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Шығарылым Бөлім Атауы Файл
Том CLII, № 2 (2023) Articles Townendite, Na8ZrSi6O18, an Indicator of Extremely High Agpaicity and Important Concentrator of Zirconium in Peralkaline Rocks of the Lovozero Pluton, Kola Peninsula
Том CLII, № 2 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И МИНЕРАЛЬНЫЕ ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ Bismuthite from Au–Bi and Post-Gold Sb Mineralizations within the Darasun Deposit, Eastern Transbaikalya
Том CLII, № 1 (2023) Articles On the 250th Anniversary of the Oldest Mining and Geological School of Russia
Том CLII, № 2 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И МИНЕРАЛЬНЫЕ ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ Pseudobrookite from Active Fumaroles of the Tolbachik Volcanic Massif (Kamchatka). Chemistry of Pseudobrookite-Group Minerals and Its Indicator Role
Том CLII, № 1 (2023) NEW MINERALS Nioboixiolite-(Mn2+), \(\left( {{\mathbf{N}}{{{\mathbf{b}}}_{{{2 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {2 3}} \right. } 3}}}}{\mathbf{Mn}}_{{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 3}} \right. } 3}}}^{{{\mathbf{2}} + }}} \right){{{\mathbf{O}}}_{{\mathbf{2}}}},\) a New Ixiolite-Group Mineral from the Malkhan Pegmatite Field, Transbaikal Region, Russia
Том CLII, № 1 (2023) NEW MINERALS Hasanovite KNa(MoO2)(SO4)2, a New Mineral from Natural Underground Coal Fires at the Fan-Yagnob Coal Deposit, Tajikistan
Том CLII, № 2 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И МИНЕРАЛЬНЫЕ ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ Lead Phosphates (Pyromorphite and Phosphohedyphane) from the Oxidation Zone of Baryte-Lead Ores in the Ushkatyn-III Deposit, Central Kazakhstan
Том CLII, № 1 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Native Cobalt in Deep Levels of the Kola Superdeep Borehole
Том CLII, № 2 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И МИНЕРАЛЬНЫЕ ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ Petersite-(Y) from the Mednorudyanskoe Deposit (Middle Urals, Russia) and Its Crystal Structure
Том CLII, № 2 (2023) МИНЕРАЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КРИСТАЛЛОГРАФИЯ X-ray Diffraction Method for Estimating Temperature of Vesuvianite Crystallization
Том CLII, № 1 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Typomorphism of Autigenic Gold in Riphean Sandstones of the Kyvvozhskoye Goldfield (Volsko-Vymskaya Ridge, Middle Timan)
Том CLII, № 4 (2023) Thermodynamics of Arsenates, Selenites, and Sulphates in the Zone of Oxidation of Sulfide Ores. XV. Solubility of the Synthetic Analogue of Mandarinoite at 25 °C
Том CLII, № 1 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Minerals of the Olivine Group from Melilite–Nepheline Paralavas of Combustion Metamorphic Complexes of Mongolia
Том CLII, № 2 (2023) ФИЗИКА МИНЕРАЛОВ Optical Spectra and Crystal Chemical Features of Quartz Implanted with Vanadium Ions
Том CLII, № 4 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Hematite from Fumaroles of the Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia): Chemistry, Relationships with Associated Minerals, Morphological and Genetic Features
Том CLII, № 3 (2023) Basalt Alteration in High-Temperature Oxidizing-Type Fumaroles at the Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). Part 1. Processes and Products of Olivine Alteration
Том CLII, № 1 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Strontium and Barium Minerals in Alkaline Rocks of the Bolshetagninsky Ijolite-Syenite-Carbonatite Massif (Southwestern Margin of the Siberian Craton)
Том CLII, № 2 (2023) HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE Hundred-Year-Old History of Reviews of Newly Discovered Minerals. Personalia
Том CLII, № 4 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Neotocite from Manganese Ores of the Ushkatyn-III Deposit, Central Kazakhstan
