Vol 21, No 4 (2015)


The social hygienic and clinical functional aspects of computer stress in students

Evert L.S., Potupchik T.V., Bakhshieva S.A., Grishkevich N.Y., Panicheva E.S.


The article deals with actual issues of impact of computer stress on indicators of psychosomatic status students. The social hygienic aspects of work on computer are analyzed. The questionnaire survey of 186 students aged from 16 to 20 years (males and females) was carried out. In respondents the structure of level of computer stress including dependence on gender was established. The characteristics of work of students on personal computers was analyzed. The analysis included use of computer for research purposes, education, leisure and staying in Internet. The comparative analysis was implemented of various types of activities during work on computer (food intake, drinks consumption, music listening using headphones) in groups of students with low, average and high level of computer stress. The duration of watching TV, time of fresh air walks and duration of night sleep in students depending on computer load were established. The analysis of complaints and unfavorable clinical manifestations conditioned by lasting computer stress was made.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):4-8
pages 4-8 views

The mediumterm biological and functional results of endothelial keratoplasty with formation of transplant using femtosecond laser from the side of endothelium

Pogorelova S.S., Oganesyan O.G., Chentsova E.V.


Nowadays, the most frequently applied operation under pathology of cornea endothelium is the endothelial transplantation automated by keratome. At the same time, surplus amount of stroma and nonuniform thickness of transplant limit achievement of potential acuity of vision. The development of laser femtosecond techniques permits to form transplant with different thickness and profile. The article presents medium-term biological and functional results of endothelial keratoplasty from the side of endothelium using transplant formed by femtosecond laser LDV Z6 (Ziemer, Switzerland). The sampling included 20 patients after end-to-end keratoplasty with primary and secondary endothelial dystrophy, with artiiridofaquia, avitria, and other concurrent pathology. The term of monitoring consisted 9.6±8.2 months (from 3 to 24 months). The transparency of cornea, acuity of vision, loss of density of endothelial cells, intra- and post-operation complications were studied. The regeneration of transparency of cornea was achieved in all 20 patients. During post-operation period, both complete and partial mismatch of transplant took place. The density of endothelial cells decreasing amounted to 46% in a month and 53% in three months. During three months of monitoring, average acuity of vision increased from 0.04±0.05 to 0.2±0.16. According information of authors, these are the first medium-term results of femtosecond endothelial keratoplasty with formation of flap from the side of endothelium. The results lead to suppose its effectiveness that is confirmed by regeneration of transparency of cornea in all examined patients. However, loss of density of cells in the given set of examinations remains unsatisfactory and analysis of functional results inadequate. There a necessity of further accumulation of experience, investigation of results and their analysis.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):9-12
pages 9-12 views

The perinatal predictors of severe cerebral ischemia in premature newborns

Remneva O.V., Fadeeva N.I., Korenovskiy Y.V.


The study was carried out to discover the most informative perinatal predictors of severe cerebral ischemia in premature newborns and to develop mathematical model predicting degree of its severity. The monitoring was applied to sampling of 288 women delivered at 28-34 weeks of pregnancy. The women were separated in two groups depending of degree of severity of cerebral ischemia (light/mean and severe). On the eve of delivery examination was implemented concerning condition of fetus, occurrence of herpes viral infection in cervical channel of their mothers, activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in umbilical blood of prematurely-born children immediately after birth. It is established that under severe cerebral ischemia of premature newborns high activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9 is detected in umbilical blood immediately after birth which frequently is combined with occurrence of intraventricular bleeding and pneumonia developing during pregnancy against the background of disorders of afterbirth blood circulation. The complex of clinical, ultrasound and laboratory examinations permitted to single out the most informative predictors of severe cerebral ischemia namely: term of delivery, Apgar scale estimation and activity of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in umbilical blood immediately after birth. The proposed mathematical model of calculation of risk of development of severe cerebral ischemia in premature newborns has high accuracy of prognosis (80%).
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):13-18
pages 13-18 views

The effect of tactivin therapy on T-lymphopoiesis under thymomegalia in children of early age with acute obstructive bronchitis

Vaganov P.D., Donetskova A.D., Nikonova M.F., Yanovskaya E.Y., Petryaikina E.E., Pugacheva I.A., Samsonovich I.R., Yarilin A.A.


