The mediumterm biological and functional results of endothelial keratoplasty with formation of transplant using femtosecond laser from the side of endothelium

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Nowadays, the most frequently applied operation under pathology of cornea endothelium is the endothelial transplantation automated by keratome. At the same time, surplus amount of stroma and nonuniform thickness of transplant limit achievement of potential acuity of vision. The development of laser femtosecond techniques permits to form transplant with different thickness and profile. The article presents medium-term biological and functional results of endothelial keratoplasty from the side of endothelium using transplant formed by femtosecond laser LDV Z6 (Ziemer, Switzerland). The sampling included 20 patients after end-to-end keratoplasty with primary and secondary endothelial dystrophy, with artiiridofaquia, avitria, and other concurrent pathology. The term of monitoring consisted 9.6±8.2 months (from 3 to 24 months). The transparency of cornea, acuity of vision, loss of density of endothelial cells, intra- and post-operation complications were studied. The regeneration of transparency of cornea was achieved in all 20 patients. During post-operation period, both complete and partial mismatch of transplant took place. The density of endothelial cells decreasing amounted to 46% in a month and 53% in three months. During three months of monitoring, average acuity of vision increased from 0.04±0.05 to 0.2±0.16. According information of authors, these are the first medium-term results of femtosecond endothelial keratoplasty with formation of flap from the side of endothelium. The results lead to suppose its effectiveness that is confirmed by regeneration of transparency of cornea in all examined patients. However, loss of density of cells in the given set of examinations remains unsatisfactory and analysis of functional results inadequate. There a necessity of further accumulation of experience, investigation of results and their analysis.

About the authors

S. S Pogorelova

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of ophthalmic diseases of Minzdrav of Russia

105062 Moscow, Russia

Oganes G. Oganesyan

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of ophthalmic diseases of Minzdrav of Russia

MD, PhD, DSc. 105062 Moscow, Russia

E. V Chentsova

The Helmholtz Moscow research institute of ophthalmic diseases of Minzdrav of Russia

105062 Moscow, Russia


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