Towards the diagnostic and treatment of diseases of biliary system using technique of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

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The article considers evaluation of effectiveness of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic papillosphicterotomy under treatment of diseases of extra-hepatic biliary system. During 2006-2012, 221 of cholangiopancreatographies and 195 of papillosphicterotomies were executed. The effectiveness of cholangiopancreatography amounted to 97.3%. In cases of impossibility to cannulate atraumatically bile papilla and to get into billiar system the incomplete needle or pre-cut papillotomy was implemented. The percentage of complications amounted to 6.8%. In 18 failed cases of cannulation of choledoha with standard catheter the result was achieved by application of needle electrode. The analysis of effectiveness of endoscopic procedures approved high resolving capacity of cholangiopancreatography technique. The effectiveness of endoscopic papillosphicterotomy amounted to 96.9-100%.

About the authors

Kyanan Rafael’ ogly Yusif-zade

The military hospital of the state frontier service of the Republic of Azerbaijan; Azerbaijan medical university

MD, PhD 1022 Baku, Azerbaijan


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