The children of early age with thymomegalia and acute obstructive bronchitis suffer from lower T-lymphopoiesis in thymus gland evaluated on content of T-receptor excision rings. The T-receptor excision rings represent ring-shaped DNA molecules detecting only in T-cells recently emigrated from thymus gland. They serve as a measure of intensity of maturation of T-lymphocytes and their migration from this gland i.e. functional activity of this organ. The addition of immune modulating preparation tactivin to the complex treatment of acute obstructive bronchitis promotes repairing of affected T-lymphopoiesis. Besides, content of T-receptor excision rings practically reaches the level detected in children without thymomegalia.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):18-20
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The characteristics of mixed intestinal infections in children of early age with emergency conditions

Kulieva Z.M.


The study was carried out to examine mixed intestinal infections in children of early age with emergency conditions The analysis demonstrated that in 35.2% of cases mixed infection, combination of viruses, specifically rotavirus with salmonella, shigella, staphylococcus, proteus, etc. are detected. In children of early age, clinical course of mixed viral bacterial intestinal infections was characterized by participation of two and more associates effecting severity of condition and course of disease, duration of temperature reaction, diarrhea.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):21-23
pages 21-23 views

The evaluation of clinical effectiveness of cryotherapy in complex treatment of psoriasis

Karpova A.V., Vasenova V.Y., Butov Y.S.


The article demonstrates that sequential course treatment of general cryotherapy in complex treatment of psoriasis effects positively on the indicators of immune status, improves peripheral blood circulation, accelerates regenerative processes, stabilizes indicators of psychological status, provides prolonged clinical remission.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):24-27
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The relationship of quality of life with components of metabolic syndrome and affective disorders

Alekseeva N.S., Salmina-Khvostova O.I.


The patients with different combination and number of components of metabolic syndrome have complex of disorders impacting quality of life. The study was carried out to examine relationship between quality of life and components of metabolic syndrome and affective disorders. The sampling consisted of 625 patients with abdominal obesity (51.2% of females and 48.8% of males both aged from 25 to 70 years) with various combination of components of metabolic syndrome. Under increase of duration of occurrence of particular components of metabolic syndrome combination of their greater number and deterioration of such indicators of quality of life as physical activity, emotional conditions, common and psychological health were observed. The combination of various metabolic factors mutually enhances expression of clinical manifestations of metabolic syndrome. The psychic status of patient is also affected enabling development and progression of affective disorders. The affective disorders are found more frequently as duration of occurrence of metabolic syndrome increases. The indicators of physical and psychic health decreased with increasing of levels of anxiety and depression. The high relationship between degree of expression of anxiety and depression and estimate of psychic health of patient was established.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):27-32
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The correlation dependence between micro-circulatory indicators and alterations from the side of liver function test in patients with chronic alcoholism

Fazlyeva R.R., Saifullina F.R.


The study was carried out to examine characteristics of micro-circulation and to establish correlation dependence between micro-circulation indicators and alterations of functional tests of liver. The sample included 60 patients (120 eyes) with chronic alcoholism. The first stage of alcoholism was established in 20 patients (40 eyes) and the second stage in 40 patients (80 eyes). The patients were applied standard and additional techniques of opthalmologic examination including analysis of micro-circulation of vessels of bulbar conjunctiva. In patients with chronic alcoholism correlation dependence between micro-circulation indicators and alterations of functional tests of liver was established.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):32-36
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Towards the diagnostic and treatment of diseases of biliary system using technique of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

Yusif-zade K.R.


