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Vol 52, No 5 (2023)

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Electrophysical Parameters and Emission Spectra of the Glow Discharge of Difluorodichloromethane

Murin D.B., Chesnokov I.A., Gogulev I.A., Grishkov A.E.


The effect of the external discharge parameters on the electrophysical parameters and emission spectra of difluorodichloromethane plasma is analyzed. Data on the reduced electric field strength and gas temperature are obtained. It is established that the reduced electric field strength in difluorodichloromethane plasma decreases markedly with increasing gas pressure (at a constant discharge current). It is shown that a linear increase in the gas temperature with increasing pressure is due to the increase in the specific power deposited in the discharge. Atomic and molecular components are found in the emission spectra of the glow discharge of difluorodichloromethane. It is established that, with increasing current, a linear increase in the radiation intensity occurs, which corresponds to the mechanism of the direct excitation of the radiating states upon electron impact and indicates the absence of secondary processes.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(5):347-353
pages 347-353 views


Protective Freely Hanging Films for Projection Lithography Installations in the Extreme UV Range

Zuev S.Y., Lopatin A.Y., Luchin V.I., Salashchenko N.N., Tsybin N.N., Chkhalo N.I.


Variants of the structures of freely hanging films with a high transmittance coefficient at a wave-length of 13.5 nm, which were developed for use in the projection of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography as protective and filtering elements, are considered. Our attention is focused on the most problematic—in terms of manufacturing and the requirements on their characteristics—ultrathin freely hanging films (pelli-cles), which are installed in front of the mask (photomask) in modern EUV scanners and serve to protect the sur-face of the mask from contamination. The main approaches used to manufacture ultrathin freely hanging large-aperture films are compared. A brief review of the research on the development of high transmittance pellicles at a wavelength of 11.2 nm, which may become an operating wavelength for future EUV lithography, is given.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(5):354-366
pages 354-366 views


Simulation of the Effect of Lattice Defects on the Work of Separating Joined Materials

Makhviladze T.M., Sarychev M.E.


In order to study the strength reliability of interconnections, a generalized model for quantifying the effect of nonequilibrium point crystal defects on the value of the work of the reversible separation of joined materials along the boundary (interface) of their union, generalizing an approach proposed previously by the authors to the description of the mechanism of defect adsorption in the interface area. The developed model makes it possible not to be limited to the situation when the defects of each of the contacting materials are distributed independently in the boundary, over their sublattices, and the transitions of defects between these sublattices are also taken into account, which significantly expands the possibilities of applying the obtained theoretical results. The corresponding system of equations is formulated, which makes it possible to find and study the value of the work of reversible separation as a function of defect concentrations in the vol-umes of materials. In the case when the interstitial impurity atoms are the defects, the problem of the critical impurity concentrations at which the work of reversible separation vanishes and the bonding of the materials becomes thermodynamically unstable is studied in detail by analytical methods; the role of defect transitions between sublattices, in which defects are localized at the interface, is explained. Impurity concentrations are estimated at which the effect of the interface instability can be realized, significantly affecting the reliability characteristics of the interconnections.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(5):367-373
pages 367-373 views

A Computer Investigation of the Effect of High-Resistance Layer Inhomogeneities on Resistive Switching in a Bismuth Selenide Microcrystal Structure

Sirotkin V.V.


This paper continues the analysis of the results of experimental studies of resistive switching in a structure based on a bismuth selenide microcrystal (flake). It was demonstrated earlier by simulations that both the presence of several highly resistive states in the examined structure and the peculiarities of transitions to these states can be explained by the specific behavior of numerous conducting channels permeating the surface high-resistance (defective) layer. The sources of the nucleation of these channels are believed to be nanoprotrusions on the clamping control silver electrode embedded in the surface layer. In this study it is shown that volumetric inhomogeneities of the surface layer, i.e., nanoinclusions with higher conductivity, can serve as additional sources of the channels. The simulation confirms that the behavior of the channels forming near such inhomogeneities is similar to that of the channels growing from the metallic nanoprotrusions.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(5):374-382
pages 374-382 views


The Influence of Small F2, H2, and HF Additives on the Concentration of Active Particles in Tetrafluoromethane Plasma

Efremov A.M., Smirnov S.A., Betelin V.B.


