The pharmaceuticals applied under diseases of gallbladder and Oddi's sphincter

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The article considers pharmacological characteristics of anti-cholinergic pharmaceuticals, NO-groups donors, blockers of calcium and sodium channels, direct spasmolytics, selective cholespasmolitics, and other groups of pharmaceutical remedies applied in medicinal therapy of dysfunction of gallbladder and Oddi's sphincter type III and II. The comparative analysis of pharmacological characteristics and data of evidence-based medicine demonstrated advantage of application of selective cholespasmolitics in comparison with other groups of pharmaceuticals in treatment of dysfunction of Oddi's sphincter type III and II in patients with cardiovascular diseases, glaucoma, in patients with pathology of gastrointestinal tract and urinary tracts (constipation, adenoma of prostate, etc.) and also with particular disorders of central nervous system functions.

About the authors

Vladimir N. Chubarev

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, professor 119992, Moscow, Russia

S. S Sologova

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

119992, Moscow, Russia

V. V Tarasov

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

119992, Moscow, Russia


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