The indicators of day pH-metry of esophagus in patients with gastro-esophagus reflux disease under laser therapy

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The study was carried out to examine effect of low-intensive laser irradiation on indicators of day pH-metry of esophagus in patients with gastro-esophagus reflux disease. The sampling included 112 patients with gastro-esophagus reflux disease aged from 19 to 79 years. The ten-day course of intravenous laser therapy was applied to 78 patients. The course was implemented using laser therapy device “Matrix-VLOK” (The Matrix company, Russia) with wave length 0.405 mkm, power of irradiation on output from main light conductor 1-1.5 mV and irradiation continuous mode. The analyzed indicators estimated before and after treatment. The study results testify amelioration of all indicators of day pH-metry of esophagus under low-intensive laser therapy.

About the authors

N. M Burduli

The North Osetia state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

кафедра терапии факультета последипломного образования 362019 Vladikavkaz, Russia

D. Ya Tadtaeva

The North Osetia state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

кафедра терапии факультета последипломного образования 362019 Vladikavkaz, Russia

Marina M. Balayan

The North Osetia state medical academy of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD 362019 Vladikavkaz, Russia


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