Том CLII, № 3 (2023) NEW MINERALS Winners of the Nomination “Mineral of the Year” (Period 2014–2021): Contribution into Mineralogical Crystallography
Том CLII, № 1 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Fluoborite in the Ore-Bearing Skarns of the Aktash Magnetite-Polymetallic Deposit in the Karamazar (Northhern Tajikistan)
Том CLII, № 4 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Major Rock-Forming Minerals of Paralava in Mongolian Combustion Metamorphic Complexes
Том CLII, № 1 (2023) HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE Minerals Named after Alumni and Staff Members of Saint Petersburg Mining University (to the 250th Anniversary of St. Petersburg Mining University)
Том CLII, № 4 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Crandallite and Florensite-(Ce) from a Quartz Vein of the Area Zhelannoye Deposit (Subpolar Ural)
Том CLII, № 3 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Mineralogy of Clinozoisite Amphibolites in the Khitoostrov Occurrence of Corundum-Bearing Rocks (Fenno-Scandinavian Shield)
Том CLII, № 4 (2023) МИНЕРАЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КРИСТАЛЛОГРАФИЯ Behavior of the Crystal Structure of Leightonite K2Ca2Cu(SO4)4⋅2H2O in the Temperature Interval from –180 to 325 °C
Том CLII, № 3 (2023) МИНЕРАЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КРИСТАЛЛОГРАФИЯ Direct Observation of Growth Processes on the Crystal Surface Initiated by the Impurities Capturing
Том CLII, № 4 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ МИНЕРАЛОГИЯ Crystal Formation during Thermal Oxidation of Shungite
Том CLII, № 3 (2023) МЕТОДИКА ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ МИНЕРАЛОВ, ГОРНЫХ ПОРОД И РУД Determination of the Iron Oxidation State in Cr-Spinels by Electron Microprobe X-ray Emission Spectroscopy of Lα,β Lines
Том CLII, № 4 (2023) ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ МИНЕРАЛОГИЯ Synthesis of Zirconosilicates under High-Alkaline Conditions
Том CLII, № 3 (2023) HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE Previously Unpublished Documents and Memories about A.E. Fersman: to the 140th Anniversary of the Birth
Том CLII, № 3 (2023) CHRONICLES International Diamond School–2023
Том CLII, № 5 (2023) Articles Typification of Rare-Metal Alkaline Granites
Том CLII, № 5 (2023) Articles Basalt Alteration in High-Temperature Oxidizing-Type Fumaroles at the Tolbachik Volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). Part 2. Gas Metasomatites
Том CLII, № 5 (2023) МИНЕРАЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КРИСТАЛЛОГРАФИЯ Structural Transformations of Minerals in the Earth’s Mantle: the New High Pressure Polymorphous Modifications of Olivine and Wollastonite
Том CLII, № 5 (2023) МИНЕРАЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ КРИСТАЛЛОГРАФИЯ DFT Modeling of the Hydrogen Bonding System in Sampleite
Том CLII, № 5 (2023) HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE Minerals Named in Honor of Alumni and Staff Members of the Saint Petersburg State University (to the 300th Anniversary of Saint Petersburg State University)
Том CLII, № 5 (2023) HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE Rereading V.I. Vernadsky: on the 160th Anniversary of the Birth
Том CLII, № 5 (2023) ДИСКУССИИ, КРИТИКА, БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ Contamination in Mineralogy: Pathways and Effects
Том CLII, № 6 (2023) Articles Amphibole Supergroup Minerals in the Lovozero Alkaline Massif (Kola Peninsula)
Том CLII, № 6 (2023) NEW MINERALS New Minerals. LXXVII
Том CLII, № 6 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Сhromite-Ulvöshpinel Series of Minerals from Alkaline Picrite-Basic Rocks of the North Siberian Platform and Their Oxythermobarometry