A comparative study of the effect of small (up to 20%) substituting additives F2, H2, and HF on the kinetics and stationary concentrations of neutral particles in 50% CF4 + 50% Ar plasma under the typical conditions of reactive ion etching (RIE) of silicon and its compounds is carried out. It is shown that the vari-ation of the CF4/F2 and CF4/H2 ratios leads to opposite, interrelated, and nonadditive changes in the con-centrations of fluorine atoms and fluorocarbon radicals. This provides wide ranges of regulation of the etch-ing rate and polymerization capacity with the minimal disturbance of the parameters of the electronic and ionic components of the plasma. In contrast, the CF4/HF relation has the minimal effect on the rate of sur-face polymerization, but noticeably changes the concentration of fluorine atoms. Thus, there is a selective effect on the rate of the heterogeneous chemical reaction.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(5):383-389
pages 383-389 views


Patterns of the Formation of Mobile Localized Magnetic Configurations and Technology for Manufacturing Structures for the Implementation of Magnetic Memory Elements

Prokaznikov A.V., Paporkov V.A., Chirikov V.A., Evseeva N.A.


Based on computer simulation and the analysis of technological, experimental, and theoretical results, the technological requirements for the formation of electronic devices based on magnetic vortices and skyrmions are formulated. The main types of interactions determined by technological factors are deter-mined. The design features of electronic devices based on magnetic vortices and skyrmions are studied. Various technological approaches to the fabrication of structures with different magnetic anisotropy properties are studied.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(5):390-403
pages 390-403 views


Neuromorphic Systems: Devices, Architecture, and Algorithms

Fetisenkova K.A., Rogozhin A.E.


The application of the structure and principles of the human brain opens up great opportunities for creating artificial systems based on silicon technology. The energy efficiency and performance of a biosimilar architecture can be significantly higher compared to the traditional von Neumann architecture. This paper presents an overview of the most promising artificial neural network (ANN) and spiking neural network (SNN) architectures for biosimilar systems, called neuromorphic systems. Devices for biosimilar systems, such as memristors and ferroelectric transistors, are considered for use as artificial synapses that determine the possibility of creating various architectures of neuromorphic systems; methods and rules for training structures to work correctly when mimicking biological learning rules, such as long-term synaptic plasticity. Problems hindering the implementation of biosimilar systems and examples of architectures that have been practically implemented are discussed.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(5):404-422
pages 404-422 views

Influence of Hot Carrier Degradation on the Characteristics of a High-Voltage SOI Transistor with a Large Drift Region

Novoselov A.S., Masalskii N.V.


The results of studying the effect of hot carrier degradation on the electrical characteristics of high-power laterally diffused metal oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) transistors made according to the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology, with a long drift region with topological norms of 0.5 microns, are discussed. The analysis of the degradation of hot carriers in high electric fields is based on the experimental results and the additional use of an analytical model. The physical origin of this mechanism is related to the formation of traps at the Si/SiO2 interface. With the help of numerical analysis and experiments, the electrical character-istics of SOI nLDMOS transistors are considered in a wide range of control voltages in order to study their effect on the safe operation zone and reliability of the device under conditions of the degradation of hot carriers. The results of these studies allow us to conclude that a 20% expansion of the safe operation zone is possible.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(5):423-430
pages 423-430 views


Effect of the Material of Electrodes on Electroformation and Properties of Memristors Based on Open Metal–SiO2–Metal Sandwich Structures

Mordvintsev V.M., Kudryavtsev S.E., Naumov V.V., Gorlachev E.S.


Memristors (elements of nonvolatile electrically reprogrammable memory) based on electro-formed open sandwich-metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) structures are fabricated using thin-film technology. Studies of the electroforming process and the features of the current-voltage characteristics (CVCs) after it was carried out for structures with various electrode materials showed that in the case of a tungsten anode, it was possible to minimize the probability of electrical breakdown during electroforming and subsequent oper-ation of the memory elements. This is valid for any position of the anode in the MDM structure: both upper and lower. However, it is experimentally shown that tungsten is not the optimal material. The production of the anode from molybdenum retains all the advantages of the design with tungsten, and in addition, it leads to a noticeable decrease in the electroforming voltage, which can increase the reliability of this process. The results obtained can be used to optimize the design of the memory element.

Mikroèlektronika. 2023;52(5):431-440
pages 431-440 views

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