The article considers evaluation of effectiveness of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic papillosphicterotomy under treatment of diseases of extra-hepatic biliary system. During 2006-2012, 221 of cholangiopancreatographies and 195 of papillosphicterotomies were executed. The effectiveness of cholangiopancreatography amounted to 97.3%. In cases of impossibility to cannulate atraumatically bile papilla and to get into billiar system the incomplete needle or pre-cut papillotomy was implemented. The percentage of complications amounted to 6.8%. In 18 failed cases of cannulation of choledoha with standard catheter the result was achieved by application of needle electrode. The analysis of effectiveness of endoscopic procedures approved high resolving capacity of cholangiopancreatography technique. The effectiveness of endoscopic papillosphicterotomy amounted to 96.9-100%.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):36-38
pages 36-38 views

The indicators of day pH-metry of esophagus in patients with gastro-esophagus reflux disease under laser therapy

Burduli N.M., Tadtaeva D.Y., Balayan M.M.


The study was carried out to examine effect of low-intensive laser irradiation on indicators of day pH-metry of esophagus in patients with gastro-esophagus reflux disease. The sampling included 112 patients with gastro-esophagus reflux disease aged from 19 to 79 years. The ten-day course of intravenous laser therapy was applied to 78 patients. The course was implemented using laser therapy device “Matrix-VLOK” (The Matrix company, Russia) with wave length 0.405 mkm, power of irradiation on output from main light conductor 1-1.5 mV and irradiation continuous mode. The analyzed indicators estimated before and after treatment. The study results testify amelioration of all indicators of day pH-metry of esophagus under low-intensive laser therapy.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):39-42
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The pharmaceuticals applied under diseases of gallbladder and Oddi's sphincter

Chubarev V.N., Sologova S.S., Tarasov V.V.


The article considers pharmacological characteristics of anti-cholinergic pharmaceuticals, NO-groups donors, blockers of calcium and sodium channels, direct spasmolytics, selective cholespasmolitics, and other groups of pharmaceutical remedies applied in medicinal therapy of dysfunction of gallbladder and Oddi's sphincter type III and II. The comparative analysis of pharmacological characteristics and data of evidence-based medicine demonstrated advantage of application of selective cholespasmolitics in comparison with other groups of pharmaceuticals in treatment of dysfunction of Oddi's sphincter type III and II in patients with cardiovascular diseases, glaucoma, in patients with pathology of gastrointestinal tract and urinary tracts (constipation, adenoma of prostate, etc.) and also with particular disorders of central nervous system functions.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):43-48
pages 43-48 views

The information aspects of medicine

Troshin V.D., Shpagin M.V., Suslov A.G.


The information theory was used as basis for consideration of informational energetic interchange between human, society and Universe. The migration of notsiogenic zone of chronic pain (algiatic disease) and system of therapy are presented.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):49-52
pages 49-52 views

The restless legs' syndrome

Kopishinskaya S.V., Gustov A.V., Radyuk M.A.


The restless legs' syndrome or Willis-Ekbom disease is a wide-spread sensory-motor illness characterized by imperative wish to move legs and accompanied by dysesthesia. Until recently, restless legs' syndrome considered as a rare disease in view of poor recognizability of symptoms. The undiagnosed and untreated restless legs syndrome results in serious disorder of sleep. The physiopathology of restless legs syndrome is multi-factorial i.e. dysfunction of dopamine-ergic system, decreasing of iron in central nervous system, genetic susceptibility, disturbance of level of such neurotransmitters as hypocretins and endorphins, immune dysfunction, inflammation. The manifestations of restless legs' syndrome are sensory sensations and periodic movements in extremities during sleep of mode of flexion. The article presents main and additional criteria of restless legs' syndrome as well as associated signs of restless legs syndrome. The transdermal plaster rotigotine and pregabalin is a leader in pharmaceutical therapy.
Medical Journal of the Russian Federation. 2015;21(4):53-56
pages 53-56 views

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