., Zubareva O., Amakhin D., Zaitsev A.


Recent studies have shown that neuroinflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many nervous and mental diseases, such as cortical ischemia, craniocerebral trauma, neurodegenerative diseases, epilepsy, etc. Therefore, when recording EEG in experimental models of these diseases, it is preferable to use noninvasive recording methods to exclude neuroinflammation. However, such approaches are rarely used, since it is difficult to perform reliable EEG recording in animals without the use of implanted electrodes. In the present work a new device for minimally invasive wireless EEG recording in rats is proposed. The electrodes are located on the surface of the skull and are attached to a platform, which is fixed to the skull with screws. This design avoids damage to brain tissue. The surgery is minimally traumatic, and EEG registration can be performed as early as 2–3 days after surgery. High reliability of electrode attachment allows long-term registration. This method of EEG registration has been tested on a lithium-pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy. EEG recordings in experimental and control rats were made under background conditions and with the use of functional loads – rhythmic photo- and phonostimulation, as well as sleep deprivation. It was shown that these functional loads allow increasing the severity of epileptiform manifestations on the EEG (spike frequencies), the maximum differences between the groups being manifested with a combination of the above loads. Thus, the main feature of the proposed EEG recording device is that it makes it possible to perform prolonged EEG studies on a free-moving rat without the development of possible neuroinflammation. This device can be used in experiments to study epileptogenesis and to test new antiepileptic drugs on experimental animals.

Rossijskij fiziologičeskij žurnal im. I.M. Sečenova. 2023;109(2):252-264
pages 252-264 views

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