The relationship of quality of life with components of metabolic syndrome and affective disorders

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The patients with different combination and number of components of metabolic syndrome have complex of disorders impacting quality of life. The study was carried out to examine relationship between quality of life and components of metabolic syndrome and affective disorders. The sampling consisted of 625 patients with abdominal obesity (51.2% of females and 48.8% of males both aged from 25 to 70 years) with various combination of components of metabolic syndrome. Under increase of duration of occurrence of particular components of metabolic syndrome combination of their greater number and deterioration of such indicators of quality of life as physical activity, emotional conditions, common and psychological health were observed. The combination of various metabolic factors mutually enhances expression of clinical manifestations of metabolic syndrome. The psychic status of patient is also affected enabling development and progression of affective disorders. The affective disorders are found more frequently as duration of occurrence of metabolic syndrome increases. The indicators of physical and psychic health decreased with increasing of levels of anxiety and depression. The high relationship between degree of expression of anxiety and depression and estimate of psychic health of patient was established.

About the authors

Natal’ya S. Alekseeva

The Novokuznetsk state university of physicians advanced training of Minzdrav of Russia

VD, PhD 654005 Novokuznetsk, Russia

O. I Salmina-Khvostova

The Novokuznetsk state university of physicians advanced training of Minzdrav of Russia

654005 Novokuznetsk, Russia


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