Том CLII, № 6 (2023) МИНЕРАЛЫ И ПАРАГЕНЕЗИСЫ МИНЕРАЛОВ Minerals of the Supergroup of Alunite in Layered Ores of the Yaman-Kasy Sulfide Deposit, Southern Urals: Morphology, Assemblages, and Chemical Composition
Том CLII, № 6 (2023) HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE On the Infinite Naturally Contained in the Finite
Том CLII, № 6 (2023) CHRONICLES About Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Landscape, Contemporary Mineral-Forming and the Rational Environmental Management as an Integrated Knowledge on Mineralogical-Geochemical Mining Geosystems
Том CLIII, № 1 (2024) Articles Protomineral world as a new World of neglected dimensions
Том CLIII, № 1 (2024) Articles Rock-forming feldspathoids of the sodalite–sapozhnikovite series from the Lovozero alkaline complex (Kola peninsula, Russia): isomorphism, thermal and radiation-induced transformations and genetic mineralogy
Том CLIII, № 1 (2024) Articles Marble-hosted noble spinel deposits from the Luc Yen District (Vietnam): mineral equilibria involving corundum and spinel
Том CLIII, № 1 (2024) NEW MINERALS Ikorskyite KMn3+(Si4O10)·3H2O — new mineral from the Khibiny alkaline massif (Kola peninsula, Russia)
Том CLIII, № 1 (2024) MINERALS AND MINERAL PARAGENESES First findings of platinum group minerals from ultramafites of the Idzhim mafic-ultramafic massif (Western Sayan)
Том CLIII, № 1 (2024) MINERALS AND MINERAL PARAGENESES Jacobsite as an indicator of genrsis of manganese ore of the Ushkatyn-III deposit (Central Kazakhstan)
Том CLIII, № 1 (2024) MINERALS AND MINERAL PARAGENESES Barium-bearing micas of the muscovite-ganterite series from alkaline rocks of the Sredneziminsky ijolite-syenite-carbonaite massif (Eastern Siberia, Russia)
Том CLIII, № 1 (2024) ИСТОРИЯ НАУКИ To keep the history from being impersonal: to the 155th anniversary of the birth of Professor A. P. Gerasimov
Том CLIII, № 1 (2024) OBITUARIES To memory of Gennadiy Nikolaevich Gamjanin (1936–2023)
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) Articles Igneous and metamorphic rock-forming minerals in metagabbro of the Norther Ladoga area and criteria for their discrimination
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) Articles Platinum-bearing Fe-Mn oceanic crust on basalts: mineralogy and model of formation
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) Articles Fluid inclusions in quartz of the gold-ore occurrences and gold-quartz intergrowths from placers in the Sololi uplift of the Olenyok arch (Yakutia)
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) NEW MINERALS Lednevite, Cu[PO3 (OH)]·H2O, a new mineral from Murzinskoe Au deposit, Altai Krai, Russia
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) NEW MINERALS Lobanovite from the Koashva Mountain in the Kibiny Massif (Kola Peninsula): crystal-chemical features, IR-spectroscopy and mineral assemblage
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) MINERALS AND MINERAL PARAGENESES Raman spectroscopy of kassite, lucasite-(Ce), La analogue of lucasite, and cafetite
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) MINERALS AND MINERAL PARAGENESES High temperature transformations and thermal expansion of halotrichite FeAl2 (SO4)4⋅22H2O
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) MINERALS AND MINERAL PARAGENESES Non-ambient crystal chemistry of stillwellite-like BaBPO5 from single crystal XRD data
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE Fossil resins of the arctic territories of Denmark, Canada, the USA and Norway: to the history of their study
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) HISTORY OF THE SCIENCE The find of the first stamp of the Russian Mineralogical Society
Том CLIII, № 2 (2024) CHRONICLES Report on the Russian Mineralogical Society activities in 2022–2023

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